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Multiple companies using the same fantasy concept ?

Dec 17, 2009

    1. Mods -- if this is too similar to the "Hooves- why do we like them?" thread or this one, please merge or delete it -- I think it's a bit of a different topic, but perhaps it will generate similar discussion.

      How do you feel about the repetition of the same ideas?
      Do you get burned out on multiple companies using the same fantasy concepts or do you like the idea that they are more accessible (and possibly cheaper) and therefore available to more people, including those who do creative mods that they might not do with a more limited/expensive doll? (Note: I'm *not* asking the contentious question "should companies rerelease their limited dolls" -- that has been argued elsewhere).

      The obvious examples that comes to mind are werewolves (after Soom, AOD, Angelheim) ) and hooves (multiple Sooms after their initial success, Resinsoul, Angelheim and others), and others.

      Do you mind seeing the same concept in multiple gallery threads or is it just like looking at similar facial sculpts? Do the differences between the dolls produced offset the similarity? Does the customization mean that you don't get bored? How do you feel about your own dolls when they are no longer so distinctive? Are some companies capitalizing on the ideas of others? I'm not talking about artist dolls or individual customizers, but about dolls mass produced by companies for a profit.
    2. I have no problem with different companies exploring the same fantasy concepts. Hooves, horns, wings, vampires, werewolves, etc. are fun and if you like customizing your dolls, it's great to have more choices without having to make the parts yourself. These concepts were not invented by doll companies, but are taken from mythology and literature so I see no reason why multiple companies should not use them for inspiration.
    3. Companies have been doing variations on vampires for ages, and nobody seems to mind. I not only like but encourage that sort of thing! Company A's vampire might look really stupid while Company B's vampire might be elegant. Same thing with hooves/wings/etc. Not every company will do hooves the same way. Having a variety of hooves gives us a variety of options, which is always a good thing. :)
    4. Personally, I love it. I love that there are more companies picking up on the fantasy elements in doll sculpts, as I love it being something that's becoming more and more accessible to those who can't afford the more expensive companies, or the limiteds (like myself) I hope that more companies pick up on fantasy dolls beyond 'Elf' and 'Vampire'. RS going for Hooves is a good start to me as I am a fan of the company and just LOVE most of their dolls. I'm hoping that they'll make things like hooves available for more than just the SD sized dolls, too.
    5. I think it's awesome, and I can't wait for more. Fantasy parts are awesome, and like movies that are remade, I love seeing the different takes on the same things.
    6. This is my thinking as well.

      Seeing different interpretations of the same theme is wonderful. Some I like, some I may not. When it comes to classical mythology, it's not like someone owns the concept. Unicorns? Well, should My Little Pony sue them all? ;)
    7. I also welcome the new editions, really.

      Mostly because if more companies make more parts like this, it's easier to get for people who want to hybridize or can't afford the markup on the Soom parts.

      Also more companies doing stuff for sizes that others haven't done. Like Angelheim's hooves are for MSD sized dolls. Soom hasn't done that yet. I love it.
    8. I am happy to see so many fantasy dolls coming out. I love them! I don't even know why buy Soom just got to me this year and it isn't over yet! As for other companies- YES more! Bring it on! The one company I WISH would make fantasy dolls is Volks, but if they ever do I will probably have to eat my words because I will never be able to get one.

      Options are always nice. Especially since Soom seems to have decided on only certain sizes. In the coming years that may change, but not everything Soom does is going to appeal to everyone either so those who want fantasy dolls but don't care for Soom's sculpts.
    9. I like seeing what the different companies come up with while going off a similar concept. It's wonderful to have a wider range of options because the molds of some companies just don't appeal to some people.

      Anyways wouldn't it just stink if there was only one company that sold vampire dolls and the only way to get one is to settle for whatever they come up with or mod it yourself?
    10. each company is different, the resins differ and most importantly, each comapny will adjust to our budgets. So if we think one is too expensive, there is always another one to look at ^^ I love the flexibility of choosing more than anything ^^
    11. I bileve it's to our benefit !!!
      lots of choices between high quality dolls with beautiful faces and bodies ? it's a win win situation here !
    12. I don't think it's a bad idea. with a bunch of companies making different variations. just think of all the possibility, there will be a ton of different things to choose from.
    13. As someone who is nabbing up a pair of those Angelheim hooves as soon as humanly possible, I certaily don't mind other companies expanding on popular ideas. As someone already noted above, plenty of companies use vampire and elf elements for their dolls and certainly not seen as 'copying' whoever was the 'original'. And it's not as though Soom created the idea of fuans or werewolves or Souldoll ceated centaurs or whathaveyou. They've been around a long time. I also enjoy the variety of different intretations of how these fantasy elements would look. Personally, I think even if Soom or Souldoll did create hooves for minis I'm unsure if I would like their joint structure given off what I've seen of their other dolls. But Angelheim fits the bill for exactly what I'm looking for.

