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Dolls going off the wishlist

Aug 18, 2009

    1. When a doll goes on my wishlist, sometimes they stay on there for a while, but more often than not, it gets taken off for various reasons. Sometimes I find that it's something I find pretty but don't particularly want, sometimes it's the body or something I don't like about the face or if a doll stops being sold. Occasionally, the size of a doll is a factor.

      Anyway, for discussion:

      -How often do dolls go on and off your wishlist?
      -What makes a doll go off your wishlist?
      -Have you ever saved up for a doll and then decided (before you bought it) that you didn't like it as much anymore? What was the reason for this?
    2. It happens fairly frequently. Sometimes I'll have a sculpt in mind for a character, but then I'll end up looking through the marketplace or on a doll company website I hadn't been on for a while and end up finding a sculpt that works better. Sometimes no matter how much I like a sculpt, I just have too many other dolly projects going on so I never get around to them. I've never changed my mind after a doll has arrived home.
    3. oh, it happens every other week with me. i'm just now firmly deciding on what doll i want. usually they go off my wishlists because i lose interest or i find another one that appeals more, and i try not to plan ahead too much and want too many. i'm indecisive sometimes or i can be picky but i think being picky when choosing dolls can be important :)
    4. it happens all the time with me. example? ive had B&G Sharon on my list since forever. recently i saw AR Cien and knew that he "was" Raphael. so as much as i still want Sharon, he got replaced. my wish list is in a constant stage of turmoil XD
    5. -How often do dolls go on and off your wishlist? All the time, it seems like my wishlist is a constantly fluctuating thing.
      -What makes a doll go off your wishlist? Cost mostly, or seeing the doll in person/owner photos because we all know that 9 times out of 10 the promo photos don't look like the finished product.
      -Have you ever saved up for a doll and then decided (before you bought it) that you didn't like it as much anymore? What was the reason for this? Yes, oddly enough, usually for the above reasons, but sometimes I've found another doll that fits in better here.
    6. -How often do dolls go on and off your wishlist?
      There are dolls on there that have been the same for over 2 years but others come & go. It changes at irregular intervals.

      -What makes a doll go off your wishlist?
      If I see owner pictures and I notice something that I haven't before - such as, say, I don't like the body, the hands or some feature of the face. Owner pics tend to be more 'honest' than company pics so you get a better view of what the doll actually looks like. Other times I remove dolls off the list as I find one I like better or I decide to *try* and minimise the wishlist (usually not very successfully!).

      -Have you ever saved up for a doll and then decided (before you bought it) that you didn't like it as much anymore? What was the reason for this?
      I don't really save up for dolls. Usually I buy if I have money come in from a job and there is a doll available in the marketplace or on Yahoo Japan that I want. I usually buy second-hand dolls. I made the mistake of buying too soon when I first got into the hobby but now I tend to do a lot of searching for owner pics and info on ever doll I buy, so by the time I get a doll I'm usually fairly certain it's one I want. Of course they sometimes look different in person.
    7. -How often do dolls go on and off your wishlist?

      I seldom add dolls because there just aren't that many that I love enough
      to buy. I seldom take them off as well, because once I make up my mind, I rarely change it.

      -What makes a doll go off your wishlist?

      More than anything else, it's owner photos, or seeing a doll in person and being disappointed with the way they look. Once in a while, I discover the proportions of a new doll look strange with the dolls I already have and I decide against it.

      -Have you ever saved up for a doll and then decided (before you bought it) that you didn't like it as much anymore? What was the reason for this?

      I have about 10 dolls on my wishlist and I try to prioritize them in order of how much I want them. Sometimes dolls move up the list if they suddenly go on sale, or if I find a really good deal in the Marketplace. I try to be very sure before I buy because I hate reselling them as soon as I get them. The only thing that would probably stop me from buying a doll I've saved for would be suddenly finding a doll I like better.

