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Rainman Discussion

Sep 24, 2018

    1. Congrats! Its great they've turned up so quickly.

      Thanks for the info and the photos! How bad would you say the fit is on the taller Dollstown bodies if you have them? (To me it looks like some judicious sanding would fix things on the Iplehouse which is nice to know, since Iple necks are infamously difficult to hybrid with their mushroom shape)

      I suspect that my heads will probably be shipped together when they eventually go out, since I got face ups in my order. (Though no idea if I qualified for the sunglasses - if I did Kira will probably be getting them) All going well I'm hoping to use a Dollstown 17 vision for one of the girls.
    2. @Vetinari if you reply quick I can help you with the request, before the doll room gets locked out lol!

      We have the dollstown 18, Im not sure if you are interested in that? In the white strawberry skintone so the match will not be good. The 18's difference fromt the vision 17 is .35mm

      Im planning to sand down the neck, I love the articulation of the Model body and the wide shoulders lol

      You qualify for the glasses if you get both heads, faceup or not so you probably got them too!
    3. Thanks! No worries about photos and stuff unless you want to try the combo for yourself - I've got Dollstown bodies hanging around to try out for size, I'm just waiting impatiently to see what the sculpts are like in person! :lol: (Kira will likely end up on a similarly proportioned to the Iple Impl body, so it's great to know that combo more or less works)
    4. I got them before reading the reply, I didnt want to have you or anyone waiting lol
      I have a few of my own dolls, but not enough wardrobe and wigs so I used to go to my relatives doll room to borrow some and I forgot to ask permission for a kimono I took to a trip with me, I mean, I cant bring a doll to Japan and not have her dressed in a kimono there lol! So understandably it gets locked out if they arent around. I have my own stuff now, but back then it was just a few things here and there

      I actually think the vision body will be perfect now that I tried her on the 18, Im going to have to order one after trying it. The 18s neck is still a bit thick, but a little sanding will help with mobility but it looks perfect in proportion.



      You can see the gapping here better, the head's neck nape thing is a little too narrow but light sanding will fix it
      • x 6
    5. Thanks for the additional photos! Yeah as suspected the proportions really work well with the tall Dollstown body (uh oh, might be a more difficult decision between the 18 and the 17 than I'd thought)
    6. Yay got my Blina yesterday! :dance
      She's surprizing. Smaller than I imagined, neck hole is tiny, and OE smiles more than SA head. None of my bodies fit well enough, everything requires neck mod. Idk what to combine her with... But I definitely like her, and it was a good solution to choose sleeping version for me, I love sleeping heads in general, and Blina's sleeping version in particular.
      Skintone is very close to Soom NS as I can see.

      Few hybrids (available on my Flickr also)
      Supia old 60 single-jointed body

      Iple EID

      Fairyland60 MOE

      Dollstown 18yrs

      Amadiz old body

      This slight lip difference make me awwww (OE version is for my friend^^)

      All my possible plans for her are wiped off. I see her as antagonist character in my crew. Hmmm, should be interesting!
      • x 5
    7. Yep, I got my Blina today too! I have just one female body, so...)
      On Supia Double-jointed body in white skin.
      • x 3
    8. I love that the oe and sp are subtly different! This is why I wanted both heads honestly. <3

      I resin-matched my girl for her DT oriental body really quickly. This is under artificial lighting, so the difference from her original color is more obvious than it would be in natural light (but the original color really is super pink). I'll also add more beige to finish the match to dollstown oriental, but you can see that I was able to shift to yellow undertones without sacrificing the base value. Easy peasy.

      #108 rianne, Nov 8, 2018
      Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2018
      • x 1
    9. Well here are a couple of pics of my Blina in April Story AS13 body and AS16 body. Proportions are perfect, and neck size too, though I had trouble with the string hole and I couldn't put a hook. Since those weren't supposed to be her bodies anyway I didn't put the cap for the pictures, hope you don't mind. Also sorry for the messy background :frownyblush:

      Color is too pinky for the bodies but I guess yeah, blushing can solve it all. I will post more comparison pictures when I have time, my idea is that she will replace the redhead in the background of the first picture (she wears an AOD body) so there will be more pictures soon, but I was lazy yesterday.





