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Doll Magnets and Your Computer

Jul 12, 2009

    1. Okay, so I see a lot of posts with dolls near computers (both laptop and regular computers). Ever since ever it's been an unspoken rule that you just don't, under any circumstances, put a magnet to a computer. Ever.

      So... What about the magnets in dolls? Either in headcaps or holding on hands or wings and such? Do you feel worried having dolls with magnets near your computer or setting say a pair of MNF magnetic hands (or somebody's headcap with magnets) on your computer?

      Or does it just not bother you?

      I've been wondering this for a while, especially since when I restring my mnf I tend to lay her pieces (magnetic hands and all) out on my laptop, and it always makes me think that that can't be a good or smart thing to do...
    2. Erm, simple thing to say is that I wouldn't. I was playing with a puki and dropped him, he stuck to my laptop's speaker. Two seconds was all it was, but it was making foul sounds for a few days...
    3. The hard disk is a magnetic device. If you put a strong enough magnet near enough, you could have data loss. Fortunately magnetic fields drop fairly fast with distance. So unless you have a fairly big or strong magnet right on the disk itself, you're unlikely to cause any problems.

      Another one for older computers with CRT displays, is that the display can be affected by magnetic fields. They would go a funny colour where the field is strong enough, but would normally go back to normal when the magnet is removed. Sometimes a degauss cycle might be needed to clean it up. Depending on the monitor it will do it each time you power up or manually selected through a menu.
    4. I don't really worry because the magnets in my doll are so small. if there were a big magnet next to the computer I'd be concerned
    5. well my actual computer is on the floor next to my desk, while my monitor and speakers ofcourse on my desk. My big doll with just the head magnets is sitting about a foot away and doesnt really ever got even 5 inches away from it really, though my Tiny is sitting 5 inches from my speakers and nearish to my monitor but she has the tiniest magnets just in her head.

      I don't think I ever have them close enough for anything to worry about lol.
    6. I have the comfortable advantage of knowing the exact location of my hard drive in my computer (and all the other components, too, honestly ^^ ) so I just don't put any dolls with magnets near it. It's easy enough for me to do that, though, since the tower is at floor level, and I generally don't let any dolls be below the height of the lowest table in the room, to help discourage accidents (both human and feline).
    7. Not really. I've dropped super mags on my laptop and nothing has happened. it doesnt bother me.
      Plus, their heads don't lay on the computer, that's really only where their mags are at.
    8. Doll magnets are pretty small so they won't cause immense damage.

      Just keep the area with the magnets at least an inch or two from the computer and they should be fine.

      Really, the only way I think it could be really bad is if the head cap was lying on part of it.
    9. Haha well I was always confused about two of my electronic devices. 1. my ipod case made and insured by some fancy well known company (the name escapes me) has magnets to hold it closed. 2. My macbook also has magnets to hold it closed. It was always kind of a "wait... that's not right" thing to me.

      So one day I was playing with my puki, and I wanted her to sit on the top of my laptop screen so I could see her while surfing the web, and her little magnetic feet conveniently magnetized to the magnet in my laptop. My boyfriend proceeded to freak out and tell me that was bad with my laptop. But... it's kind of hard for me to think a puki magnet could destroy my computer when my computer already has magnets to keep it closed o_O Also once someone came over my house and passed a HUGE magnet right on top of my PC. Nothing really happened... (and they waved that thing EVERYWHERE) so... I guess I'm not too concerned. It's just that doll magnets are so small that it seems like they wouldn't do much harm :)

      Very interesting topic btw!
    10. I keep my dolls far away from my computers just because if it's possiblle to erase the hardrive with a doll magnet it WILL happen to me. I've almost blown it a couple times with headcaps and my laptop but I do trt hard.

      Especially those killer Soom magnets!
    11. To be honest I never thought of it before. I've rested headcaps on my laptop when changing eyes and I haven't lost any data yet, in fact there's nothing wrong with my laptop except for the fan, but I doubt a magnet near it for less than five minutes would have caused it to stop working.
    12. There is a part of the Macbook Pro laptop's keyboard that turns the computer off when magnets are exactly on it.

      Just ask my Puki.

      I didn't realize that was the reason until I was at the Mac store and overheard one of the geniuses telling someone that.
    13. It hasn't really hurt my computer yet, but I didn't let the magnets really get close enough to try.

      .....But I did accidentally fry my debit card that was sitting 6 inches away. They were some unusually strong magnets, I guess.
    14. As many above me, I keep my PC tower on the floor level, and my dolls are sitting on the table near keyboard. I have wireless, but they don't interfere with that too.

      As far as I know a magnet really should be big enough to do any serious damage.
    15. Magnets are great for wiping computer hard disks - if you want a "kill switch" on your computer to completely destroy the information stored in its memory (such as if you're trying to hide illegal activities), then an electromagnet setup is the way to go. But the magnets on most dolls aren't strong enough to do anything, and even the ones that are would have to be very close to the actual location of the hard drive within a laptop or computer tower before their field would have any chance of affecting the memory.
    16. Those small magnets won't do anything to you hard drive and stuff. Even if you would stuck it directly on the hard drive. I guess those wouldn't even damage floppy disks (We tried it once at work with a larger magnet and nothing happened to the floppy).
      The hardware is not that sensitive anymore. You would need a much bigger magnet to do any harm to your hardware.
      What you really have to be careful with are cards with magnetic strips. You would definitely erase the data on them even with these small magnets.
    17. I've had fridge magnets stuck to my computer case for quite a while and my computer was fine. Maybe it was luck. Maybe it takes a magnet stronger than a fridge magnet to cause damage to a computer.
      I would be careful with cards that have magnetic strips, as Solaria mentions.
    18. I wouldn't worry about tiny magnets in the headcap and such but I would avoid doing something like putting 60cm obitsu magnet feet next to the comp
    19. Oh my, I never even thought of that! D; But now that I think on it, I have seen alot of pictures where the doll is very near a computer or laptop. Maybe the magnets aren't big enough to mess up the monitor as long as the doll isn't actually touching it?:)
    20. I can say that about the big computers in my house, but not my laptop. My grandfather, who bought it for me, refuses to let me take it apart. Especially after a slight whoopsies that cost him a hundred some dollars to fix ^^'