1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Jun 15, 2017

    1. .
      #1 Gintsumi, Jun 15, 2017
      Last edited: Feb 26, 2024
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    2. What an interesting question!! :D Honestly, I'd wanna go somewhere that I could have this super awesome outdoor photo session. I'd want to go to the beautiful woods of Washington, and I'd take my Resinsoul Li with me, because she's more expressive than my boy. There could be so many beautiful shots with her in the lush green woods of WA!
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    3. I was just thinking about something similar! I was saying to a friend I want to travel all the states in the US and take pictures of one of my dolls as though they were going on the trip themselves. In my mind it was one of my foxes, but I just pre-ordered a little prince doll, and I can totally see it being him.
    4. Wow, what a great question! I'd want to go on a cruise around the world. A long one, a whole year! I love cruises (I've been on two) and love having your hotel room follow you around and a new destination each day. Even being out at sea is just so calm, you don't have to do anything. OK, as for the bjd, I'd take my BishonenHouse Vince. He is msd size, lightweight, and easy for me to carry. The biggest plus is he has different face plates so I can change his expression, so taking pictures is really fun. oh, gosh, I really want to go on a cruise now!
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    5. Ohhh! I've been on a cruise a couple years back and we also went to Universal Studios Singapore and I took my Latidoll Yellow Miel, Junsu! Since he's 16cm, I could just put him in my bag and bring him around with me all day! He's really portable and so convenient to carry about! Plus I could dress him up like a snowman (since it was near Christmas time) so he look more like a tiny plushie and people usually can't tell he's a BJD at first glance LOL. (Partly to avoid stares and also partly I am paranoid enough not to go around flashing/"announcing" that I'm carrying around a couple hundred bucks worth of doll around - I would totally cry if he got stolen on our first trip together!!).

      I'd love to go on a trip to Korea and Japan some day and if it was a long trip I might consider bringing a bigger doll, I'd love to bring my Soom Zak or Switch Waseon or Souldoll H.C. Yurr but I'll probably can't handle carrying all that weight everywhere LOL!! If I could though (just wishful thinking but still...), I would love to take turns bringing each of them around so everyone gets a chance to go on a trip with me. We could go sightseeing and trying out all the various cafes and I'd go crazy taking photos of him with the scenery/food/whatever. Plus I'd love to visit a doll showroom, doll party or doll convention with my boy too and we can shop together for some new items, and god forbid, a new buddy?!?, for him! :D

      A snapshot of Junsu at Universal Studios. This boy is forever the foodie. :lol:
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    6. On my most recent trip, we went to Centralia and Hershey PA and Point Pleasant WV and I took Lakin because his character is all about creepy and/or abandoned places. Got a decent pic of him on Graffiti Highway!


      When I travel, I usually do take a doll. Dhani, Justin and Jack have all been to Gatlinburg, TN. Erica, Derby, Rose, Jack, and Mr. E have been to the STL BJD Con. Derby has been to Nashville. Parker and Hailey have been to Cave City KY. Amir has been to Ocean City MD and Washington DC. Several have been with me to visit family or friends.

      There are several places I'd still love to visit- Salton Sea, Picher OK, Six Flags Jazzland, Pripyat, HolyLand USA, NYC, Australia.....Lakin would most likely be my travel buddy for these. I'd like to go to Ireland one day too, and Eirnin would go with me for that.
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    7. I want to bring a smaller doll, but since Eli (Migidoll Ell) got his new body, I'm so in love with him that he follows me from room to room even! So I would lug this sweet boy to the zoo and then camping on the beach. I think some lovely beachside sunrise/sunset photos are in order.
    8. Yes. I used to want to do Alaska. And ... I'd almost have to get a Minifee to go with me. Like. Shiwoo or Lishe.
    9. I would be so much happier if I could take a doll with me everywhere I go! But I worry about possible damage. My favorite places to go are doll conventions and meetups, where I know there will be like-minded friends with their dolls too!

      If I went to Japan, I'd be tempted to take Hiro, my first BJD, with me, and probably a Dollfie Dream too. If I went to the UK, I'd want to take Demetrius and Puck with me.

