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Your opinion on dolls who are made into celebrities or fandom characters

Feb 17, 2013

    1. I'm just curious as to what people think about turning dolls into already existing characters. For example I've seen a lot of Tom Hiddleson, Angelina Jolie and also some Homestuck trolls etc. They seem to be becoming more popular as I see a lot more of them around!

      Just wanting to hear a few opinions on that!
    2. Well, I am guilty of doing that. I am a big movie fan, so I like certain character types, and buy my dolls to cover these as far as possible. For my guy it will be e.g. James Bond, Batman, etc. My girl will be e.g. Merida, Lara Croft, etc. I do not look for a 100% copy of the actor or character. Sometimes I develop their stories further so that they become somewhat believable.
    3. I absolutely love fandom-related dolls. Even when I'm not in the fandom, I think it's just a wonderful expression of love and enjoyment. And when I am in the fandom, of course, I love seeing the attention to detail, the way a character is interpreted/brought to 'life'... and I love 'getting it'! It's sometimes really nice to be 'introduced' to a doll and already know that I care about the character.
    4. Not for me. Sometimes I feel like a snob when I see them, because often they're fad dolls and fandoms change, and this is a lot of money to be investing in just the latest heartthrob. But not all of the dolls are like that, so except for now, I keep my mouth shut.
    5. I think their cool but celebrities...I think that goes a little too far personally but hey not my money not really my place to say.
    6. I've always been a little uncomfortable with the sculpts that actually look like specific real people--they just enter into uncanny valley for me. (And for some reason, I always find pictures of them without faceups!) But I really enjoy character dolls, whether I've seen the series they're from or not. Especially when they're equipped with appropriate props. :aheartbea
    7. I have three such dolls (all Doctor Who related). Fan dolls are a lot of fun -- it's different than putting together an original character. It can be pretty challenging, actually, to find the right clothes and props, and since the characters are readily recognizable, it's more obvious when details aren't right. But it's a really neat way to participate with a series you love in a way that isn't just being a passive viewer.
    8. I personally prefer having my dolls be their own unique characters, but I actually find it amazing when people can make their dolls look really similar to existing people/fandom characters. :)
      • x 1
    9. As long as the owner enjoys it, and the celebrity is not mocked or diminished by his/her representation; then what is there to object to?
      It's all good as long as no-one gets hurt.
    10. It's a big part of my doll family. They wouldn't be the same without Christopher Walken or Dr House or Wee Little Doctor. As long as it's a favorite character or someone you admire go for it!
    11. I can't really imagine making my doll into a celebrity, i.e. I could kind of see having a Loki doll but not a Tom Hiddleston doll. I have considered making a doll of a Star Wars Expanded Universe character I like, but that project is a long way off and may never happen. But I don't care much what other people do with their dolls. It's their time and money, they can do what they want with those things.
    12. I enjoy seeing others with them, but myself personally would not make a fandom doll, I don't have many stars or celebrities I really like per say, and my imagination would never allow me to make a doll look like a character I like from Homestuck/Manga/Anime etc.etc. It'd be a bit too creepy for me to have them in my house XD
    13. I have a whole crew of cosplayers. I personally can't understand the people who make their doll into one character (really don't care who thought UP that character) & then just LEAVE it like that forever. That's me - I like versatility & change myself. So sure I've a doll that's a double for a Korean actress I like but the character for that doll has nothing to do w/the actress (oh except my doll's character can COSPLAY anything said actress has done...) I've some other molds coming like that plus I've some that are dead ringers for various anime characters. But the dolls all flesh out characters I've created to be these cosplayers from Georgia. So they change clothes & costumes ALL the TIME.
      As for snobby people looking down at cosplay - well sheesh - just get OVER yourselves. A lot of writers (those people making a living creating characters...) love cosplay!
    14. Those are all very interesting points of view! I myself enjoy OC's and creating characters but sometimes I see a fandoll and I go, WOW look at the detail they put into this, or wow that looks exactly like that!
      I also agree with a lot of your different points of view even though I could never have a fandoll myself!
      Either way it shows the hard work and dedication people have when it comes to their dolls and making them exactly how the owner envisions, when it be a fandoll or an OC doll money time and effort are both put in!
      Thank you all for your input they were all very interesting to read!
    15. I couldn't see myself making a doll based off of any real people. Though once I get my cast of characters made up, I would be highly amused to create a Homestuck character doll, and take "who is this person and why are they here and why do they look like that" pictures with my characters who all have their universe and the doll that just doesn't fit with the rest.
    16. Honestly I like seeing dolls that other people have made based off of existing characters or celebrities, but I don't like any celebrities or popular OCs enough to replicate them myself. ;;
    17. Yeah I understand this one ;v;
      I've never been big on the "fandom" thing and I like little things here and there but not enough for something as big as spending that kind of time and money. I prefer OC's but it is nice to see other's creativity!
    18. That would be funny! Confusing your poor babies with a gray skinned creature ~ That's a good idea haha. ~
    19. That... is exactly the plan :lol:
    20. Sure! My best friend has a Jezabel Disraeli doll, and I have a few I'd love too!

      Not to mention, the SPN dolls interacting with the actors is hilarious