1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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A place to keep your dolls......?

Mar 26, 2010

    1. I tend to move around a lot (back and forth from Holland and the UK for University) and because I'm contrary like that, the dolls always come with me.
      Here in the UK I've got a little table in the corner of my rented room that I have a little set up for them (complete with sofas/chairs and props XD), when I'm back in Holland they either hang out on my desk in my bedroom or sit around on their sofa downstairs in the living room on top of one of the cabinets, since I spend most of my time there and like to have them around me.
    2. Xanadu, trust me, it's not that weird. My navy veteran grandfather collects Barbies for crying out loud. Still, I know the feeling; I have been met with opposition when others have found out that I collect dolls too. It may not be that we're boys with dolls, but the dolls themselves that people are weirded out by.

      My doll sits on my bedside table on a pile of other (mostly pink or Pokemon) plushies. If that's not something most guys would try to hide, I dunno what is.
    3. There are a few guys on this forum who keep dolls isn't there?.......just another way of expressing your artistic side really.
    4. I want some chairs and sofas too for my dolls......but it will have to wait for now......too busy buying them clothes and stuff!
    5. yes I have seen a few guys here
      I haven't had a single bad moment here, all of you are really nice to me and stuff
    6. Oh yeah, forgot this.
      I would keep them on my dresser or something like that, but I don't like to be watched while I sleep. Even by people.
    7. took me awhile for my fiddler crabs to be allowed in my room lol (they look like as if they're looking at you)
    8. I wouldn't be bothered by my dolls watching over me while I'm asleep......I know they can't see me, Lol
    9. I put my two bookshelves in my tiny closet and use those! My bigger glass one hold the dolls and thier boxes on the three shelves while my other holds clothes and such stuff :3 its easy and safe!
    10. I have a studio condo that I live in during the school year. My dolls have confiscated a bookshelf for their personal use =_=" only thing is that I have a lot of books as well... so it's not working well. They're getting their own shelf soon and my books will be returned to their rightful place. ^.^

      At home, home in my room my dolls have a full empty bookshelf for themselves to use.
    11. I keep a few of my dolls in their boxes in my closet, and two of them I keep on the shelf behind my bed. : )
    12. Mine tend to float between being kept safe in their boxes in the spare room, to sitting in the bookcase in my bedroom, to one of my sewing/sculpting stations about the house. Ideally, they'd have their own shelf somwhere, out of the sunshine but still on display.
    13. I would be afraid to leave them on any high bookshelves because they’re twitchy sometimes, I fear about them falling when there’s no one to catch them. I don’t know what the elastic is doing in them. And yes, even DZ’s can do that and kick out randomly or shift. Don't belive me? Come and take a look :)
      I have mine in a normal case with glass doors. The first thing your eyes fall on when entering the room. It’s in the living room, but we have small apartment so I sleep actually right under this case with at least one of them on my pillow and the rest looking down at me.
      First I was afraid of my cat chewing on their wigs, but she doesn’t care.

      As for people making hurtful comments about them being ugly or looking weird and blah blah blah, I normally try not to react on the first one made. When this whoever really gets my nerves going I say “ever felt haunted by something really small and quickly moving?” with the most innocent face I can manage. This trick works always because as they are set in their case, at least one of the BJDs is looking right at this particular someone.;)
      If any of those people ever had nightmares afterwards ^^ well, serves them right.
    14. i have a shelf that i got from ikea that you mount onto the wall. so it's like a ledge. they sit on that currently and my girl doll has her own chair so it looks pretty nice and it saves room. these shelfs come in all colors and looks nice on the walls. if you don't have a ikea next to you i've seen them in target also.
    15. My large dolls used to have to live in their boxes in my bedroom closet, the tinies lived on top of a dvd storage unit. Then we converted half of the garage into an office/homeschooling classroom and now they live out there. There are no windows so they are protected from the sun and the majority of the room is book cases (I love books). I bought a large bookcase at Ikea that is perfect for them. They have the top two shelves as well as the top of the bookcase to sit on now. The bottom three shelves keep my kids homeschool books and curriculum materials. It's a room kind of out of the way so not many people go in there unless they are looking for a book or want to see the dolls. Of course most of the people who come to visit me are doll friends.

      Xanadu my hubby collects dolls too. He even takes his boy Faust to work with him some times. But then almost everyone he works with already thinks he's pretty weird.
    16. I have 4 Ikea Detolf cabinets (glass) that holds antique dolls and a couple of OOAK dolls. One Roccocco glass cabinet with china dolls and one glass bookcabinet also holding antique dolls. The latter one has two "floors" and the bottom one is where I plan my BJD's to live. So far I have only the one (...and still waiting for eyes and wig...who'd have known that ordering time was sooo long in the world of BJD's :D))BJD, but knowing myself it is just a matter of time before they multiply.

      If your room is dark (because of the issue with yellowing), I can well recommend Ikea's Detolf cabinets. They are very cheap, smart looking and you can keep adding cabinets as you need.
    17. My dolls float between the bedroom and the living room, in fact my little Lyra is sitting on the coach with my now. I plan to set up a living room for them some day, just haven't found furniture that I really like yet.

      Xanadu and vanzinger I think it is great that you collect dolls and that you guys feel comfortable here on the forum. My boyfriend has been thinking about getting into the hobby himself, he likes how customizable and possible the dolls are. Funny thing is, he insist that if he every gets one, that it won't be a doll, it will be an "action figure" lol. I think he is a bit insecure about the fact that he wants something that society has deemed being for girls.
    18. I was at first, you know but everyone here is so friendly that I don't think its a problem, ya know
      no one here seems to care, people elsewhere do but they don't matter really
    19. Computer desk drawerrrrrrr. Dark and undusty but immediately accessible.
      I kind of want tot turn one cupboard into a bedroom, but I don't have a cupboard to spare.;;;
    20. On the mantle above my fireplace, along with my collection of gargoyles. Also on top of the armoire that houses my computer, right next to my printer. Gotta keep my dolls up high since my cat loves to chew up wigs!