      So just echoing what's been said here. I'm all for variety. Soom is not everyone's cup of tea. I'm very, very appreciative to have other options.
    14. i think its great so many people ( like me) could afford this dolls theres nothing wrong they arent copiyng everything
    15. I love that there are variety and options to the same concept. Like others have mentioned not everyone does the same concept (ex.- hooves, horns, etc.) the same way. Like Soom for example, the way the do Amber's legs/hooves look graceful but I can see posing may be tricky, but Cuprit has blue transparent hooves but are more posable, if you look almost all their legs are actually different somehow, whether it's the hoof part or the leg part.
    16. I think that its a win-win situation here, since we have more choices, and the SD sized dolls aren't everyone's cup of tea... Like myself, i prefer MSD instead of SD. so basically, echoing what everyone else has said ><;
    17. How do you feel about the repetition of the same ideas?
      Doesn't bother me at all. As others have said, there have been various vampire dolls from many companies. There have been elves. Cat and other anthro- dolls. When it comes down to it--what about just the number of dolls, period? Wouldn't the same things apply? Are there too many 60cm girl dolls? Too many 70cm boy dolls? Too many slim minis? Too many Tinies? Some people may think so! But most buyers like to have choices. I think the same thing goes for higher-concept fantasy dolls. I don't see why people should object unless they just don't like those types of dolls--but then, others obviously DO like them, so the ones who don't like them can just try and ignore them instead of complaining.

      Do you get burned out on multiple companies using the same fantasy concepts or do you like the idea that they are more accessible (and possibly cheaper) and therefore available to more people, including those who do creative mods that they might not do with a more limited/expensive doll?
      No one is forced to buy... or even LOOK at all the dolls out there. If someone is burnt out, they should take a break and look at something else for a while! ... So, NO, I do not get burnt out. I just look at stuff I'm interested in and everything is peachy!

      Do you mind seeing the same concept in multiple gallery threads or is it just like looking at similar facial sculpts?
      Like looking at similar facial sculpts--EXACTLY. People do even more wildly different things with their fantasy dolls, actually, so they can vary MORE than a typical human sculpt.

      Do the differences between the dolls produced offset the similarity?
      If even human dolls can vary, then the fantasy dolls can vary even MORE (as stated above). So, YES, the differences totally can offset any similarity in concept.

      Does the customization mean that you don't get bored?
      To keep from getting bored, just don't look at every doll out there, I say. If I'm getting tired of looking at any kind of doll, I just don't. Plus, even if I look at a thousand similar dolls, if I'm interested, I'm interested. I really do NOT get bored easily.

      How do you feel about your own dolls when they are no longer so distinctive?
      I don't care.
      They are my dolls and what everyone else has doesn't matter.
      I do not get my dolls to compare them to everyone else and be different!!! I get my dolls because I LIKE THOSE DOLLS. PERIOD. (big, big period!) There seems to be a lot of questions about what others think and about uniqueness of dolls. There is nothing amazingly unique about anything or anyone and it doesn't MATTER. I think too many people are totally under peer pressure or something. Seriously, all that stuff does not matter as much as people think.

      Are some companies capitalizing on the ideas of others? I'm not talking about artist dolls or individual customizers, but about dolls mass produced by companies for a profit.
      Sure. But who cares? If something sells, others in the business need to consider it since these are businesses (even though they also include creativity and art).
      Anyway, as long as no re-casting of someone else's molds are taking place, it's all fair.
      Sure, it would be nice if companies would strike out into new territory and think of new things to do with dolls, but who knows--maybe they will make something that will appeal more to someone than the other company? I like Soom for coming up with all these crazy concepts. But maybe some other company will make hooves and horns that someone else will like more? There's always room for it, and a place for more designs and dolls, I think. (I'll stick with Soom for now, but who knows... there will always be more dolls and from different companies. I'll keep an open mind about it!)
    18. One the one hand, I think it's great seeing all these fantasy dolls from different companies, by different sculptors who come at the same idea from a different angle.

      On the other hand, I wish more companies would try different things rather than just hooves, hooves, hooves! For example, the amazing medusa doll with the head snakes from Angelheim, the full on centaur doll from Souldoll (and Domuya from years before!), or even the bumblebees from Bambicrony! Even if it was only Soom's dolls, I'd still be finding so many hooves a bit repetitive, when there are so many other concepts, both from mythology and from the imagination of the sculptors, that can be explored in resin!
    19. I'm relieved that various doll companies are throwing their hats into the ring. At one point, it appeared that only the higher end companies had the capital to experiment with these far out dolls. But since an audience for the concept dolls is proven, I'm pleased that other companies are offering dolls and pieces in a lower price range, once they figured out we won't accept an ugly doll simply because it's a _________________.
    20. I think as with anything else, it seems like a good thing for the most part, but when I see poorly executed horns or hooves that look like they were slapped together in 20 minutes, it really strikes me as a company trying to profit off of the success of others. The same with dopey vampires or "werewolves." (Actually, a novel concept would be a vampire who DOESN'T look ridiculous. Hopefully a company will pick up that torch and run with it.) I wouldn't mind supporting a company that actually wanted to compete and put a lot of effort into their stuff. If they half-ass it just to take my cash, they aren't going to get my cash.