1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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BJD makers threatened by China-based counterfeiter / trademarks

Apr 26, 2018

    1. Additional talk.

      1. Cocoriang's first doll ever, Pepe the rabbit was recasted right after they made it. It's a rare thing to happen and it was their first doll. Cocoriang's sculptor and other staff members were going through depression from it.
      All of their hard work just got stolen in a second.

      2. Iplehouse's company size is smaller than what is used to be. Like they had to reduce cost and staffs and now they are 1/2 of what they were used to be. They aren't doing much of what they used to do.
      This isn't just about Iplehouse, it's story of most of the BJD companies.

      3. Size of that recast factories are bigger than the size of Seoul city; 605.2 km².

      3. Dollshe also suffers from all the recasts, financial wise yes. I will not tell the personal details but jsyk

      4. From Cocoriang's research done, most people's favorite company who sells Minifees, Fairyland been robbed US$ 360,000.00 past year. This is not accurate and will be the bottom line calculation from them catching on sales of recasts on Ali/eBay/Amazon, etc
      That's just for the Fairyland from 2017. From what we could catch.

      5. Lilycat's recast was on Amazon. Someone bought it and sent email to Lilycat.
      Lilycat asked that person to do the refund because it's recast but the person decided not to refund but keep the recast. In direct email to Lilycat.
      #721 Gockt, Jun 16, 2018
      Last edited: Jun 17, 2018
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    2. UPDATE

      Just talked to Cocoriang on a lawsuit against recast and they said

      Sadol / Dollshe / Soom
      They are the big three companies in charge / as spokesperson
      and Korean government is funding them with US$ 100,000.00

      Also they will need to collect some online signatures / petitions from communities to pursue further.
      (And yes it's going to be worldwide petition, so everyone from everywhere can sign up)

      Stay tuned my friends : )
      #722 Gockt, Jun 17, 2018
      Last edited: Jun 17, 2018
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    3. It may not help much, but I posted this on the German doll forums I am a member in. This really is bad news, but thank you so much for informing us. Information is half the fight.
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    4. @Gockt Thank you so much for informing the community here. I'm glad to know everyone has been contacted. I'm happy that the ones affected in South Korea are working together. My hope is that all the legit BJD makers, and other legit doll makers can form an International Trade Association to combat recasting together. BJDs are not alone when it comes to recasted/stolen dolls. This is a problem for all high-end and popular dolls. Many other industries do this, and they have had some significant success such as fashion design houses, candle makers and such, there are people being caught and prosecuted for their criminal activity everyday.

      I hope when the petitions are available, DoA will do a huge announcement like they have for the top banner. I know the community will spread it like wild fire.

      Sadly, not all people that buy recasts know that they are being scammed. Education is the best way to help, but moving forward, it would be great to know how to advise anyone that has already been scammed this way to know what to do. It's very, very unfortunate that even when someone becomes aware they have been scammed, they don't contest that fact with the scam vendor. I hope this isn't the norm, but I do know of some collectors that have been scammed and didn't know how to handle that beyond vigilance moving forward.

      When reporting recasts..... I have heard that eBay, for example, will only remove listings if the owner of the intellectual property is contesting the listing's legitimacy. Is this also true of other sites such as Amazon, Ali Express, etc...... is there a contact list for different doll companies to notify them of a scam listings?
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    5. #725 ATYL, Jun 17, 2018
      Last edited: Jun 17, 2018
    6. I’m very glad we have the bjd community to support our favorite companies. I’ve been reflecting on this situation and all I can feel is grateful that there are resources for not only learning about recasts but helping people identify them. I am certain that if recasting contininues to be profitable eventually most people will find it very hard to tell the difference as even packaging and COAs can be duplicated with enough money. I think both reputation and expertise from our senior members will be invaluable as time goes on.

      And I feel terrible for all the artists and companies going through this.
      #726 brightberry, Jun 17, 2018
      Last edited: Jun 17, 2018
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    7. @Gockt Thank you so much for this information. I saw your updates floating around instagram. The amount of money fairyland has lost to recasts is staggering. I'm really shocked, to be honest. I knew the amount of money fairyland has lost out on would be a lot, as minifees are definitely the most recasted dolls, but to know that it is upwards of US$ 360,000 really makes me sad.

      Good luck to the companies pursuing the lawsuit. I feel hopeful and look forward to the online petition.
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    8. @Gockt good to hear there is some development on the bjd makers side. And thanks for sharing the info, those numbers of what fair and are so high! I mean I know they were recasted allot.. But it's happening that much, that there are so much people buying recast, I just couldn't imagine.
    9. [UPDATE]

      1st meeting/conference happening on 21st June, 2018.

      2nd meeting/conference date unknown. For the 2nd one there will be more companies rally against.

      If companies wishes to share evidence or references and etc to public. I'll deliver it to here. Because some people are already calling this as bullshit lol
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    10. It's good to get the updates! I'm schocked to hear how big the factory is and how large scale this has gotten :(
      I suppose China does have big factories. I'm happy to hear we will at least be able to show out support in a helpful way!
      I know the first time I heard of Cocoriang was hearing their first doll had been recasted, it was a sad way to find out about a new studio and scary because I was working on my first doll who was also an anthro.
    11. Same. My mind is boggling about how big @Gockt said the recaster’s factory is. 605.2 KM??? I just can’t imagine it and am surprised there’s that much money in doll making to necessitate a facility so large.
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    12. I suspect that's the factory complex's size rather than any one specific recast producer's facilities.... Meaning it houses a lot of manufacturing, and not just our little niche hobby's fake dolls.
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    13. @riversoblood

      I'll clear this up. So the factories that are larger than Seoul city, is DEDICATED TO MAKE FAKE STUFFS.
      and the recast BJD factories are within that area. P much, that factory area is where they make fake brand shoes/watches/bag/clothes etcs :/
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    14. Did Iplehouse and other companies already report those recast sellers to ebay for selling fakes? Maybe that way they can get at least some of those doll listings taken down. I know. It's like fighting a hydra - close down one seller, there's gonna be two new ones the very next day (or hour) ...
    15. I guess only citizens of the United States can do anything? Or the affected manufacturers themselves? Does this work like a wedding ceremony - as soon as rings are changed, it is game over?
    16. Ohhh, I get it! Thanks for clearing that up. Man, so it’s like a giant den of thieves.
    17. Recasting is horrible.

      The fact that this guy is able to do all of this on top of all of the blatant recasters I see on eBay infuriates me.
    18. @Gockt Are there any updates on how the first "meeting" went on the 21st? I just want some good news, but any progress in a good direction would really do well to lift my spirits....
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    19. today I was looking with google for a guitar in 1/3 size and there suddenly was a picture of iplehouse leonard, but the price is very low so it can't be real, but they use the name iplehouse, a picture with a plate on the back of his head etc etc etc.......I can understand why people think they would buy a real one......they have a lot more dolls but with the most they claim it is recast, but didn't see that with the iplehouse one................I only buy dolls from the company or official dealers and if second hand I trust the people here on doa that they are selling the real one.............I was shocked....they are hurting so many company's and all without shame...........unbelievable
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