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Full set or basic? What do you prefer?

Jun 21, 2011

    1. I'm still new in this hobby; but, this is a question I've been asking myself from the beginning:

      Basic or Full set

      For me, I really would prefer basics. I want to draw the characters from the doll naturally as I play with the "raw" head mold. Now I'd like look for slight modding and hybrids so I could have the right proportion too. Then from the face I could get to the styles and make my own cloth. I don't think I'll go for a fullset. Starting from the basics can really free the imaginations and styles about my dolls.

      Yes, they are my dolls, so at least for most of the part, I want to see myself in them. I think Volks are really smart. For their basic molds they never have too much. No wonderful backgrounds or fancy customs and plus a little neutral face ups. In this way I could really see the further possibilities of making the doll my doll. (But I really don't like the way they realize so much fantastic molds as limited edition :|)

      So when it comes to full set, what I really want to ask is

      Have you ever found a full set edition doll that is just exactly what you want? Including the make up, the cloth and everything?

      Are you satisfy with just the default makeup and cloth and wigs in the promo picture?

      Even with full set cloths (such as the wonderful dollheart), do you put the whole set on? or there is always some of the parts you just own touch at all (like the hats or coats)? I really think we should have splits for full set clothes too!

      I really searched for something similar, not maybe my research skill isn't really good. So remove it if there has already a discussion like this one.:sweat
    2. I usually go basic, or in the case of an LE, get just the doll (or head) off the marketplace. I'm not against getting a fullset, but it's unusual for me to want everything that comes with the doll, since I have my own ideas for their character and what I want to do. I like the way some companies let you select what you want to buy with their LEs where you can go all out full set, or just pick and choose what you want.
    3. I had considered to get my first doll as a full set because they had a beautiful black long dress I really liked, but I bought her blank in the end cause I couldn't afford it.
      Its worth it only if you really like the stuff it came with, and if you don't mind paying the cost of it.
    4. Unless there is someone I am forgetting, I have only two full sets. Everyone else came baisc. One of my full sets, FL LittleFee Lishe as Alice in Wonderland, hasn't worn her original costume for a long time because I have made other clothes for her. The other, a Rosette School of Dolls Summer Term Marguerite, doesn't fit into much else, so I am glad I got her complete.

      I like to sew, so I don't mind making outfits for my dolls, so long as I can find patterns. With odd-size dolls, patterns are harder to find. Rosette has very few outfits on its website, and the doll's proportions are unusual, so I'm glad to have that full set.

      I used to think that buying a full set was more expensive than buying the doll and outfit, wig, shoes, etc. separately. When you total the costs of all the individual items, however, I have found that the full set is usually a better buy.
    5. Have you ever found a full set edition doll that is just exactly what you want? Including the make up, the cloth and everything?

      This happened a few times with some tiny dolls where their sizes were hard to fit clothes and I really like their outfits.
      I also like most limited company faceups, so getting that is more common--although I'll ask for custom if they have it.
      I usually do not get fullsets with large dolls. I've gotten some near-full-sets with my Soom and Iplehouse dolls, though... but they are always missing something--either some blushing or eyes or some detail. But a number of them I've liked completely and would have had no problem with getting full-sets if I had the money.

      Are you satisfy with just the default makeup and cloth and wigs in the promo picture?

      Yes. Although, of course, they won't stay looking that way. I will change outfits and wigs and such. But I do tend to like the way the company has presented them. I will buy dolls that come with nothing at all, too.

      With sets of clothes like those from DollHeart...do you put the whole set on? or there is always some of the parts you just own touch at all (like the hats or coats)?

      I'll put the whole set on. I have tons of DollHeart and other makers of complete outfits. I'll use parts from outfits, too, but I DO like the whole outfit.

      Maybe I'm just the kind of person to like complete sets??? With outfits, I probably wouldn't buy the outfit if I didn't like the whole outfit. I don't really need to find bits and pieces that much. I don't have characters I need to re-create. I buy things I like the looks of--and that goes for dolls and outfits. It's nice to have an outfit that goes together, I think. I will put together my own assemblies, too, though. I don't stick completely to fullsets at all. I have them, but I also have mixes of things.
    6. Have you ever found a full set edition doll that is just exactly what you want? Including the make up, the cloth and everything?
      I found a full set doll that I really liked, and even after looking at other dolls, I purchased the full set doll. I wasn't sure if I liked everything about the doll, but I did like the clothes and make-up, and I am glad I purchased the full set doll.

