1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Nympheas Dolls Discussion

Dec 9, 2012

    1. @phanuel
      Seriously, I have been stalking your flicker photos of the cats for a couple of months, thinking I would have to get in on the next Brioche preorder. I missed the mint one by a few days this year and was SO SAD (even though I wanted a more "normal" color). Then I found this dude in stock! With every option I wanted - like it was meant to be. Impulse buy! I want to take him to the zoo, aquarium, botannical garden, etc. I haven't wanted to tote around a doll like this in years!
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    2. @chameleon0891 , I've actually been tempted to get a second Brioche in a different color but I'm afraid that would be a bit excessive. Besides, my Burton Tomcat, Nero, might feel left out.
    3. i love your pics too Chameleon !! so funny,thank you to give him such personnality ^^
      i will receive few brioche in mint soon and you could still adopt him here : Brioche Mint glow in dark limited - Nympheas Dolls BJD
      , and i'm not sure about next preorder but i'm pretty sure he will come back (maybe a dark grey??)
    4. @k6doll, Grey would be tempting, as I have a real-life grey kitty and it is one of my favorite cat colors!
    5. hihi i think about it for late 2017 or 2018 ^^
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    6. @k6doll , that would be fantastic! I hope you will continue to sculpt more animals too!
    7. hihi i love sculpt animals <3
      next is fantine, then Mialypso ^^
    8. I adore your Brioche and his poses!!!
    9. Phanuel's wonderful pics also hooked me, as well - they're quite enchanting! I'm currently working on the face-up for my Mint Brioche, which is my first Nympheas Doll. I was quite taken with the Cream Brioche one, too, but that one was long sold out, like the tan and grey. I liked that it had a simpler, cleaner face-up - with less black detailing and pink nose - and that's what I'm trying to achieve with my mint one.

      I just ordered Mialypso (with a crystal tail) earlier this week - love mermaids and love cats, so the best combination for me! I may even craft a slip on mermaid tail for Brioche, as well. I look forward to Mialypso's arrival later this year. With her, I chose to get the face-up and body blushing - looked a bit too complex for me to try that myself. Plus, it came out so beautifully, k6doll! Great job - love her!
    10. thank you so much to love my cats Cattwo :D i absolutely want to see your Brioche <3
    11. Candy Cat

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    12. Brioche on Chair with Friends

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    13. @Cattwo Your photos of your Brioche are always a pleasure to see!
    14. Thank you very much, Anglerfishee! That's very kind of you to say! :kitty2
    15. OH SO AMAZING <3
      pink is perfect for him ^^
    16. Thank you very much, k6doll! And thank you again for creating such a wonderful cat doll - I really love this mint one! :kitty2
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    17. Sweet Dreams Brioche

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    18. Thank you, k6doll! The little doll is by Violetpie on Etsy (Violetpie Shop of Little Things by violetpi) and I had it for sometime without taking a photo of it. Brioche claimed it for her own when she arrived. :kitty2

      Thank you for your kind invitation to share it on Facebook! I currently don't have a Facebook page, but I'll see what I can do.
    19. Ohhh i understand, don't put them on facebook if you don' have, don't worry :)
      i'm very glad you already share pics of your Brioche, love them !

      and thank you for the link, awesome an fun works !!