1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Morgan Astarius

Head Sculpt:
Volks Mark
Normal Skin
Luts Delf Type 2 Boy Body
  • Face-up artist(s):
    Me (Strawberry Snake Aesthetics!)
    Body blushing artist(s):
    None yet.
    Modifications artist(s):
    None yet.
    Tattoo artist(s):
    None yet.
    Date of acquisition:
    October 2021
    Purchased from a member of the BJD Addicts Sales and Commissions Facebook group.
    Reason for choice:
    Originally, Mark was a head that I'd purchased to rehab. He was old and yellowed and I thought that he needed a good home. It was only when I got him home, did I realize how unique and interesting his facial features were. Morgan is a very masculine girl, so much so that she's often mistaken for a boy, and never bothers to correct anyone. I felt that Mark could make a more masculine female character, but that he could also be soft.
    Best Points:
    Her unique facial features.
    Worst Points:
    So, at current, Morgan is on a Luts Delf Type 2 Boy Body, which I have no intention of changing, because it's the closest to her body that I think that I'm going to get. The only thing that I'm waffling on is whether or not I want to mod the body to be genderless or just leave it alone. I'm kind of a perfectionist when it comes to my characters and my dolls.
  • Eyes:
    18mm Enchanted Eyes in Cerulean
    Luts DW-084 in Carrot (straightened and styled by me)
    Favourite colours:
    Blue, green, and purple.
    Fashion style(s):
    Morgan is a person who likes to be comfortable and likes to move in their clothes. She absolutely hates dresses, thinks that she looks horrible in them, and attempts to do her best to avoid wearing them at any cost.
    Key fashion accessory:
    Her sword.
  • Name story:
    A friend of mine was also writing a novel at the time that I started writing mine (in high school), and her villain's name was Morgan. However, I thought that it was such a pretty name that I decided to name my hero Morgan. Originally, her last name was "Avian" and was "Avian" for the longest time, until more recently, it became "Astarius", which is the last name of another hero within the story.
    Character age:
    Character gender:
    Offsite roleplay:
    This doll's character is not available for offsite roleplay.
    With a character this old... who has gone through this many makes and remakes, how and where do you even start?

    Morgan is 15 when the story begins. She's the only child of Valyrn Astarius, a man who murdered both his siblings in order to obtain the throne. A "hunting accident". The love of his life died in childbirth with Morgan, so he remained out of her childhood for a good portion of it.

    When Morgan was 5, she fell off of her pony and dislocated her leg, which was when those whose protection she was under discovered that she was immune to magic, which she will tell you "sounds great until you're bleeding out". So, from that moment forward, she was handled with extreme care: aka, the bubble wrapped kid.

    She wasn't allowed to ride or fight, or sometimes even walk by herself, occasionally she was forced to be carried, which she hated. So, she spent a lot of time studying, watching people, and watching her world and her people interact with it.

    Valyrn stepped back into Morgan's life when she was around 10. She hated being so sheltered, so one day, she eluded her guards, and ran deep into the woods that surrounded the palace.

    Sareinan, her country, is always in a state of constant invasion. So, the Capital City, Lyren, is hidden by a ward that works a little like Mirkwood Ward. The deeper into the forest you get, the more lost you are.
    However, Morgan is immune to magic and therefore, managed to wander out of the ward. However, the ward is on an area and not on her, which means, she couldn't find her way either to get back in.
    Valyrn, fearing he'd lost his daughter and all that tied him to his wife, went off to look for her and decided to stop being a deadbeat dad.

    He taught her how to take care of herself, her wounds, the wounds of others, how to find places if she got lost, and how to fight. However, he didn't care much for formality or the concept of gender. So Morgan was allowed to wear and do as she pleased.

    Morgan is gender-non-binary, or would be if that language existed in her world. She understands that she's female, but hates it, because it complicates everything. Everything would be easier if she was a man. Morgan is also asexual. She is also, according to many characters in the novel, not a very attractive person as far as beauty standards of her country go. She has very masculine features as a child and as a teenager, however, those slightly soften as she becomes an adult; very slightly, making her less masculine and more androgynous. She does continue to bind, and never answers to her full name, which is "Morgana".

    Morgan is her country's "chosen one", due to the fact that she fits very neatly into an old prophecy concerning the rise/return/reincarnation of her predecessor, Iaran Astarius. Morgan is the reincarnation of another character, but not Iaran. She's been reincarnated three times since her first incarnation. She was originally Elyric Serendel, a mercenary for hire on another planet called Caledon. When Elyric died, she was reincarnated into Iaran Astarius' daughter, Theron, and the true beginning of the Astarius lineage. She was then reincarnated into Caladhridyne "Dyne", who attempted to do what Morgan is currently trying to do, which was to overthrow the Cult of Falaron, which is less of a Cult now and more of the Standard Nation's Religion that is enforced through fear of being a heretic and burned at the stake. Dyne was playing in the right game, but he had the wrong cards.


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