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A place to keep your dolls......?

Mar 26, 2010

    1. Most of them sit on a bookshelf in my room, but my SD's sit on my bed. :)
    2. If you search the forum you'll find probably dozens of threads about this very issue, with lots of interesting suggestions.

      This thread caught my eye because I'm this very moment searching for an alternative to what I've got... many people use deep shelving like Ikea bookcases, which seem to do very well indeed.
    3. my doll is currently on my computer desk in the corner nearest the window, its awkard to explain but it is the darkest place ( which is hard in the mornings as the window is east facing >< ) But in the holidays Im having a room reshuffle and will set up a room shelf thing on my wall.
    4. My boys live in my one of my wardrobes.
      I moved some clothes around so they could have one half for themselves and their own clothes and wigs and what not 8D I always place them on a big pillow in there and it's nice to know they're locked away safely whenever I'm not around. I could never leave them somewhere out in my room, like on my bed .. my kitties would try to play with them whenever they sneak in ;_; They also learned how to open the door to my room lol so that plus the sunlight factor made me put the boys away very quickly whenever I'm not around and not playing with them.
    5. I keep mine on the shelf above my computer desk. I tend to get distracted by them and end up fixing up their clothing/hair when I'm in the middle of other things, though. xD
    6. this made me laugh! i think it depends on your area ive seen a few guys who college dolls and my friends and family dont seem to mind orthink im crazy for having dolls
      i used to sleep with my mini when he came for the first two years nows he has his own little box room in my closet i think dolls should have their own rooms XD
    7. One of my boys is a closet child; that is, he lives in my closet. :'D
      The other one is too big so he's just in his box on my bedroom floor. D: My room and closet are both really small... :(
      I keep them both in their boxes when I'm not dressing them to take photos, because I don't want them collecting dust (my place is very dusty for some reason) and also so I won't get distracted, because if they're out all the time I'll want to play with them! I plan to make a bit of space on the nightstand beside my bed for them to sit and such because I think it's a perfect spot for them. c:
    8. Mine are sitting on a little sofa on my computer desk so I can keep an eye on them and they don't get up to any mischief ;) Well... at least not while I'm around!!
    9. MY doll alternates between her meetup duffle and the night table right next to my bed so she can watch over me while I sleep (or actually so she's one of the last things I see before going to sleep and one of the first things when I wake up.) I also take her into my bathroom and put her on the vanity while I get ready for work. Then she goes back to my night table to wait again.

      My DAUGHTERs dolls are wherever she last had them acting out their stories. Could be in the living room... Could be in her room. Her MSD has a bed. Her SD often sits on her night table and watches over her while she sleeps. He carries a sword to protect her ;)
    10. Mine live in an old, converted computer armoire in my work room/studio, (found ti for $30 on craig's list-woot!) The shelves are too small for my big boys to stand, but I've made a few 'couches' out of their boxes and pillows and they have quite the little lounge in there right now. Plus the doors keep out dust and sunlight. :)
    11. Aww that is so sweet:aheartbea
    12. I was thinking that one of those old TV cabinets you see in junk shops would make a good room for dolls.....they are very deep as they were made to accommodate a television and they have a door on the front too so you can close it when you're not at home and open it when you want to look at your dolls.......might go to the junk shop next week.:)
    13. Finally got some shelving installed at the beginning of this year! :)
      Put the tracks up on the wall, aligned with the studs, then plopped down shelves and non-skid liner.


      Before then? Three years of standing on a couple of leftover boards from cd shelves, placed across my stereo speakers. Then they outgrew that, spilled over onto a table that I set up for them. Then they got too many and too heavy for that, so my husband took pity on me, and as they were starting to have to stand around on the floor, he put up the shelves. :chocoberry

      My first and favorite doll used to always sleep on the nightstand beside me and watch over me.
      Then my husband finally couldn't take it any more (jealous? :XD: ), and made me keep ALL the dolls in their room.
    14. :sweat Mine are on a shelf in my room... My two MSD boys, that is. Pit, my puki is... Uhh.. Somehwere on my desk, and Seek, since he's a huge SD, is next to me on my bed every night since I have nowhere else to put him! :doh I'm a bad doll owner... *_*
    15. My doll likes to move e.o
      People in my family like to pick him up, carry him around for a bit, sometimes talk to him then put him down somewhere different (yes my parents talk to my dollie) XDXD. somedays he's laying on my bed, head on my pillow and body under blankets like a normal person. Sometimes he sits on top of my computer speakers, sometimes he's sitting on the kitchen counter keeping my mom company as she cooks, even sits by my dad while he watches national geographic, and sometimes he's in his box. (usually in his box under my bed) XD
      He doesn't seem to like to stay in one place, he's defininetly a member of the family though rather than a display doll c:
    16. The one doll I have right now and his visiting friend live in the Angel of Dream box Hakkai came in. It has padding in it, and a doll blanket and pillow, and it sits on top of the waist-high dresser there. It's as out of the way from the sunlight as I can get (in a one-bedroom apt. full of windows! If I wanted it dark I'd have to stow them in the hall closet where the cat sleeps D: ), and really accessible, so I can go play with them or grab them to take with me out to the living room whenever I want to.

      During the day, Hakkai usually comes with me to the computer desk, though. He'll sit either behind the computer or on my aunt's desk and hang out while I play online. Kazuki will probably do this, too, when she gets here :P
    17. Sophia actually just chills on my bed by my panda, sometimes she stares at me while I sleep, but I don't really mind at all actually. But when she's not on my bed, I have a chair set up for her, and she either sits on that, my computer desk, or my lap during the day.
    18. My delightful fiance bought me some bookcases for my dolls a couple years ago. The BJD used to have their own bookcase, but when I moved last year my personal space diminished considerably and all of my dolls and books were condensed into two cases total, so the BJD were squished into one shelf. Now I'm moving again--somewhere even smaller--so we'll see what happens next :sweat Someday when I have more room and some extra money I'd like to get them a display with glass doors, as I hate when they get dusty.