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What do you bring to BJD meet-ups?

Feb 27, 2012

    1. So I think this is a good place to post this (and I haven't run into any others), but of course feel free to move/delete it if any problems exist.

      So there's a meet-up relatively close (if you can count a drive a little more than an hour as close) to me in April, and I was thinking of going. Then I freaked out because, well, I had no idea about anything!

      So, questions! I figured it'd be interesting for everyone to know what other people brought to their meet-ups, since everyone is different.

      What, in the most basic sense, do you bring to your meet-ups? (Or would, if you haven't gone to any?)
      If you have a large number of dolls, how do you choose who to bring?

      (misc. questions)
      Do you go to meet-ups to meet people or to buy/sell? Both? Other reasons?
      Do you go alone or do you carpool with people nearby?
      Do you stay at a hotel near the meet if it's rather far away and/or goes late?
    2. How exciting, I love meetups! We just had one yesterday at a local Japanese market with a food court area. We have permission to hang out there after the lunch rush. I started bringing clorox wipes to make sure the tables are clean after other people get done eating.

      Carpool if you have somone you know to go with. It's more fun and saves gas. Use the buddy system if someone has to leave to use the restroom or get food. I like to have someone to keep an eye on my dolls to make sure they stay safe. Also use doll stands if you plan on posing them standing for a long time. Safety first!

      Plan on staying later than you thought, usually no ones wants to leave.

      I only have 4 dolls so I bring all of them but if you have lots it's so hard to pack everyone to take and then pack them up to bring home again. A well rounded subset of sizes and companies is always fun for others. People like to see the sculpts from different companies.

      Bring your camera and extra batteries.

      I like to bring chairs for different photo ops, or blankets/rugs for dolls to sit on.

      Have fun, don't be shy, talk to everyone and take lots of pictures!
    3. What, in the most basic sense, do you bring to your meet-ups? (Or would, if you haven't gone to any?)

      I bring my dolls (duh), some cash for lunch/tolls/shopping, my camera, eyeputty (I was once at a meet where I needed some and didn't have any, so I carry some around with me, should anyone need some), cleaning sponge, doll wig hair brush (which is just a kids toothbrush), and my restringing shoelace. If I have things to sell/trade, I bring that along. Occasional props. My basic strategy is to pack a doll "care kit" because I've been to meets where a doll's elastic has snapped, and needed to be restrung at the meet. Or someone's wig got messed up in transport and needed to be brushed. Or someone has an odd stain on them. I'd rather be prepared for an "emergency" and be able to help out other attendees than be unprepared.

      If you have a large number of dolls, how do you choose who to bring?

      When I had a large number, it was determined based on which meet I was going to ( different dolls went to different meets because different people were there). So, if someone hadn't seen a doll yet, they came with me. Also, if I needed to do resin/size comparisons to someone else's doll determined who came with me. The groups I usually go to have several people with large numbers of dolls, and they take requests from the rest of the group on who comes. And then, there's the favorites that ALWAYS come.

      Do you go to meet-ups to meet people or to buy/sell? Both? Other reasons?

      All of the above? I go to socialize with people who understand why I'm not crazy for spending $50 on a doll outfit but won't spend $20 on a shirt for me. It's nice to just spend a few hours with other people with similar hobbies. Most times at the meets I go to, everyone sets their dolls up, but then we talk about other things. Sure, we talk about dolls. a lot. But there's a lot of other chitchat. Most people at the meets will have similar interests to you, so you end up just making friends. It's also a good time to browse and find some good deals for your dolls. I like buying from the meets, because it's people I know. I don't have to worry about shipping, feedback, conditions, etc. also, since we all know each other, people are usually more lenient on payment/price/etc. It's also just a good way to get out of the house. and stay in touch with the hobby.

      Do you go alone or do you carpool with people nearby?

      Again, it depends. The one meet is 20 minutes away, so I can and have driven to that by myself. I prefer to bring people with me- I hate driving by myself. The other meet, also 20 minutes away, is in the city. I don't drive into the city. So I either take the train in by myself, or my one friend drives. The other meet is 2-2.5 hours away. I have driven to that by myself, but that's the one I REALLY prefer to have people with me for. I hate driving long distances by myself. But there's not a lot of people in my super local area always going to the same meets I am. Echoing Gerhkin above, when I bring people with me, it makes me feel better about leaving my dolls when I have to use the bathroom or something. I usually have someone at the meets that I'm comfortable enough with to watch my dolls, but it's better if I bring someone of my choosing that I KNOW very well.

