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5th Motif Discussion - part 5

Apr 7, 2020

    1. @Rook_Sever and @Quiet and Insane
      Aw, thank you both so much!!!

      These LLT jointed glove hands are pure love. <3
      I was obsessed as soon as I saw photos of them because Victor wears gloves quite a lot. But since the gorgeous 5th Motif hands are so delicate and different to many doll hands, finding cloth gloves is a real challenge! I'm so happy. These have worked out as well as I could have hoped!
      The resin match is even pretty good. Victor is Pure Pale, and the LLT WS is much like Pure Fresh.

      Haha, I seem fated to acquire Fresh colored hands at the moment, as my long awaited extra 5th Motif default hands arrived in Fresh instead of Pale as well. :(
      It ended up working out in a way as I put the hands on my LLT doll, but it was disappointing to be sure. So I was determined to take a photo and enjoy these fabulous glove hands, hehe. I have been feeling very bad, both sick and stressed. So I'm glad the photo came out nicely and that you enjoyed it. :hug:
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    2. @Lady Ravenswood may I ask you did you get the hands together with a doll/in split, or irdered them separately?
    3. @Rook_Sever
      I purchased them through LLT directly. I had already purchased the Ballerino Neil, so they emailed me when the hands came out and asked if I would like to order them as well. Then they shipped them together. :3nodding:
    4. @Rook_Sever
      Sure, no problem. I believe you could also order them separately. There is supposed to be another order period for the Ballerino dolls, so my guess is she'd have them for order at that time as well.
    5. @Lady Ravenswood yes, I just wanted to figure out did Julia Cross start to send separate hands too, or just that ordered with dolls :)
    6. @Rook_Sever
      Ah, ok I see! Hehe, sorry that I can't help on that one. Did you get them too? :D

      And just to stay on topic, here is another photo of Victor :XD:
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    7. @Rook_Sever
      Ah, I hope you get a notice soon then! :hug:
      They are amazing, so well worth the wait. The posing is really nice with the rubber material she used. And they are just such a classy style.

      I happened to order some cloth/leather-style gloves that might fit 5th Motif hands as well (they are made for Universedoll hands), so I'll be interested to see those too. Victor may have a lot of gloves in his future. Hehe. :XD:
    8. @Lady Ravenswood thanx, hope so :lol:
      oh wow, floves is my love, please show it here :3nodding:
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    9. Victor is gorgeous, and i too am a fan of gloves... this thread has all the love
      <3 thank you for sharing your pictures <3
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    10. I am glad I am not the only glove appreciator. :whee:
      I will post some photos here of the other gloves when they come in!
      (Victor's going to have to share them with my actual Universedolls, hehe.)
    11. i have some crazy ideas about how to make some.... and i finally have some less costly hands to experiment with :mwahaha
      now if i could spray msc... it's been very wet where i am lately... boo.
    12. It's been too wet to spray MSC here too @Grimalkin :sigh I've been dying to get started on finally blushing Pariah.
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    13. my windows are literally dripping condensate. and the weather guy is now showing warmer but very humid is about to hit.
      :sigh right there with you...
      might be time to figure out that spray box for the garage...i found a sheet of acrylic the other day, could be a good top window
    14. We just moved house and so I've still not set up the workshop in the garage, where I intend on having a spray booth. Today was a delightful 91% humidity. I just want summer back already. :...( I hate cold, wet weather.
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    15. My long awaited hands pack finally arrived. Gil got a gift from his dad. I think he approves :)

      [​IMG]DSC06223 by Mysha, on Flickr
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    16. Ooh, my other gloves came in today!
      Aaaand they didn't quite fit the 5th Motif hands.

      They might work if I was a bit more brave, perhaps, but the pinky finger was resisting and I didn't want to force it since Victor can wear the jointed glove hands from LLT for my purposes.

      They are the lovely half palm gloves that Meow Marts did a group order for.
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    17. can you stretch the leather or fabric a little? for leather, i've used a pair of tiny forceps, since you can click the end open and leave them for a while. fly tying shops have them if you can't get ordinary ones. maybe wooden pointed chopstick or a hair stick would work too, like a shoe tree? i would love to see them if you have time to share a pic later :)