      Are you satisfy with just the default makeup and cloth and wigs in the promo picture?
      I like the default makeup, clothes, and the wig in the promo picture. However, I would like to make some of my own doll clothes based on the patterns of the clothing the doll came with and buy different wigs, eyes, etc. so the doll doesn't stay with its default look.

      Even with full set cloths (such as the wonderful dollheart), do you put the whole set on? or there is always some of the parts you just own touch at all (like the hats or coats)? I really think we should have splits for full set clothes too!
      Other than the clothes the doll came with, I haven't bought a full set outfit.
    7. I've always been drawn to basics. Only once have I gone "wow, I'd love that dolls fullset!" and that was more for the outfit than anything else, if I had gotten it I'd probably end up wiping the faceup and storing the wig away right off the bat xD Part of my "deciding if I like the doll enough to drop $300 on it" process is looking up blank head pictures and seeing what exactly I could do with the sculpt, what clothes and wigs I'd like them to have, ect. A fullset would just be oohed and ahhed over for a bit and then put away in order to fully make the doll mine xD even if the company fullset would be perfect for the character, I don't know if I'd really feel as "attached" to a doll I didn't have to work on myself...
    8. One look at my Avatar and you can tell what I am about to say: yes, I love some of the LE's and full-set dolls. Unfortunately, I am not as creative when it comes to characters and such and over time I hope to be.

      As far as the default face-ups and basics - I love the variety of choices that most companies have. I also agree with the Volks point that they sell their bjd's in a more simple format allowing the owner to be creative in making choices with wigs and clothes.

      As far as Dollheart and other types of full-set clothes - I agree that sometimes I wish that the sets were more inter-changeable. With that said, there is an exception in the example of a Dollheart Fer. I absolutely love the whole set and it is on the top of my dolly clothes grail list.
    9. Definitly basic, I usually have OCs, and I like to be creative when buying a doll vs. having the doll's look pre-done for me.
    10. Have you ever found a full set edition doll that is just exactly what you want? Including the make up, the cloth and everything?
      Yes, but only a couple of times. Mostly I don't need the clothing, because I have very particular taste regarding quality and style. It's much more common for me to find dolls whose company face-ups I love, though. In fact, almost every single doll in my collection right now has it's default face-up, and I've only modified two or three to fit my characters better.

      Are you satisfied with just the default makeup and cloth and wigs in the promo picture?
      Default make-up, yes. Default clothing, not usually. And occasionally I touch-up default face-ups (to change the colour of eyeshadow, or add freckles, or minimise over-done blushing).

      Do you put the whole set on? or there is always some of the parts you just own touch at all (like the hats or coats)?
      I've only bought two 'fullset' outfits. One I use exactly as-created by the company (my Soom MD Amber dress), and one I've adjusted to suit my own tastes (my Soom MD Cass dress, which had pin-on flowers I've removed and don't use).
    11. When given the chance, I go full set. But the full set is never used on the doll. Outfits and accessories are put away (except for sleeping faceplates, in the case of Fairyland) and remain untouched. I keep the full set items for resale value, if ever I decide to upsize or downsize the character for my doll. Full sets are usually limited, so it helps to keep the doll's worth up.
      Two years ago, you wouldn't hear me say such things. My dolls are precious to me. But I've come to find that sometimes a character outgrows a sculpt or size, or sometimes I get a feeling that the doll wants to move on to a new home to add flavor in someone else's life. So I keep their full sets.
      UNLESS I absolutely do not like the faceups offered. I can't wipe a perfectly good faceup, especially on a limited -- I'd rather buy basic and blank than a full set and wipe it. T^T I'm weird that way.

      Have you ever found a full set edition doll that is just exactly what you want? Including the make up, the cloth and everything?
      Yes. My tiny delf Alice, Alice in Wonderland edition, had everything I wanted... except the dress. ^^; I don't think I bought the dress, or if I did, she's never worn it. But her wig, eyes, shoes, and faceup were perfect.

      Are you satisfy with just the default makeup and cloth and wigs in the promo picture?
      Sometimes I am. Especially when it comes to faceups. I've been doing faceups for years and I'm still not that good, and sometimes I just want a nice face on my doll T^T I love Iplehouse faceups, for example, and when it comes to teeny tiny dolls like pukifees, I need to get them with faceups because I could never do that kind of detail.