      Do you stay at a hotel near the meet if it's rather far away and/or goes late?

      The only time I've stayed at a hotel that was remotely related to a doll meet was when I went to Otakon one year. And by extension went to the Otakon doll meet. But typically, no. Again, I'm not usually going far enough that I need to even consider that. That just seems silly to me- to go to a doll meet far enough away that you'd need to consider a hotel. If you can't day trip it, or don't have other things to do in the area, it's probably not a good excuse to go.
    4. I bring my dolls and my floating head. If we've all agreed to swaps or sales ahead of time I'll bring spare stuff. I also pack a comb, my eye sizer tools, and spare eye putty.

      Do you go to meet-ups to meet people or to buy/sell? Both? Other reasons?
      I go to talk, see new dolls and generally socialize. Though if someone is selling I'll definitely buy stuff. :D

      Do you go alone or do you carpool with people nearby?
      My hubby and I go together. That way, if things go south and no one shows I always have someone fun to hang out with.

      Do you stay at a hotel near the meet if it's rather far away and/or goes late?
      I can't afford anything like that so I just go to stuff a max of an hours drive from me.

    5. What, in the most basic sense, do you bring to meet ups?

      Dolls I can mannage and carry. If it is a public place between one to three of my favorites or dolls the community has not seen in a while. At conventions, usually my whole crew of eight if I have a wheelie case. An emergency kit of sponge, putty, fine nail files or paper. Sometimes some trading items of extra wigs, clothing etc.

      If you have a large number of dolls who do you bring?

      My first favorite doll Ryu Shiwoo always... others at discression of how many I can handle (How strong I am with the medical proceedures and how I am getting to the meet). Sometimes I will get requests by friends to bring a certain member of my crew. But I usually bring about three dolls or so.

      Do you go to meet ups to meet people or to buy or both?

      I go to meet ups to see friends and enjoy their company. We often have pot luck too which makes it nicer. I buy occasionally but thats not a big draw for me. I also go to see other dolls which I do not have and I enjoy seeing or interacting my dolls with in photos.

      Do you go alone or do you carpool with people nearby?

      I usually go on the TTC if I go to a meet. Sometimes with my daughter (she has a doll too. I am a bad influence ;D ) I don't own a car, it is really expensive in a big city. Sometimes we get a ride back by a generous community member which is nice. The last meet up we had was in a party room and it ended around 12 midnight.

      Do you stay in a hotel near the meet if it is rather far away and/or goes late?

      Usually I try to stay near the gta for meets. We have lots of them. I do usually stay in a hotel for Anime North for Doll North. I have stayed at friends homes who live in the area on the occasion. The general day meets in Toronto it is easier just to go home (They usually last from 1pm to 5pm). I have had the occasional person on my couch who has come in from out of town and I know them quite well for at least a few years (It is not like I have invited a stranger home).
    6. What,do you bring to your meet-ups?
      My usual kit includes my camera, a piece of magic sponge, a toothbrush or small comb for wig fixing, a lint roller, and if it's an outdoor meet I usually bring wet wipes especially if there will be food, also towel to wrap my doll in during transport/have them sit on on once there. What I bring varies by what kind of meet it is too.
      If you have a large number of dolls, how do you choose who to bring?
      I don't have a large # of dolls but I never bring them all to anything anymore. It kinda just depends on my mood who I bring.
      Do you go to meet-ups to meet people or to buy/sell? Both? Other reasons?
      Meet people, oogle at dolls, take pics sometimes.
      Do you go alone or do you carpool with people nearby?
      I carpool when I can but I tend to go alone anymore.
      Do you stay at a hotel near the meet if it's rather far away and/or goes late?
      I wouldn't go to a meet that far unless it was a con or something.
    7. What, in the most basic sense, do you bring to your meet-ups?
      Sometimes I take cupcakes or cookies. Depending on where the metup is located, food might be nice. I also take at least one doll.

      If you have a large number of dolls, how do you choose who to bring?
      I take one or a few of the dolls that is easier to handle and that I feel like playing with.

