1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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You're gifted $1000. What do you buy?

Feb 15, 2018

    1. I would buy a boy obitsu. Volks MDD clothes, shoes and furniture.
    2. I would buy my diorama and more clothes. I'm on the biggest clothing binge right now for bjd!
    3. The fanciest furniture I could find. Or clothes. 1000$ would be gone so fast.
      If not that, I'd get the next dolls on my wishlist, so Island Doll's Eleanor and Withdoll's Egon.
    4. Souldoll Sean, DIM Gayane, and some parts/heads.
    5. I'd go on a binge for eyes, wigs and clothes. Especially eyes and wigs, since I can't make them.
    6. There’s several possibilities here
      One would be a popovy sisters doll

      Second possibility would be
      -finish mint on card layaway
      -buy her a wig
      -finish purchasing bishonenhouse Vince and buy him the nessities to make him a dreadlock wig, buy him boots and buy him a shirt (maybe some other holographic leggings)

      Third possibility
      -finish mint on card layaway
      -cruise the marketplace for eyes, wigs, clothes ect maybe a new doll
      -put some aside for Vince
    7. Get the boy I'm saving for plus coat, shoes, a basic outfit... put the rest towards saving for his boyfriend.
    8. Fun question. If I were gifted $1000 to spend on a doll, I would get a Ha by Pygmalion Dolls. I would then find whoever did the faceups on the dolls shown on the site and have that faceup done for my boy (they don't offer faceups on their dolls). I am totally in love with Pygmalion dolls and the Ha is my favorite. Those sculpts are amazing and beautiful. If I still had enough money left, I would find a beautiful lady for Ha. I don't have any character in mind for Ha yet, as I usually discover the character after I get a doll.

      My other option would be to get a doll to resemble one of my fave FFVII characters, either Genesis or Reno, and make that doll fantasy happen. :)
    9. I'd get the Ringdoll Aooni, full set. I'd probably just buy him more swords at that too. But ya know, I don't have $1000 or whatever currency everyone else used.

      Or I'd buy a V enitu head, I have been trying on Instagram..
      #69 Keen_bjd, Mar 14, 2018
      Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2018
    10. clothes! and wigs. and maybe eyes. enough so that all my dolls have 2-3 outfits. and i'd get them all nice faceups.
    11. Wow, that's kind of a big question.
      I would probably spend a couple hundreds buying a 2Ddoll Cherry and then I would spend the rest in face-ups, tattoos, clothes, shoes, props, etc for all my dolls so they get finished.
      If I have anything left, I would buy a Cocoriang Poi, it's really cute though I do not have a story for him yet so it is not a priority.
    12. That's a kind of tough question. There are just so many dolls that I want! I would probably buy a new Dollzone 1/3 body to put on my Flora's head. With the rest of the money I'd probably buy a couple of floating heads.
    13. In the fact, I need 1/3 or over so bad but the problem is all dolls much more handsome than my boyfriend. So, I decide in art and character. I chose full set ( including body painting ) of Chateau doll, Xanthe or Amos.
    14. I have two dolls in need of painting, two in need of a faceup revamp, wigs to buy and outfits to buy. I would buy all of that.
    15. Faceups! I could get all my blanks painted, and get some older ones re-painted!
    16. I would buy my first doll, plus, I would buy her wig, eyes, clothes and other stuff.
    17. I think I would get an echotown doll. As for accessories I think id get lots of clothes, really nice well fitting shoes and some alpaca wigs
    18. Pets and wings! Been trying to find good ones for a while but I'm sure 1,000 would cover it just right :p
    19. I would buy the only really expensive doll on my wishlist: an Iplehouse Audrey in Ebony resin. I think there would be JUST enough leftover after ordering her to get her a pair of urethane eyes and a wig...
    20. I already save up enough for the current most expensive doll on my wishlist, so I would get a body for my other floating head, buy yet another floating head, save the rest for a body I really want for that head, and sent one of my dolls off to be modded. I think it should juuust cover it.