      Even with full set cloths (such as the wonderful dollheart), do you put the whole set on? or there is always some of the parts you just own touch at all (like the hats or coats)? I really think we should have splits for full set clothes too!
      I like to mix and match my outfits, dollheart or not, but I do prefer buying the whole outfit. Again, it's a resale value thing.
    12. Have you ever found a full set edition doll that is just exactly what you want? Including the make up, the cloth and everything?

      Yes Angel, Nicolas and Jason my Ringdoll Carlos, Nair and Sol.

      Are you satisfy with just the default makeup and cloth and wigs in the promo picture?

      Definately I love Ringdolls cloths and they looked just like the promo picture.

      Even with full set cloths (such as the wonderful dollheart), do you put the whole set on? or there is always some of the parts you just own touch at all (like the hats or coats)?

      They are wearing their full sets now and I put the whole lot on (except for Jasons wig). The swords are also great props. The outfits suit their character too. All my others I have chosen their outfits but I love having the Ringdoll fullsets:)
    13. I usually go basic cause all the "full sets" are so .. "extravagant" and they aren't my style. I don't mind default eyes or wigs, but not clothing.
    14. The only fullset doll I bought was my first because I had no idea where to buy clothes, wigs etc from otherwise and couldn't paint for toffee. He's completely different now that I know how to customize better. I do think some fullsets can look very beautiful, but personally I prefer to make up my own characters from scratch as I'm a writer.
    15. I prefer getting a basic sculpt so I can costumize them all I want. I also like doing face-ups myself too so I can give them a specific way of looking, a personality so to say. I'm not against fullsets though, I have one myself but I decided to completely alter her to not have her look like the original.

      As for the questions; yes. I have found a perfect doll for my character a while ago as I stumbled upon Moonlit song Lolly of 2013, she looks so elfy and I was actually looking for a doll to make my elf character.
      I was pretty content with the clothes, the wig was a little too long for my taste though. As for the face-up, it wasn't really appealing to me. The blushing on the cheeks was too low and too red for my taste and so I didn't get the face-up with the doll.
      She barely has her fullset on though, because it takes roughly half an hour to get all her clothes on. I do love it though, but it's just too much of hard work for me to handle.
    16. I generally go super basic to the point of ordering a blank doll. I only bring home dolls that are existing characters and my vision is never whatever the maker has shown. I do have some dolls with default face-ups but often that's been a case of unexpected happistance. My JeiDoll Ashford came with not only a default face-up that was perfect for the character but body blushing, too. I have some RS dolls with the default face-ups but those work as they are nice and light neutral ones.

      Funny enough, I do have an LE fullset (Leeke Khal Vampire) but I won him in a raffle. That being said, I swapped out his wig, eyes, hands and clothes within days of winning him to turn him into the character he is. I kept his LE face-up as its beautiful and completely works for his character. His default stuff is packed away so I still have it all but he'll never wear it.
    17. Fullsets can be incredibly beautiful, but I prefer basics. Even if I bought a fullset, the doll probably wouldn't stay in it for very long...my dolls (so far anyway) have been based off already-existing characters of mine, so the fullsets wouldn't exactly suit them. I love looking at them though, they really are wonderful!
    18. Basic for me! xP The only reason I'd even consider fullsets is so that I may split the items to my other dolls that may make use of them and not in order to keep the doll that came with them in them! I guess I'm just strange like that... Default faceups is another thing, as long as it suits the character I don't mind getting one when I order the doll~
    19. Have you ever found a full set edition doll that is just exactly what you want? Including the make up, the cloth and everything? I have bought only one fullset doll, and I've owned probably over 100 dolls throughout the years I've been in the hobby. It's extremely rare that I like a fullset, since all of my dolls shell my OCs.

      Are you satisfy with just the default makeup and cloth and wigs in the promo picture? Normally, no. I like to do my own faceups to fit my own characters, and it's hard to find a fullset that ever fits that. Sometimes, I might like a piece of clothing or maybe the eyes or wig, but not often.

      do you put the whole set on? or there is always some of the parts you just own touch at all (like the hats or coats)? Even with the one fullset I did own, I never used the eyes. My doll should look human, and his fullset eyes were red with grey pupils! I did use his other stuff at first, but his faceup was too pale and orange toned, his wig color was too unnatural and his outfit (military style) really didn't work for the quiet, artsy coffee-shop manager in the end, so the outfit sits in a box, he has a new wig and I wiped and redid his faceup. I like him a lot better now.
    20. Basic all the way! Until now I haven't found a fullset which is exactly whan I have in mind for the doll and I doubt I will plus the fact that most of the times I don't have enough money to buy a fullset :sweat