    8. I am constantly adding dolls to my wishlist. The only doll that has been removed from my wishlist is Narae - when I first learned about BJD's she was the one girl one I really liked. After I looked around a while I realized that while I still think she's cute, she's really not to my taste. There are dolls who have gotten pushed so far down on the wishlist I'll probably never get them, but they're technically still on there.

      Since the beginning I've been buying dolls on my wishlist whenever they come up on the marketplace for a good deal at the same time I have the money to buy them, but I seem to be getting to the point now where I've got all but 2 or 3 of the important ones on my wishlist, and those ones are either rarely found on the marketplace, more than I can pay, or only pop up when I can't afford to buy them. I'll be saving up and buying those directly, I guess.
    9. -How often do dolls go on and off your wishlist?
      Often but then not. (Paradox? :P) I actually have two wishlists: one is "definite" and the other is "maybe". The "maybe" list is updated rather frequently depending on my mood and/or whim, and lately I've changed it at least three times this month. My "definite" list has changed sometime during June if I estimate correctly, but the previous update was done over a year before that.

      -What makes a doll go off your wishlist?
      Again, it depends on my whim at the moment. While I like a multitude of dolls, I don't want to have that many, so I have to figure out if my attitude about the doll will stay the same as when I was enamored by it. If it's not, and it'll be neglected and/or left out, I take it off.

      -Have you ever saved up for a doll and then decided (before you bought it) that you didn't like it as much anymore? What was the reason for this?
      I saved up for a Volks Kohya and then I spurned him away. Sometimes I waver about my decision to save up for him again, but I changed my mind about him initially to get a Volks Tony--and now that I have Tony, I don't want Kohya so much anymore. I found a doll I appreciate much better. There was another time when I dropped everything to get my GD Igon. The mold was going to be discontinued so I had to take my chance :)
    10. -How often do dolls go on and off your wishlist?
      Fairly often... I update the list once a month or so... only a couple have been on my list since the beginning... those would be an Unoss and a Narsha

      -What makes a doll go off your wishlist?
      I find one I like more, or ones that fit my family better <3

      -Have you ever saved up for a doll and then decided (before you bought it) that you didn't like it as much anymore? What was the reason for this?
      yes... I wanted a petsha really bad and then I saved up and ended up getting a lusis last minute... I have never regretted not getting a petsha and just a few months ago I took her off of my wishlist... She just isnt a sculpt that speaks to me anymore...
    11. -How often do dolls go on and off your wishlist? - Not too often because I try to limit myself to having a certain number of dolls, so even if I see (for example) several Soom MDs that I like, chances are most of them won't make it on my wishlist unless I happen to be hunting for a new doll to use as a personification of one of my original characters.

      -What makes a doll go off your wishlist? - There was a time when I wanted a Luts SDF Annette, but as the months went by, I kind of changed my mind on who I wanted my one (and only) female doll to personify character wise, so Annette was dropped off the list and is currently replaced by Fairyland's MNF Karsh. That's how it is for me usually - I change my mind over which character I want to dollify and thus the doll sculpt has to change and whatever doll was on my wishlist gets dropped/replaced.

      -Have you ever saved up for a doll and then decided (before you bought it) that you didn't like it as much anymore? What was the reason for this? - I've had this happen twice actually. I initially wanted to get a Luts Delf Yder for my boy Siegfried, but ended up buying a Senior Delf Cian instead. And I also wanted to buy a Fairyland Littlefee Shiwoo after seeing how adorable he was in his kitty costume, but I bought Glot and Glati in the end. In both cases, it wasn't so much that I didn't like it as much anymore; but rather a new sculpt was released that I found more attractive than the one I had initially wanted to buy. I still love Yder and Littlefee Shiwoo, but now that I have Cian and Glati, I doubt I'll get either of them any time soon ~.~
    12. To be honest there were many dolls on my list I wanted and deleted soon after. I thought they would fit in the group at first but everytime I kept them on my list a few weeks they didn't appeal anymore. Maybe because I thought too much about them I think. Nearly every doll was bought after first thought and quick saving. ^^;

