1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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AoD (Angel of Dream) - Kim, Jimi, Jay, Sara and Juli

Dec 12, 2007

    1. Here's a place to discuss the new Angel of Dream 60cm dolls.

      Link to the [thread=182114]News[/thread] thread.
    2. Are there any pictures posted on the AoD web site yet?
    3. Wow- these dolls look incredible. Great new faces! Although of course I love my "old" faces- Chen and Zi Yuan. That tan color looks really nice. I wish there were more pictures, though (please) a little farther and way and different angles. They look really nice though. Very nice!
    4. I love the new faces more... They look more detailed:)
    5. I ma tempted by "Jimi" elf boy...
    6. Oh man, just when I have no money : P I really like Sara.
    7. I like Jimi and Juli the most, I'm getting a Zi Yuan in january, so it's goint to be a little before I can get one of them ^^;
      But I long for some owner pics! :D
    8. the sculpts are amazing, but I'm just not sure about the face-up and tattoo though....
    9. Yeah the tattoo kind of threw me off but I'm glad I kept looking. They're really nice sculpts. I'll definitely have to consider it....
    10. It's so nice to see Angel of Dream steadily improving. Personally, I prefer the normal skin versions. Juli is really quite pretty.
    11. I asked the seller on ebay whether they were going to sell those new sculpts in normal and white skin in the near future, and he said they definately would!

      Plus, he told me if I wanted to get one of them in WS or NS, he could get me some :D
      Soo, again, I'm getting a ZiYuan in january, but for you others, I think you can purchase them without tattoos or in different skin tones if you ask...;)
    12. Wow, now that I've seen Juli in normal skin, I really really like her too. The AOD faceups look much better this time around also.
    13. Yepp, I thought so, too. The faceups just look waaaay better now.
      I'm so glad AOD improves so much :aheartbea
    14. Ooo, Kim and Jimi are sooo beautiful! (though does anyone else find some of the images a bit dark?) I think they just went on my wishlist XD;;; But MNF El is definitely the next doll I'm getting...so these guys will have to wait for quite a while.

      Why do pretty things have to be so expensive? ;.;

      And yes - want to second that I love how AOD is improving! I really love my Wang Zi a lot, so I would definitely purchase another doll from AOD in the future :)
    15. AOD has taken a major leap forward with these new dolls. The sculpts are better & there's no comparison with the face-ups. They aren't pink anymore, thank goodness. I love tan dolls so those really interest me & I like the dark eye make-up. These are the first AOD dolls I've ever considered actually buying.
    16. wow, Now I know what I want to get for my birthday next month. Well I need to start saving up:)
    17. Yeah, I agree, the faceups are so much better, and they show how pretty AOD dolls really are...
      If I'm satisfied with my Ziyuan that I'll get second hand in a month, I'll definately get some more AOD dolls! I'd also like a girl version of Jimi, his ears are the cutest! :D
    18. Augh, I don't need more SD dolls, but the new AoD head sculpts look nice! Is it only new heads or are they redesigning the bodies as well?

      ... but I fo have to say... the pics of Jay creep me out. Those long girly eyelashes and feminine face with the beard... eeek. X_x
    19. I love Jimi!

      I'm definately getting him next Christmas!
    20. lol, yeah, I was thinking the same when I saw those pics :sweat

      edit: meka124, I can't wait for pics of Sara! ^^