      Do you go to meet-ups to meet people or to buy/sell? Both? Other reasons?
      I hosted a doll meet for buying and selling, but I would not take things to buy or sell to a regular meetup unless it was specifically arranged with someone who would be there. I mostly go to meet people and look at other BJDs.

      Do you go alone or do you carpool with people nearby?
      I go alone, but I would carpool if it were convenient at some point.

      Do you stay at a hotel near the meet if it's rather far away and/or goes late?
      I don't think I would go to a meet that far away unless I was also going to do something else in wherever it was.
    8. What, in the most basic sense, do you bring to your meet-ups?
      At least one doll, its carrier bag, the needed wigs and outfits, camera of course, maybe some prizes for the meet-up participants will also be good

      If you have a large number of dolls, how do you choose who to bring?
      Usually I bring the one requested by the participants during the discussion. Or the one that I usually play with the most often.

      Do you go to meet-ups to meet people or to buy/sell? Both? Other reasons?
      Sometimes. That way can save shipping cost.

      Do you go alone or do you carpool with people nearby?
      It is nice to carpool :D But sometimes I go by myself because all my friends live in different directions.

      Do you stay at a hotel near the meet if it's rather far away and/or goes late?
      No, usually at a friend's house or my family's residence. One I go to another province for a meetup and I'm staying at one of the participants' house, with some other fellow participants :D
    9. What, in the most basic sense, do you bring to your meet-ups? (Or would, if you haven't gone to any?)
      If you have a large number of dolls, how do you choose who to bring?

      I bring who ever I'm in the mood to spend time with. I also take into account how much space there will be, and how much walking around it's likely to entail. I also like to make sure I have a comb with me, because messy wigs drive me nuts.

      Do you go to meet-ups to meet people or to buy/sell? Both? Other reasons?
      I go to hang out with people. I have brought stuff to sell/swap before, because it's a good opportunity to clean out the dolly closets so to speak.

      Do you go alone or do you carpool with people nearby?
      I often carpool with a friend (it's just more fun, especially if the drive is on the longer side). I have driven by myself before, though.

      Do you stay at a hotel near the meet if it's rather far away and/or goes late?
      Usually I'm not traveling at that great a distance. There is one exception to that, though, where me and two friends drove up to Cleveland for a meetup (we've done it two years in a row now), and in that case we absolutely had to get a room.
    10. What, in the most basic sense, do you bring to your meet-ups? (Or would, if you haven't gone to any?)
      I bring my dolls, a string (in case something happens and someone needs to restring), a magic eraser, a small towel (for the dolls to sit on) and I also bring things I want to sell just in case there's an interested party at the meet. You can save on shipping.

      If you have a large number of dolls, how do you choose who to bring?

      Do you go to meet-ups to meet people or to buy/sell? Both? Other reasons?
      I mainly go to meet people and see other people's dolls but I also go to sell/buy. Also it's always cool being able to do a mini photostory with someone else's dolls!

      Do you go alone or do you carpool with people nearby?
      I always carpooled just because I didn't have a license when I was in the states~

      Do you stay at a hotel near the meet if it's rather far away and/or goes late?
      I haven't had this experience, but if I'm heading to a meet in Tokyo or something I'd either stay with a friend or stay in a cheap hotel/capsule hotel (if I stayed in a capsule hotel the dolls would totally be in my capsule lol!)
    11. What, in the most basic sense, do you bring to your meet-ups?

      Me, my dolls, food/drink if it's in a public space and none is available to purchase nearby orif it's at someone's house and they've asked for people to bring food contributions for everyone to share.

      If you have a large number of dolls, how do you choose who to bring?

      I could take all thirty-something of them (and have, on occasion), but usually I go witht he ones people have specifically asked to see, the newest ones people haven't seen before, or the ones that haven't been to a meet recently.

      Do you go to meet-ups to meet people or to buy/sell? Both? Other reasons?

      To meet people, occasionally to buy/sell, more often just to socialise and play dolls with like-minded people.

      Do you go alone or do you carpool with people nearby?

      I prefer to travel with others if travelling to another town - we'll arrange to meet up at a station or all be on a particular train, sometiems we book tthe tickets together. Plus we can play dollies on the train if we're travelling together.

      If the meet is in or around London (my home city), I'll head there by myself on whatever public transport is easiest, although I have/do arranged to meet up with people and travel with them if our routes are similar.