      I always wanted a doll with closed eyes to be my 8th doll (SD sze would have been perfect) and I only wanted 8 dolls for my doll-family.
      ( I can't say that for sure because there will always be new dolls and dolls I like, but at this time I think it's a fine solution ^^ )
      I found this doll but I didn't like the body too much. It's plain and even though I wouldn't see too much of it I just didn't like it and didn't want it.
      Since I already have made the experience with a hybrid doll not being complete (body's on the way right now) I didn't want that for this head. Also as I did a search despite my disliking, I found no body that I liked and that matched.
      So as I ordered my 7th doll (and I HATE that number!) I also ordered a doll I actually hadn't thought about ordering. But now as I got him and am working on his blushing and face-up I really begin bounding with him and I think it's for the best.

    13. -How often do dolls go on and off your wishlist?
      Quite a bit, mostly because I have the bad habit of falling in love with SDs or the bigger types, and I have TINY house and limited monies. XD So often I'd fall in love with a doll, and then when I check their states go '........65.70.80/whatever centimeters. DANGIT. '

      -What makes a doll go off your wishlist? Cost or size- theres a few GORGEOUS MSD's I would loooove, but I just cannot afford them. And size- see above reason about falling for big dolls in little house.

      -Have you ever saved up for a doll and then decided (before you bought it) that you didn't like it as much anymore? What was the reason for this?
      Nope, not done that yet to date.
    14. -How often do dolls go on and off your wishlist?
      Every once in a while. I update my wishlist every couple months, but usually my updates involve just re-ordering the dolls on there- though my wishlist is fairly constant, the order in which I want to get the dolls off my list often fluctuates.
      -What makes a doll go off your wishlist?
      Usually it's because I've seen more pictures of the doll and decided that I'm not really a huge fan of the sculpt, or that the doll is still really gorgeous to me, but I just don't feel the need to own one anymore.
      -Have you ever saved up for a doll and then decided (before you bought it) that you didn't like it as much anymore? What was the reason for this?
      Nope. Usually when I decide to save for a doll I'm pretty sure of my decision. Though did once started saving up for a certain doll, then decided that I would rather get a different doll off of my wishlist first. I still really want the doll that I had begun to save for, but I wanted to get the other first XD
    15. -How often do dolls go on and off your wishlist?
      Well I have kinda have a two wishlist thing where I have one for the I MUST buy because I feel a certain attraction to the doll, much that I know I wouldn't ever stop loving it even if my tastes change because they prefectly suit a certain character I have. Then theres my second wishlist for the dolls that are more like maybe they would suit the character but I wouldn't know unless I see more owner photos, or because they suit minor characters I could live without getting. Though I would buy them if I had the extra money lying around. So my first wishlist hardly ever changes but my secondly one frequently changes.

      -What makes a doll go off your wishlist?
      Typically it's from seeing owner's photos that really turn me away from a doll, because they show the doll more truly than company promo pictures. Though if I love the headmold no matter what incarnation it takes then I know they are to be on my first wishlist. Another reason is because I find a doll that can be embodie the character I have in mind than the previous one.

      -Have you ever saved up for a doll and then decided (before you bought it) that you didn't like it as much anymore? What was the reason for this?
      That definately happened when I first getting in to the hobby and I was totally in love with KD Ani. I saved up and then just when I had about 2/3 of the money saved up, Volks re-released Hewitt, who was my first and formost love (but was too rare to buy the original). So I went and got a Hewitt instead. After having a few more dolls I really didn't love Ani anymore because my style has changed and there are parts of the dolls I don't really like. I never regretted it because I love my Hewitt and he still will always be my first love. I don't think Ani could have ever replaced him in my heart in the long run and I would have regretted not getting my Naito ^^.
    16. -How often do dolls go on and off your wishlist?
      Oh my wishlist changes about once a week, so yeah fairly often will dolls be put on and off the list.