      Linda S.
    10. Depends - if it were within Europe and I could reach most of my destinations by train I'd take Aidan I guess, since she's my favourite. Maybe Luken, my first doll. World-wide and by plane? Well, I got Shizuku in Japan and since she's a Yo-SD I can pretty much fit her in my backpack so no hassle with a doll carrier at check-in. She's also kinda got the same "attitude" as Aidan so maybe I'll just turn her into "mini-Aidan".
    11. There are lots of places in the world that I'd want to go. I want to go back to British Columbia, where I lived for 3 years. Actually, I'd love to take about six months and go on a cross-Canada tour, just stopping in all the places that looked interesting to me at each moment. Some day I would also love to go to the UK. As for who I'd bring along, ideally I'd want to bring Tyler (Iplehouse nYID Oscar), but realistically he's too big to backpack across Canada with. I'd probably bring Shiromaru (MYou Gaius) as he's 1/6 and therefore "travel size"
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    12. This is one of the reasons why I love my tinies so much! They are just so easy to travel with. I'm going to take at least my Pukifee Tika on my vacation and take a ton of pictures of him at the beach, in the woods, and all sorts of other places. I'm also going to take the vacation away from the internet to write his and all my other dolls stories and dive deeper into their world.
    13. I honestly had never considered traveling with a doll, just because I worry about damage or thieves. In a perfect world, I'd have a doll small enough to pack in my carry-on and that'd be my only travel companion. Although, if I go on a doll-themed trip, to Japan or South Korea, I'd bring Annix since there'd be a lot of doll centric places to visit.
    14. I have traveled with a doll once to a convention. I felt guilty the whole time. I was afraid she would get broken or that she was going to hate me for stuffing her in my socks..lol. I was glad I took her as she could try on clothes the instant I purchased them. It is also cool when people are room hopping to have a doll hanging out. Not sure if I would do it again though.
    15. I'd love to take about six months and travel around China. I'd take my Elfdoll Soah with me. She wants to see the terracotta warriors. ;)
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    16. I went to Italy for two weeks with my Withdoll Cathy, Adley. I really enjoyed bringing her but I couldn't take many photos of her at the scenic areas like the Colosseum or the Vatican. Even during what is considered low tourist season it was always packed with people and I was scared I'd pose her, step away for a second and someone would stomp on her. :eek:

      I really wish I had been into BJDs when I went to Japan for two weeks too. Every location was so picturesque and it was easy to find places that were not crowded. I would love to travel throughout Ireland, Mongolia, New Zealand and the Nordic countries with Adley in the future.
    17. Well, this is actually a pretty easy one for me, since I reduced my collection down big time.

      I'd take Poppy, my Volks SD13 FCS F-45 to Tenshi no Sato or at least a Dolpa!
    18. I haven't gotten her yet, but since my other dolls are SDs, I'd probably take Gobby, the DHS Aldou I just ordered. The idea of a doll you can take just about anywhere sounds fun. And I hope to travel and camp out at various preserves for my job, if I can get one anytime soon.
    19. My first impulse is to say Vince, my first. Especially as his character is 'living doll', so I could take pictures of him with out-of-scale tourist stuff. I mean, I'd love to take him back to San Francisco, or off to a doll cafe... On a tour of every doll cafe??

      Buuut... I'd have to have his carrier, he's not an easy, purse-sized doll. Even Billy wouldn't fit very well in my regular purse. And if I was going on my dream vacation, I would want an easy purse-sized doll or no doll at all. One that could be safely zipped into my purse when not out for pictures, and... like, securely kept. Like there's no way I'm taking Vince on Splash Mountain, you know? But a little purse-sized doll would be ideal for theme park hopping and getting in a few cute pics without having to worry about lugging a larger, visible doll around.
    20. If I had to take some doll, I would choose my two BJDs. I can't just take one and let the other alone in my home. Next year I'm planning to study 2 years in europe and of course I will bring both, but if it was just a quick trip I would let them in my home because I don't like to carry many things...