      Do you stay at a hotel near the meet if it's rather far away and/or goes late?

      Not usually. Even the ones at "the other end of the country" or in different cities don't tend to go on so late I can't get a train home. Most finish early enoguht hat I'm home before my usual bedtime.

      Last Sunday's meet at the Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood ran from mid-day until 5pm and it was five before we realized so it was well after by the time we had packed up and left... and I was still home by 7:30 depite transport disruptions.


    12. What, in the most basic sense, do you bring to your meet-ups?
      My doll(s), camera, extra batteries (b/c my camera never fails to die when I forget batteries, regarless of how new the batteries are...), magic eraser, and anything I'd normally take out with me, like keys and wallet. You really don't need a lot of stuff, it's usually more hassle than fun if you take all sorts of supplies and props, etc.

      If you have a large number of dolls, how do you choose who to bring? I have about 25 dolls, and I definitely do not take them all. My general rule is no more than the eqivalent of 3 SDs....So...3 SDs...or 2 SDs, an MSD and a tiny, or 4 MSDS and a Yo-SD, etc....but a good rule, especially if you don't know the people at the meet well, is no more than you can carry and keep an eye on at all times. In my experiences, dolly people are awesome! But I HAVE heard stories of people losing a doll at a meet, or turning their back and random kid out of nowhere grabbing a doll, etc. Once you know your local doll ppl better, it's easier to take a lot, but definitely for starters, just take a couple so you can relax and enjoy the meet instead of constantly looking in 10 directions for where your dolls are and who has them and what they're doing with them.
      I usually ask on the meetup thread if anybody has any requests as to which of my dolls they'd like to see. I also look at their profiles to see if anyone has a doll I've been interested in buying, so I can request to see it in real life before deciding to buy my own. If no one requests a specific doll of mine, I usually just go with whoever catches my attention first that day. Or possibly see what other dolls are going and decide which of mine fits in best with the general crew. If most of the others are bringing child dolls, I'm most likely NOT going to bring my bad-ass punk rocker if I want to do photostories. lol But really, it doesn't matter, every type of doll has been accepted at every meet I've been to.
      Do you go to meet-ups to meet people or to buy/sell? Both? Other reasons? Usually to meet people and see a variety of dolls. I have seen others selling, but I haven't. I don't mind a casual mention of items for sale, but the meet really shouldn't be a flea market or pressuring others to buy your stuff, unless it was previously planned to be a swap meet. Feeling pressured to buy stuff can ruin the good fun of a meet fast if it's not done tastefully.

      Do you go alone or do you carpool with people nearby?
      I usually have my husband or friends go with me, since every meet I've gone to has been a good hour or farther away. It's also nice to have people you know there to help you keep an eye on your dolls. But if I felt able to make the trip alone, I wouldn't mind.

      Do you stay at a hotel near the meet if it's rather far away and/or goes late? I really don't have the funds to do this, unless it's planned far enough in advance to save up for it. I have met doll friends 3 hours away, then got a hotel with my husband afterward, but in that case, we had actually planned the weekend trip first, the meet just happened to work into it.
    13. What, in the most basic sense, do you bring to your meet-ups?
      The doll/s, a comb (one wants to have the dollie's hair look neat), sometimes camera and stuff which I want to swap/sell.

      If you have a large number of dolls, how do you choose who to bring?

      The biggest amount of dolls I've taken to a meet up was seven (1 SD, 5 MSDs and 1 petite), but that was the anniversary of our local BJD forum. Usually I take one doll with me, maybe two. Not too much to carry. If there's an exhibition table I'll set my doll there, so that I can chat with my friends and don't have to worry about people touching my doll.

      Do you go to meet-ups to meet people or to buy/sell? Both? Other reasons?

      To meet people.

      Do you go alone or do you carpool with people nearby?

      Public transportation. We have a lot of meets in our city and the public transportation system is good. I'm planning to go to a meet up to another city during next summer and I'll travel by train. The people living in the same area usually meet beforehand and travel together to the meet up.

      Do you stay at a hotel near the meet if it's rather far away and/or goes late?

      Never, short distances, so I can get home easily.
    14. I haven't been to a meet in a long time but this is what I used to do:

      What, in the most basic sense, do you bring to your meet-ups?
      The most basic sense? Doll, camera, phone and money.

