1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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A place to keep your dolls......?

Mar 26, 2010

    1. Generally speaking, my dolls have their own space in my home office. That having been said, it's just me and Grace (my Boston Terrier) who live at my house, so I don't feel that my dolls really need to be confined to just one room. My crew "lives" all over the house. You could walk into my place at any time and find a doll sitting just about anywhere it would be safe for them. Like other people have said on here, it's nice to have them nearby. Sometimes I like to bring one or two of them into my bedroom at night and sit them on top of the chest of drawers.
    2. I have one of those "bookcase headboards" for my bed, and all of my girls "live" in the two shelves on the right-hand side. I think I'm going to have to make alternate arrangements at some point, though, because once the other two dolls I'm expecting get home things are going to be awfully crowded in there!
    3. I just moved into my dorm, and it's very very small and I don't want them chilling out in the sun so I keep them in the deep drawer amongst their pillows. I'd love to have a little more permanent spot for them, but I don't have any room at all. :(

      However, at home, they normally chill under a blanket on a shelf or on my desk.
    4. I just moved in to a new house, and we started to do a big makeover in the inside, because we already finished the outside and pool....so my bedroom is still a mess, the walls will be painted and change positions, so my dolls are inside the closet.

      After paint the walls, I hope to organize a nice shelve in the bedroom far from the window. I won't do it now, because I would have to change it again later.
    5. My two MSDs and one tiny currently occupy a shelf on my display cabinet; all my other dolls (5 SDs and 3 heads) are in their boxes, which are stacked in my crafting area. Previously I had three SDs on display. I love all my dolls but don't have room to show them all off at once (not optimally, at least), so I cycle the display. It's nice to change it up once in a while, and by cycling them, it's like they're new all over again.
    6. all the dolls hang out on a cube-shelf-thing in my office. the room has room-darkening cell shades so no light gets in and it's the pet free zone so i don't have to worry about wig thievery. each cube gets changed up with it's own little montage of dolls fighting or chilling or etc.
    7. I put my dolls on the shelf.. however bad thing is putting them outside will yellow faster =/ But i also don't want to put it somewhere where i can't even see them. =/
    8. I don't have special place for them, so I read your answers, and I think I will buy something to put them in my sewing room ... ^^
    9. I used to put them in a shelf in my room but once I knew about artificial lights (except LEDs) and how most of them release UV as well, I just keep them in their boxes just to be safe now as they actually made my f01 pretty yellow. I thought she was not taken cared of in the past so she just turned yellow but it turns out it was because she was exposed to the lights we had in my room for at least 8 hours every day for 1 year. Poor girl. TvT
    10. I keep mine in their boxes, and in my closet.
    11. Mine are all on a shelf in my room right now. I have black out curtains up to protect them, but I don't really like the lack of light and air so I'm hoping to buy a cabinet to keep them in during the day.
    12. I Like to keep my dolls in a china cabinet in my bedroom! Probably because that's where I spend the most of my Time. If I kept them anywhere else I probably wouldn't get anything done with them because I'm really forgetful so since I keep them in my room I but think it helps me remember alittle better because when I'm sitting in my room I can just look over so seeing my dolls helps me!! I hope this is helpful but just in case you don't know if you have a cabinet KEEP IT OUT OF DIRECT SUNLIGHT!!
    13. I have a dedicated dolly cabinet in my workroom. (You can see it in my blog) They are well protected from dust and sunlight there. It also has a lock and awesome drawer for all the small dolly stuff.
    14. Am I the only person out there who don't care if my dolls yellow or not? I payed very good money for all of these dolls and I would like to see that money each, and every day. There for my doll are all over my house. I have about 17 windows in my house so there is no getting away from the sun. I just had a new front door put in that is almost all glass just to let more sun light in. I love the sun, and I love my dolls. I am not willing to give up either one.
    15. Away from pets.
    16. Right now my dolls are in a suitcase since I just moved into a house, but once I have my reading nook set up properly, my dolls will live there. It's in the basement so it's nice and not-sunny, and there's less danger of knocking them off the bookcase!
    17. I keep them in my original boxes. But I really want to have them sitting in my shelf instead, but I am overprotective to exposing them to light XD
    18. Yeah, kind of the reason I keep mine out of sight for the most part.
    19. I moved recently and sadly couldn't bring my huge wardrobes to the new apartment where I used to keep my dolls before. So now they reside in a mini-sized version of it. Eleven mostly big dolls crammed into a tiny cabinet, just so they're away from the sun and my kitty. It looks hilarious whenever I open it to take one out, like everyone's fighting for some space in there.
    20. Ours have pretty much taken over the entire house. Newcomers to our place look askance at the SD-sized kitchen/living space set up in a nook in the living room, but they either get used to it or stop hanging out with us! The dolls have furniture all over the place but still end up hogging our couches, chairs, counter tops and beds.