      -What makes a doll go off your wishlist?
      Owner photos and seeing the doll in person help me decide if I still want the doll. Sometimes I will look at a doll more often on the website and will start seeing things I don't really like in my dolls. Or I find a doll that works out better for what I had in mind.

      -Have you ever saved up for a doll and then decided (before you bought it) that you didn't like it as much anymore? What was the reason for this?
      Yes, I have "failed" to go through with buying certain dolls after I saved up for them. Something in about having the money makes me think clearer into really rethinking if I need or want something. Or maybe it was just a short term "lust" to begin with.
    17. How often do dolls go on and off your wishlist?
      Not that often. I couldn't give an exact estimate, but dolls that end up on my wishlist usually stay there for a long time. I add dolls to my wishlist more often than I remove them from it.

      What makes a doll go off your wishlist?
      If a doll "drops off" my wishlist, it's usually because I've found a new sculpt (most often one that had been just released) that will suit the character better. As an example, I have a character named Tekla, and I had planned for quite a long time (longer than a year) to get a Soom Super Gem Dia to represent her in resin form. I was quite content with this choice - it wasn't an exact fit for the character, but I thought it suited her well enough. However, I also wasn't in any huge rush to buy her, since she wasn't limited. Then Iplehouse released the EID Jessica Pierrot in July of this year, and within days I completely changed my mind - Jessica would work much better as a representation of Tekla. So Dia is no longer on my list. I still plan to get a doll to be Tekla, and if Jessica had been available in the past, I would have chosen her over Dia to begin with, but she wasn't available. Now that she is, I'm delighted to have one on layaway.

      Have you ever saved up for a doll and then decided (before you bought it) that you didn't like it as much anymore? What was the reason for this?
      I can't think of any particular time when this happened. If it has, it would have been for the same reasons as my answer to your second question. A new doll would have replaced it.
    18. I do this alll the time. I downsize my wishlist. Taking off the unnecessary dolls. And a lot of time I update it with the new molds for my characters. At times I find myself making a doll for different ages of my characters. Then I know i've gone too far! I keep it at 10 and thats my limit. =]
    19. I really don't know what makes a doll go from "omg I must have her" to "omg, she's beautiful, but not just yet/at all." Partly it's that my tastes have changed - early on, I was more drawn to blandly pretty, "safe" dolls (AngelRegion, CustomHouse, the human DIM dolls and the like) that just don't seem remotely interesting to me anymore.

      But ResinSoul Lu, I was obsessed with, and no one could call her bland... and suddenly she's not topping my list. BBB Pandora I used to desperately hunt for pics of - and I don't even like her much anymore. And the Dollstown girls - I still seek out pictures of them and adore them, but they've slipped way down from the "dream doll" position they once occupied, and I'm not even sure why, except maybe that Planetdoll girls are similar but prettier. And the DIM vampire and fairy dolls are creeping on there instead of Odelia and Marianne, who I once wanted with a terrible burning passion.
    20. I waffle all over the place myself. Limwha Mano was the very first doll I fell in love with, then I went through a period of not liking him very much, then just last night I was looking at his pictures and thinking he's gorgeous again. Owner photos sometimes influence me in that way. I've been Soomed for a while, but I find myself lately tired of all the monthly doll hype and wishing they'd just put out some new regular stuff. I find myself looking at dolls I wouldn't have given a second glance to before, even some more anime-style dolls. For instance, I wanted a Dia for a character I have for a long time, but I find myself looking at a Spirit Doll Freezia right now for that character. Part of it is that she is more alien looking than Dia and that is more appropriate for the character and I think part of it is that there are Dias (particularly Dia boys) everywhere and I'm a bit over-tired of seeing them. Price is also something of a factor, I will admit. The Freezia is almost $150.00 less and that does appeal to me.

      The one doll that has been a constant on my wish list is Iplehouse Freesia. She is perfect for a character of mine and I never tire of looking at her, nor have I found another mold that will even come close.