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Do you do anything with BJD for Doll's Day?

Mar 3, 2010

    1. It's March 3rd here in Japan and I am wondering how many of your do something with your BJD for Hina Matsuri (Doll's Day or Doll's Festival)? And what you do?

      I'm here at work and for the last two years I've brought some (or all) of my crew to work dressed in kimono with fans and samurai swords for the event to hang out in the staffroom. Becuase of the monetary value involved they don't really go to the classrooms with me. Here in Okinawa the celebration is not native (more a mainland Japan thing), but I think most of my co-workers are appreciative of the gesture.
    2. Oh wow, I didnt even know about it!
      I'm sure I can scrounge something up for mine. :>
    3. Well, a group of LA doll folk are going to celebrate a little late...


      Since 3/3 falls on a weekday, and we're very weekend-oriented here in the States, we couldn't hold this right on the day.

      Actually the day after the doll meet, there will be another Hina Matsuri event, this time in Little Tokyo. I'm going to haul all three of my dolls there, even though one of them won't have a faceup yet...^^;;
    4. I'm gonna try to dress my girls in pink or very frilly things. I have work but I could do this before I go. I know on May 5th I have tiny carp flags I "give" the dolls to play with.:) Yay for japanese culture lessons in high school and japanese language lessons.
    5. n n nice thread! Well I wanted to do something with my whole crew but I couldn't finish sewing all their kimono in time. Since it's also kinda "girl's day" I'm treating my lishe the most special. She's getting a photoshoot later and I dressed her in a kimono as well. If I could I'd love to take her and a friend with me to a sushi bar today but it's a bit short notice since I just remembered it yesturday lol
    6. I never heard of Dolls Day/Dolls Festival, how neat!!
      Can anyone post pics of their dolls at work?

      Do a lot of people in Japan bring their dolls to work
      on this day or in general??
    7. My girl will be coming into the radio studio with me when I go for my show later today, and I might do a bit of sewing for her.
    8. I have set up my re-ment Hina Matsuri set.
      Will try to post pic later.
    9. I didn't do anything myself but I suddenly have a hankering for some doll sized kimono! ;)
    10. No, it's just something I do. the programe I'm with is part english teaching part cultural exchange so I think its okay.

      Usually people with small daughters celebrate by putting out the set of emperor and empress dolls with their court in their homes. There are also special snacks to eat, etc... It's really not a big deal, we don't even get off from work.
    11. My three biggest dolls have their birthdays on March 5,6,7 the one on the 6th is a year older than the twins, so a bit of something is always happening.

      The off topic dolls finally got a set of Re Ment Hina dolls so this is the first year they have real plans.
    12. I'm not doing anything specific because the kimono I'm having made for my SDCs aren't ready yet. Maybe next year I will do something, or if my SDC Kurt's kimono and hakama are ready by May 5th he can celebrate Kodomo no Hi :)

      If you and your dolls have celebrated Hina Matsuri today, why not start a gallery thread for your doll photos? :)
    13. I brought Etsuko (my 1999 Volks Sara) to work with me today . . . she's a big hit in the art department office! :) I thought of this too late to change her into kimono, but her peachblossom print dress and headband are at least on-theme.
    14. you know, i was kind of thinking of bringing one of my girls to work in a kimono but ... the President of the company is traveling to our office today and I didn't want to try and explain :sweat plus it would look unproffessional in our very corporate office. I did see a WONDERFUL kimono post in the gallery today though for this special day :D

      edit: link: http://www.denofangels.com/forums/showthread.php?t=358638 lol, so i guess i'm celebrating by looking at other people's dollies in kimono ;p
    15. Aww. I'm thinking of taking my doll ( my other is out getting his face-up re-done ) to the park later today once all the little kids are home from school. I don't want them all trying to grab him while I'm taking photos. :c I kinda wish I had some Kimono and oriental clothes for them. -sad face-
    16. aw thats cute. where did you get that?
    17. cyberspacegirl, that is soooo cute! I didn't even know about this Festival until you told me about it, perhaps I'll do something for next year!:whitetruffle
    18. Thanks! It's a re-ment set.

      Sharon, read about the festival, its so something for you.
    19. Wow! My Volks girl just got here yesterday evening, which was already March 3 in Japan. I guess the thing I'll be doing to day is seeing my newest doll in sunlight for the first time. :) I'm afraid I'm too busy preparing for midterms to do much else with her, maybe I can free up room to sew a little.