Practice Head

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Sometimes, a person new to faceups may want to practice faceups on inexpensive heads, usually for fear of ruining a more expensive or limited head. This fear is normally unwarranted - resin is a quite hardy material, and as long as you follow the standard procedures and processes, and use the recommended materials for doing a faceup, you will not ruin a complete head. You can view DoA's helpful collection of tutorials on faceups and modifications here: One Stop Shop for all Customization and Maintenance topics

But, it can still be a helpful thing to have a cheaper head to practice on, so that any fears of ruining something won't be an issue. There are a number of doll companies that sell cheaper heads that are a good option for any budget.

AVOID purchasing 'practice heads' on Ebay. The large majority of these heads are illegal recasts, sold without a company name or sculpt name. Information about recast BJDs

Alice's Collections is an authorized dealer for a large number of companies, and sells a large variety of heads at a lot of affordable prices, so they are a good choice when looking for heads to practice faceups on.