      On a side note, I have Rainman befriended in facebook and he told me he's going to make a body for her ASAP. I also told him the problem with the neckhole, which I hope he fixes, and he asked me two questions I'm going to share here so you can give him some input:

      - Would you be interested in accesories like the glasses he made for Blina. He loves sculpting them and he wouldn't mind to make some.
      - For his next doll, what do you prefer, a boy or a girl? I told him boy because I love boys, but I'm sure more opinions will be well received.
      • x 2
    10. A boy! I love boys too! :cheer
      But the neck hole... Hope he will fix it^^
    11. I'd love to see him work on a boy as well. His male figures are tremendous. <3
    12. Hello! I have no body for her, but I painted her.


      Very beautiful sculpture.
      • x 5
    13. Im hoping the pink mellows out soon, but it shouldnt be too drastic with a faceup and a wig to soften the colors I feel

      I realllllly loved the sunglasses, they were epic. I would be interested in more sunglasses in different colors and styles. They were so well done, and I was hoping there was going to be a different set of glasses made available with the Kira release lol. I just love them so much so I really hope for more sunglasses releases because most of the SD size I see look too doll or for Blythe which is huge or cutesy. I like that the sunglasses are modern and stylish

      I want a girl for the next release personally. I would also prefer it if she were Korean looking. There arent many realistic female asian sculpts out there, and it seems that the asian doll boys are getting popular (maybe its a BTS thing) but I realllllllly would love an Asian female with a slightly bigger/rounder nose, someone like the Korean influencer sora_pppp. I love that Rainman does realistic so I really hope you would pass on the suggestion of a realistic asian model face please :( even if its not for the next release since boys seem to be the popular choice, but I would love one for the future since the options are very limited.....

      @KirinO17 Shes very beautiful, she looks like a grunge type singer!
      • x 2
    14. Welp my Blina turned up this afternoon. She's gorgeous, and perhaps predictably given that Rainman has been working in the action figure half of this hobby for the last decade or so... Well she's' realistically proportioned rather than the usual oversized bobble heads we tend to get in the bjd half of this hobby. Which I adore. (And yeah the sunglasses are fabulous too.)

      I... I may be in trouble, I think she's fairly comprehensively stolen the body out from under my Dollstown Byula - but good news is she looks fabulous on the DT17 body:

      [​IMG]DSC_3340 by HavelockHatake, on Flickr

      (There's more comparison shots on my flickr, but one image per post)

      I can see why people are moaning about the slot but frankly? The standard s-hook fits perfectly fine into the intended groove once you've yanked the elastic up - so eh - I'd rather we keep the realism than upscale things tbh.
      • x 4
    15. @Vetinari Yep, her proportions are to die for. She really is perfect on the DT17 too. Thank you for the images!
    16. Sooo how tall is the DT17? (All these hybriding options (and the possibility of a Rainman body) makes me happy I waited for owner pics / feedback :sweat )

      Also, did I mention congrats everyone who got their Blina? They all look awesome! :D
    17. Thanks for all the owner pics and comparisons!

      Voting for a boy for his next sculpt. ;)
    18. I really love that faceup @KirinO17! She's got so much personality! @Vetinari that body is so cool too, I love the shoulders like that. Looks like Blina fits on all kinds of bodies well! That's super!
      • x 1
    19. @Jany Dollstown has the measurements posted on their site and flickr. The 17 is in the 68cm range with minor changes between heel/flat feet.
    20. Sorry! RL got a bit busy - yeah as Rianne says the DT17 is in the 65+ range depending on how you choose to use those feet.

      [​IMG]DSC_3352 by HavelockHatake, on Flickr

      I think I'm probably still going to be picking up the DT17 vision body when I get my act together for the Rainman sculpts and get them their own bodies so they're no longer forced to share. (Blina looks gorgeous proportionally on the original DT17, but the Byula sculpt that owns that body suits the hint of a musculature physique better than the willowy look of the Vision body)
      #120 Vetinari, Nov 16, 2018
      Last edited: Nov 16, 2018
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