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What's the difference between a Volks SD16 and an SD13?

Jun 27, 2006

    1. Aside from the size does anyone know any differences betweenthe Sd16 and the the Sd13's?

      thank you in advance
      • x 1
    2. SD16 has a more complicated/advanced jointing system, I believe he has a waist joint and a hip joint, and double joints on his knees and arms..and well, the sculpt is more mature..that's all the diffences I can think of, but perhaps someone who actually owns him can tell you more ^^;
    3. This thread has comparison shots of almost all the Volks body types.
    4. I own two SD16 boys and just sold a FCS F-16/SD13 long legged boy. The more applicable question would be "Are they similar in any way?" :)

      The SD16 is Night to the SD13's Day. Sun and Moon. Black and white. Zebras and horses. The SD16 is a maturely sculpted adult male - sporting a lot of detail that the SD13 is less defined with - especially the hands. The jointing system is completely different - Volks is calling this KIPS - and besides the joints and cupped joints - there are silicone washers in the joints that make sueding unnecessary.

      Both of these bodies are fabulous - well-posing and esthetically pleasing. Just different.
    5. Thank you for the info :)
    6. I love what you did with your Cecile!
    7. Please Remove/Move if I put this in the wrong place. Thanks!

      I know the difference between all of the doll sizes up to SD.

      But what on Earth is SD13 and SD16? I'm sorry if this question is noobish. But I really haven't figured those two out yet. I'm assuming they are bigger than SD size, but I'm not really sure how much bigger.

      Thank you so much!

      ~And again, I'm sorry for the noobish question. :sweat
    8. SD, SD13, and SD16 (and MSD, SDC, Yo-SD, etc.) are acronyms originally created by Volks to refer to their various Super Dollfie sizes, although the BJD community has adopted the "MSD" and "SD" terms to refer to more general size ranges.

      SD is usually used by the doll community at large to refer to the 60 cm range of dolls in general -- Volks' actual SDs (usually referred to by collectors as SD10s) are closer to 58 cm.

      Volks' SD13 size would be what most would call "SD," falling into the 58-62 cm range depending on whether the SD13 in question is a boy or girl and whether said doll has normal legs or long legs.

      The SD16s would be slightly taller than the SD13s -- the girls are roughly 62 cm, and Yukinojou, the only SD16 boy released so far, is around 65 cm.

      And finally, the SD17s (just to complete the series :sweat) are the tallest -- only boys have been released so far, and they are around 65-66 cm.
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    9. If I remember correctly, the number on their titles is supposed to refer to the intended "age" of the doll. I could be wrong, but I remember reading that somewhere.
    10. Ah! Thank you both SOOOO Much!
      I had been shopping for clothing for my girl, (and soon boy) and I had come across those sizes and had no clue what they meant.

      Thank you!!
    11. If you have a look around the BJD-opedia: Dolls-section, you will find instructive things like this:

      SD16 girl with SD girl

      A whole lineup of dolls, including SD, SD13 and SD16 girls

      All Volks girls between MSD and SD13

      Hope that helps!

      As for sizes... Female SD and SD13 clothing is basically interchangeable. I have girls of both kind, and don't feel I need to worry when buying them clothes at all. Female shoes are a different matter - SD shoes are generally intended for flat feet, but SD13 shoes are intended for high-heeled feet.

      Note that the same is not true for boys - SD boys and SD13 boys are of radically different sizes both when it comes to clothes and shoes!

      SD16 girls are quite different - taller, bustier, with a very slim waist and very high heeled feet usually. SD16 girls have problems sharing anything with their younger SD sisters - but they can share most apparel with DD girls, though.

      Similarly the SD16/SD17 boys are much larger than their younger counterparts.
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