      If you have a large number of dolls, how do you choose who to bring?
      I'd generally bring the ones I didn't mind getting exposure to the sun or being out in the public. I'd only bring a limited if someone wanted to see them for the most part. I'd try and see what other dolls people were bringing, but usually I'd always bring one large size and then either a mini or tiny. Whatever I could carry comfortably but never more than two or three.

      Do you go to meet-ups to meet people or to buy/sell? Both? Other reasons?
      Mostly to meet people and to see other dolls that I didn't own myself. If people were selling things I'd take a look.

      Do you go alone or do you carpool with people nearby?
      I usually went alone or with a friend if it wasn't a local meet.

      Do you stay at a hotel near the meet if it's rather far away and/or goes late?
      I tried to avoid long distance meets unless I was asked to come along! I would stay somewhere if it was far away from home.
    15. What, in the most basic sense, do you bring to your meet-ups?
      A comb, a chunk of magic eraser, wig spray, and my restringing kit (long story, but it involved me restringing a doll with a bobby pin and my unicorn baby's tail magnet). I might take accessories or stuff to sell/trade if I have room in my bag.

      I've taken doll furniture to meets (another member wanted to see a specific piece) and it was too much trouble. I also took my entire faceup kit once, but that was for a meet that was specifically a painting party.

      If you have a large number of dolls, how do you choose who to bring?
      Meet location usually determines how many dolls I'll bring with me. If it's a place where we'll be sitting, like a house, I'll bring all of them (I have a 1/3 and 3 tinies). If it's in a public area, like an anime convention, I'll only bring what I can easily carry - which is usually only my big girl and maybe one of the tinies. My big doll always comes to meets with me because I rarely take her other places, like I do with my tinies (they go to work with me a lot).

      Do you go to meet-ups to meet people or to buy/sell? Both? Other reasons?
      Mostly to chat with doll-friends. We're kind of spread out in the state so we only usually ever see each other at the big get-togethers.

      Do you go alone or do you carpool with people nearby?
      I usually offer to carpool other members.

      Do you stay at a hotel near the meet if it's rather far away and/or goes late?
      I've never been to a meet that ended at such an un-godly late hour that I would consider staying at a place over night. My normal, maximum drive time for a "local" doll meet is probably about an hour. Anything outside that range isn't really worth the gas money to me, unless I have/make other plans before or after the meet. (E.G. I stayed overnight with a friend when there was a meet at Mint on Card - a 5 hour drive for me. We hung out and also attended a local fair.)
    16. What, in the most basic sense, do you bring to your meet-ups? (Or would, if you haven't gone to any?)
      I bring the doll, camera, head removal tool, eyeputty, Magic eraser, Wig tape, toothbrush, pore-brush, oil spray, de-static spray, pen, paper, and some cards.

      If you have a large number of dolls, how do you choose who to bring?
      Sometimes we have themed meetups, such as the "Volks Pearl" meetup, and such. In that case it`s not a problem. Otherwise, I figure things out by distance and how many people are there. I want to be able to keep a track of who is with me, and if it`s a more open place I`m less prone to dragging many out.

      Do you go to meet-ups to meet people or to buy/sell? Both? Other reasons?
      There`s not really any meetups to "sell" things here. I go for the fun and it`s refreshing to see other people`s dolls. The meets at dolly events are entertaining as we nudge each other to buy doll stuff.

      Do you go alone or do you carpool with people nearby?
      Alone. We`re not a car-country.

      Do you stay at a hotel near the meet if it's rather far away and/or goes late?
      Sometimes, though rarely. Most of the time I can commute by train and go home.
    17. What, in the most basic sense, do you bring to your meet-ups? (Or would, if you haven't gone to any?)
      Basically: Doll(s) & Camera

      If you have a large number of dolls, how do you choose who to bring?
      Whatever, really. If I have a cool new outfit for one doll, I might want to bring that doll. Or if there is a theme, I might want to bring dolls in outfits that fit the theme. Or if there's a photo-op with a certain background, I will think of the dolls and outfits that would go with that. OR you can ask people if they have requests.

      Do what you want, really. ... And some people don't have a choice anyway--they don't have their dolls yet or they only have one or two dolls to bring...

      Do you go to meet-ups to meet people or to buy/sell? Both? Other reasons?
      I go to meet other doll people and to do something with my doll (dress them up for an occasion or whatever).

