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Tanned Lion by IpleHouse discussion

Jan 25, 2007

    1. Dear Iplehouse,

      Please stop trying to kill me with all these delicious dark boys.

    2. I totally second that. I'm a sucker for tanned skin. >__<

      *crosses fingers* In a way I hope they would release a tanned skin Soo-Ri, but I really hope they don't. Not til I hit the lotto for like a 50 million dollar jackpot or something. XD;;;
    3. AW CRAP! ::headdesk:: Now they make me wish I WAITED to get Ikki crap he`d look hotter in Tanned...

      well whatever. I got used to him like that and what will I do with his sleeping head.
    4. I totally agree with that!!! Plus, I already have the sleeping Lion head, but I'm sure I'll fall for the tanned version aswell!!! :crushed
    5. :celebrate Yes yes yes yes yes YES!! :celebrate

      FInally, at long last, they have created him! *thunder & lightning* My patience is about to pay off! And now, my Master Plan can be completed. Come to me, my boy! *maniacal laughter*

      When I bought Ilya last year, I wrote to them immediately demanding when they were going to make me a tan Lion. They wrote back [and I paraphrase], "Ask us next year. We're spending all this year making girls." Et voila-- February! Now I just have to camp out in front of my computer until he goes on sale.

      He will be Ilya's cousin from Marrakesh. :aheartbea

      Can I get a Hallelujah in the house.
    6. Wasn´t a tanned Soo-Ri already released ? *notsure*
      Lion sleepnig head is so pretty..can´t wait to see the tanned version.
      Iplehouse is a very, very sadistic company XD.
    7. Soo-Ri was, but I'm pretty sure he was limited and not a regular standard release. I 'm under the impression that the Lion is going to be a regularly provided model instead of just limited pieces.
    8. Tan Soo-Ri was an LE of 20... tan Lion will be an LE of 10. I don't think they're going to do either of them regularly.


      This is why I am camping out for him!
    9. Oh, then if he is that limited, I'll be having problems to buy him! :_(
      Anyway, I asked them about a re-release of Tanned Soo Ri and the told me that they will be re-releasing him this year too, but date is unknown.
    10. :D I am really lovin Iplehouse they are making some beautiful dark dolls, even Luts/CP are producing that chocolate skin that makes you want to eat them up!!
    11. Wahoo! For real? That would be wonderful for the world in general. I never get tired of looking at tan Soo-Ri's. :aheartbea Ilya will be amused to learn he has more than 19 brothers after all. The more the merrier.

      If that's the case, then I hope they're also planning to do more tan Lions in the future... and that these 10 will not be the only ones for all time! Because it will be difficult. But I must have faith in the doll-faeries that they'll bring me good shopping-karma this February. Because I REQUIRE a tan Lion, and that's that. ^^
    12. If he´s limited......Sorry, Iplehouse (No money) . XD
      Maybe I´ll see one some day in the market-place or they´ll hopefully rerelease him. *hope*

    13. Ooh - Ilya with a Lion cousin! They will be beautiful together! I wonder if the Lion will be lighter or darker than the LE Soo Ri.

      I know I would want to get in on the first 10 if possible! They will come with killer clothing - we already know that! Iplehouse has wonderful clothing.

      And BTW - I asked about a sleeping Soo Ri head, and they said they would be coming down the pipeline in the future. Shuichi needs some sleep! *laughs*
    14. Figures. I finally get the RIT dye I've waited for since November, get around to actually dyeing Leo, and then Iplehouse releases his mold in tan. *highly amused* Ah, well, with a LE 10, it'd just cause stress for me. And make me spend more money than I should.

      Besides, I think the Iplehouse tan is actually too dark for Leo, since he's (according to my version, anyway) got a mixed heritage.

      I'm sure that Tan Lion is probably going to be stunning, because the darker skin really does suit his headmold a lot.
    15. Ryo: "But I'll still look pretty in my pasty white skin colour right?"
      Me: "Of course honey. " -ogles at prospects of Tan Lion-
    16. Dreaming Soo-Ri, now-- *_* Yeek! Let's not get ahead of ourselves! One heart-attack at a time!

      Eiyaaa--!! ;; No kidding, you really dyed your Lion?? Ohh man... I must go look... I hope you have pictures up somewhere, because I must ogle. <3

      I had been waiting so long for a tan Lion that I was considering buying a normal-skin Lion, & hiring someone to dye or tint him. Did not know you could just use RIT! ^^ But I just had to hang on and see if they'd eventually make a real tan one for me. And finally, eureka.

      I love their tan color-- it's such a deep rich sandalwood!-- Ilya is half Egyptian & half Russian, so I think it works on him. And his cousin-to-be, Karim (whom I WILL buy successfully next Sunday, I will I will I will), is also North African, so that will also work for him. It'll look great with the Lion sculpt, I just know it! But if your Leo has more white blood in him, then, sure, he'd want to be paler.

      Yes indeed, Bakayaro, the Iple fullsets & clothing are very excellent, but... in this case, I would take a naked one with no eyes or hair. Just bring me my dolly, O Wise & Gracious Iple Fairies. Kthx. :eusa_pray
    17. It's probably better to wait for the tan release, yes. The dyed colour looks great, but there are some splodges and such. Not much of a problem for me, I'll be covering them with scars, but most people wouldn't want that. Biggest problem for me was that they don't sell RIT here.

      I love the Iplehouse tan myself. It's stunning. But for Leo, I think the paler tone is better. I'm not sure what his heritage is, but the fact that he's a natural blond makes me fairly certain he's fairly mixed. Hard to tell with characters from fantasy worlds.
    18. http://www.iplehouse.net/shop/step1.php?number=565

      I love the color of Tanned Lion. If only he had facial hair too. The dreaming head is a nice bonus but I'm not too thrilled about his outfit. Infact I practically hate the material with that design. Is anyone planning on buying him? I'm wondering what V2 will look like. *_*

      I didn't see any other threads here for this boy so if there is one feel free to delete this one.
    19. @.@ omg...that's amazing XD