[sample] had been a test subject for so long that it was only a matter of time before her body would start to fall apart. She had not been exactly in pristine condition when Lucas found her and while Laeh did her best to repair her broken parts, Laeh was still unable to interfere with her core, as [sample] was a creation created by a different Creator, Illusion.
- Face-up artist(s):
- me
- Body blushing artist(s):
- me
- Modifications artist(s):
- me
- Tattoo artist(s):
- me
- Date of acquisition:
- 28.09.2016
- Provenance:
- It was a trade with my friend
- Reason for choice:
- Merry Doll Round sculpts are my absolute weakness and when I was offered one in trade (I was about to quit hobby) I had to accept and this doll really saved my hobby
- Best Points:
- separate teeth part, good posing
- Worst Points:
- lack of mobility joints
It started out as [sample] being more tired and it was getting harder for her to walk and remember things. By the time Lucas finally realized what was happening to his Little Cousin, [sample] only had few weeks worth of energy left in her. So Lucas begged and begged for Laeh to do something, anything to save [sample]'s life. He knew that because he and [sample] were creations, they did not have a "soul" like Livings did. So when [sample] would close her eyes for the last time, Lucas could never see her again, not even after his own death since their "Spirit" could not be returned to the Cycle to be reincarnated.
Laeh, who was cocky to begin with would first refuse without hesitation. She had her own purposes and goals to achieve and she would not interfere with other creations as it was both taboo and impossible. But as she watched Lucas and [sample] preparing for the inevitable, Laeh saw part of herself in them. He, too, had lost someone who she could never meet again (though it was the only thing that kept her getting up in the morning, she was trying to overcome those obstacles to meet her beloved one again). So in the end she walked up to [sample] and asked what she wanted and the answer was all Laeh needed to decide that she would try to do what no other Creator had done before - re-create a creation of some other Creator.
[sample] know that she might not make it and that she might very well die. And at first it looks like Laeh would fail.
But as Laeh goes berserk as the re-creation progress forces her to go through her most traumatizing moments, she unleashes a part of her own soul to stabilize the [sample]'s energy. And [sample], who finally has a reason to live crosses the line and weaves her own spirit to part of Laeh's soul and so is [SAMPLE] born - first non-born soul-weaver.
But [sample] can only soul-weave when she is "[SAMPLE]", her "grown-up" version who has inherited a great deal of Laeh's arrogance. [SAMPLE]'s consciousness is always awake, even when [sample] is on control but small [sample] can't remember what happens when [SAMPLE] is out nor can she force her out.
It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.Dismiss Notice
Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.Dismiss Notice
[ S A M P L E ]
50–65cm Dolls Doll Profiles created by Maaru, Dec 31, 2016
- Maker:
- Merry Doll Round / Loongsoul
- Head Sculpt:
- MDR Merry
- Skintone:
- Normal
- Body:
- Loongsoul 1/3 Female Body Ver. 2
- Sex:
- Female
Yuen, ChristinasDream, glaen and 32 others like this.
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