      Many doll meets have nothing to do with buying and selling. Most are just get-togethers for people to share time with their dolls and with other owners--and maybe do something fun at the same time... Like visit a new place or go on a picnic and take photos, or eat a meal, or have Tea or a boba or just to sit around and chat about dolls.

      Do you go alone or do you carpool with people nearby?
      I have carpooled before, but mostly I drive myself because I'm running around from various places to various other places before and after... But carpooling is fun.

      Do you stay at a hotel near the meet if it's rather far away and/or goes late?
      I've only stayed in a motel once since 2004--mostly because I wanted to stay around the area the next day, since I was up there already. Usually the meetups are close enough to just be a nice day trip.
    18. Depending on location.

      I bring: Dolls / Camera + money if people are selling things. Maybe a wig brush.

      Large Collection: Not yet, I only have two dolls, so not applicable.

      Reasons: I go to chat with people about dolls, meet new people, make friends, take pictures, see new dolls, learn tons of stuff, buy and sell things.

      Transportation: I usually drive by myself, and try to carpool if it's more than 45 minutes away.

      Hotel: I will not stay at a hotel unless someone else is sharing it.
    19. What, in the most basic sense, do you bring to your meet-ups? (Or would, if you haven't gone to any?)
      Dolls and a camera. Money depending upon where the meet is. I've only been to two so far. One was at a restaurant and we all had lunch. The other was at a shop that sells miniature things for doll houses. I didn't buy anything there, but it was good to have on hand.

      If you have a large number of dolls, how do you choose who to bring?
      I don't have a large number yet (but the resin army is growing), but I suppose it would depend on the nature of the meet. I'd bring all if I could, but if anything would ever require a lot of walking, it'd be a gamble on whether or not I just brought one or two, or left my big guy at home, or just took him, etc.

      Do you go to meet-ups to meet people or to buy/sell? Both? Other reasons?
      So far, just to meet other people in the area who share in this hobby. A lot of the time I feel pretty isolated if I try to be enthusiastic about dolls with anyone besides my roommate ChronicallySpaced, so it's nice to get out and meet people. That being said, I am dreadfully shy, so it is hard for me to jump in most of the time.

      Do you go alone or do you carpool with people nearby?
      I go with my roommate.

      Do you stay at a hotel near the meet if it's rather far away and/or goes late?
      Haven't gone to one quite that far away. The longest we drove was about 45 minutes, I think? I don't know if I would go to one much further than that, mostly because of gas and money issues. I also hate traveling some of the highways around here to get to some of the meets. I need to organize one on my side of town or something. :sweat
    20. What, in the most basic sense, do you bring to your meet-ups? (Or would, if you haven't gone to any?)

      - One or two dolls. It depends on whether it is safe to leave my dolls somewhere (like a 'dollsit' of sorts). If not, then I take only one so I can keep it with me (and keep an eye on it) all the time.
      - If there's a place to leave my dolls: a stand
      - a Carrier of sorts. I use a small, sturdy, open bag/basket where I can seat one SD or two MSD's in and that has a flat bottom so I can put it down on a table or the floor.
      - Money
      - MagicCleaner, hairclips, little extra's I wish I had with me the last time I went :)
      - Sealed cleaning tissues and regular dry tissues

      If you have a large number of dolls, how do you choose who to bring?

      Sometimes I bring one that I haven't brought before, sometimes my favorite. On a big convention I might take something small and easy to carry in my purse.

      Do you go to meet-ups to meet people or to buy/sell? Both? Other reasons?

      I go to a small Dutch dollconvention twice a year. It is hosted by a BJD-shop, so I usually will buy something from them. There are also other stands there, some with my favorite seamstresses, so I always bring money for those. Besides that there is a Bring&Buy where you can lay some stuff you want to sell yourself on a table, or buy stuff others have brought, so I usually do that too.
      Shopping is a good reason to go, but even more important is the social aspect, as I really love meeting the people I usually only meet online.

      Do you go alone or do you carpool with people nearby?

      Alone, as I live close-by.

      Do you stay at a hotel near the meet if it's rather far away and/or goes late?

      I live in a tiny country (I think you can drive from one end to the other in 4-5 hours or something?) so I have never encountered going far enough to warrant staying in a hotel or something. The things/conventions I go to every year are pretty close to where I live thankfully.