1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Issues with Flickr

May 14, 2019

    1. I just noticed that my photos from Flickr aren't working on DOA anymore. I don't know what the problem is. I am aware that Flickr has been changing lately. Could that be the reason? I tried Tumblr and it didn't work either. I just got a new doll head in the mail today and I really wanted to share pictures of him. What other photo sharing websites work with DOA?
    2. Flickr is no longer uploading my photos. I'm using Imgur now. PLEASE remember to make the photos/albums HIDDEN not public. I forgot and left mine public and within minutes got a bunch of perverted comments and dislikes which is why I hate imgur but it's the only thing working right now.
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    3. @TwilightBabyDoll
      Have you gone past the 1000 photo limit for the free version of flickr?

      And are your photos set to safe? My partner keeps having an issue with his automatically uploading marked as nsfw so he cant link them til he changes each one by hand.
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    4. Thanks! I'll check out Imgur!

      I'm not close to the 1000 photo limit and all of my photos are set to safe.
    5. I made this mistake too! I have had an account on imgur for many years now just to share and store images. When I went to use it for pictures of my new girl here I left it on public and immediately got blasted with downvotes and nasty comments. Yuck. So I deleted my entire account and now I use Google Photos. It can be a pain because you have to basically use another site to convert your photos into links but it works so far for me.
    6. Its disgusting! Someone commented on my post within 15 seconds. I can't even say what it said but yuck. It's like a bunch of pervs live on Imgur. I've also had like 40 downvotes on an anime figure picture. Why, I do not know lol. I'll have to check out Google Photos!
    7. It’s frustrating because I couldn’t find a way to get rid of the comment without completely deleting everything. So I pressed the red button (total account deletion) and will never go back to imgur again. Sad because it’s otherwise a very useful site.

      For google photos you have to follow a couple steps.
      This article explains it nicely.
      They link this website in the article but here it is anyway.
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    8. @Maipoxx Imgur worked for me! I set my picture to hidden. I hope I did it correctly so that way nobody bothers me! Thanks!

      @Moonsugar I'll give google photos a try too! Thanks!
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    9. Post Image also works, but I can't remember if there's an upload limit.
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    10. Flickr was giving me grief yesterday, but seems to be working now.
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    11. I noticed that all my pictures from Flickr went back to normal! I wonder what that was all about.
    12. I think it has to do with something Flickr is doing with their settings or something. The same thing happened to me a few months ago. All of my linked stuff died, then a day or two later, it was all back. It's annoying for sure, but at least it's working again.
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    13. Thanks for sharing! I shared pictures from google photos directly before and it would give my issues. I try this method.
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    14. As CloakedSchemer mentioned, Flickr is doing some work, which has affected things from time to time. Just in case no one has noticed the heads-up on Flickr recently, there will be some serious downtime on Wednesday --

      Planned maintenance and Flickr downtime

      So, don't panic and start searching for another photo host, until we see how it all sorts out! (Not that I'm an apologist for Flickr, but compared to some hosts, it's generally useful :sweat)
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    15. Flickr's back, although slow. Did anyone else enter the Good Panda photo contest? I see a number of pictures with dolls included.
    16. I can't figure out how to post a picture here from Flickr. Can anyone help? I'm seriously about to give up.
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    17. @Rynn007 , OK, I assume you already have a picture posted on flickr. Look at the bottom of the black background of your photo and to the right.
      Click on the middle, right-pointing, arrow.
      Click on "BBCode".
      Choose a size--generally "Medium".
      Now click on the URL and copy it.
      Then paste it in your DoA post.
      The picture will show up when you post your message.
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    18. @Rynn007, I also like to use the downpointing arrow to the right of the middle arrow. I click on that, and a little box of size selections pops up; I click on the one at the bottom, "View all sizes". This takes you to a page with the pic, and several sizes listed; I usually click on "Medium 800", and the pic is then resized accordingly. I right-click on the pic, then click on "Copy image address". Then in the DoA post-writing box, I click on the little landscape pic (next to the happy face) in the tool bar, and paste the pic addy in the box that pops up asking for the "Image URL", then click on the "Insert" button.
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    19. Omg thank you so much for this tip ! I was super frustrated that my pics didn’t show up. But your tip helped a lot.