1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Bobobie and Resinsoul Discussion - Part 11!!

Dec 2, 2016

    1. Seeing this video is why I ordered Dawn. :3nodding:
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    2. Oh wow...that color is gorgeous. I cant wait to see dawn in that. What are your plans for her?
    3. I'm not quite sure yet. I want her to be colorful and fun. I ordered her with her faceup because it look so lovely but I still might add more shimmer and blush to her. I might buy or make a bright multicolor wig for her. I'm thinking blues, purples, and pinks. Maybe I'll make her hooves different colors with shimmers. I'll see where inspiration takes me when she arrives. :)
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    4. Omg...i cant wait to see that. Blues pinks and purples sounds incredible. And shimmery hooves omg. You definitely need to post tons of pics wen u get her.
    5. I will!:kitty1
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    6. He's very handsome and the green is fabulous.
    7. Iron_Dog thank you:whee:

      Just a question for fellow Heng/yi owners what kind of pants does the body fit? I had two 70cm pants but both of them are to small,his bum/legs are to big:lol:
    8. Waiting for my Resinsoul Dawn has me looking at their other dolls. Now I’m considering Yun’s head on Mi’s 60cm double jointed body. I also love Mei and was thinking about her head on Shi’s 45cm double jointed body. I like a bit more curvy meat on the body though so I started looking at Doll Leaves body and wondering about Mei on that instead.

      So many ideas and I can’t decide on a single one! :’D
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    9. the 60cm is really pretty! my only warning is that it's 60 without a head, and I can't remember if the website is clear about that. Her hands are so delicate-looking. I absolutely love them
    10. Thanks for the warning. She would be one tall gal. I do so love the hands as well! :D
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    11. Oh yeah! It's a really pretty body all around, but really tall! I didn't realize until I had her standing with a 54cm girl, which I should have photographed.

      UPDATE: I think I might be wrong. This video (9:21) has her between a feeple65 and a 57cm aimerai girl)
    12. Well, she’s still quite tall and I’m digging the height. <3 Now I just have to settle on a skin color. I have to decide on what I want to do with her. I keep flopping back and forth on ideas.
    13. It’s hard because you really can’t go wrong. I have the body in white, but I’m looking at another in green and another in dark tan...
    14. Has anyone tried Yue's head on the Bigger girl body? That's what I'm thinking of picking up for my first big official BJD purchase and from the specs on the site it seems to be that it would fit but I'd feel better from firsthand experience...

      I want to buy from Denver Doll but is it possible to ask them for a specific head on a specific body? Or would I have to buy Yun and learn to love her normal body until I could get another one? I've never ordered before so it's a mystery to me. I'm also worried about customs fees, I live in the USA and I want to buy direct from Resinsoul, but I've heard it's better to go for Denver Doll because there's no worry about customs or import fees. I don't know if that's true though...

      Overall Resinsoul seems lovely and I'm hoping to bring one home by Christmas. The Yun face is a very cute elf head; I like the big ears on their other elf girl, but I don't trust myself not to break them. Maybe for my second doll.
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    15. I've always purchased direct from RS. They have absolutely awesome customer service and doing a simple head swap is easy-peasy compared to some of the things they've done for customers. When shipping/mail services aren't so hideous, I'll be ordering a Mu body in a custom colour and a thicker neck mod for Qayin (BiDoll CS head). Sun has been lovely in responding promptly to my emails about having this done and the price for all that is so good it's almost criminal.

      I live in Canada and Customs fees in Ontario (it varies by province) are 13% of the total declared value of the package. That can be painful at times (my highest fee to date was $113 for my Unidoll Ark). I don't think I've ever had to pay Customs fees on any of my RS guys though.

      I'm not 100% sure but I believe that dolls are exempt from US Customs fees as they are "toys" and not eligible to be charged regardless of the value. But I could certainly be wrong. Perhaps check the USPS website or US Customs to see what is/isn't exempt from fees and if fees can be levied, how much those fees are based on the value of the package.
    16. @Serene Sara - Also, belated thanks for sharing that opening video!

      @ziiii - I can't speak about that specific combo, but I will second @Iron_Dog , they are *very* easy to order from directly. I asked for a couple extra things through the process (added on jointed hands a week after the initial order, and I was slow getting them faceup details). I am in the US, and the dude in my profile pic was a custom order from them. I personally haven't had customs issues so far, but I don't know if that's common. Shipping cost was $38, which isn't cheap, but for overseas seemed pretty reasonable to me.
    17. $38 is extremely reasonable for shipping overseas for larger dolls in my opinion. The doll on his way to me now was $60 in shipping from Russia (and he's STILL in transit after leaving Russia 48 days ago but at least he's made it to North America... just not Canada yet *sigh*).
    18. Yeah, I had definitely been expecting a higher cost than that!

      Ouch, long shipping times suck. :/
    19. you've probably already gotten this answered already (I'm always late to the party) but to answer your questions:
      - We don't get dinged with customs or import fees here in the US, so that's not an issue
      - While I realize that many people like DDE, they really burned me on a custom order and I will never buy through them again, at least not for ResinSoul or Impl Doll, who both have amazing customer service when you're dealing with the company directly.

      Basically, I ordered a centaur from Impl through them, with the special request that the human parts be a different color than the centaur parts. I was told it wouldn't be a problem. 6 months later I finally received my doll, not 2 toned, as requested, and in the wrong color. (note, ordering directly from Impl was a 1 month wait for just a head, with faceup, and a 3 month wait for a body, with full body blushing.) I immediately contacted DDE to let them know that the doll I received from them was not how I had ordered it, they told me that it wasn't their problem (!?!!?!) and that I would have to contact Impl directly to sort it out. Impl was very willing, but unable, to help me because technically I hadn't ordered from them and they needed the order number (which I obviously didn't have) to sort out the mix up on their end. When I contacted DDE again and conveyed what Impl had told me, they (finally) grudgingly agreed to sort things out, which they did, multiple times, by charging me for replacement parts that were not in fact what I needed, and, again, not in the right resin color. (note, I later found out that when people have had issues with dolls ordered directly from Impl the company sends replacement parts at little to no charge, and also that DDE had incorrectly submitted my order to Impl, which is why DDE charged me for all 3 batches of replacement parts, because it wasn't the company's mistake) In the end, I hybrided the Impl body with ResinSoul human parts and am finally really happy with my girl (LINK)
      TLDR - Do Not Place Custom Orders Through Denver Doll Unless You're Willing To Be Lied To And Over Charged And Still Not Get The Doll You Wanted
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