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A place to keep your dolls......?

Mar 26, 2010

    1. Well, I have this great desk in my room - PERFECT fit for Cecilia's bed, trunk, and chair! Plus a lamp and candle or two, and some flowers.
    2. I have a bed with a build in bookcase for the headboard so I keep all 8 of my kids sitting on that. so I can see them right when i wake up and whenever I come into the room ^^
    3. My doll currently lives on the mantle in my bedroom above a bricked-over fireplace (don't ask... weird dorm decor). She sometimes sits on top of my desktop tower while I'm gaming, though. When I'm at home, there's a ledge that runs 3/4 of the way around my bedroom at chest height, and Sephie hangs out there with all my other knicknacks out of reach of my sister's overly enthusiastic puppy. When I get a place of my own (or with my fiance), I hope to have a cabinet for them. Maybe one with a glass front like my mom's china cabinet, so that I can angle it away from the sun and still have my pretties visible to guests and myself. :D
    4. @AnatoliaLove - Haha, well, thanks! but there really is a logical explanation! I'm a thespian (and queer as it gets) so uh, admitting my love for pretty pretty fully-poseable boys to a hoard of women is nothing I haven't done a thousand times before :D
      You just have to be comfortable with yourself. And the first step is acknowledging that it is in fact a doll, and not a friggin' action figure. Their clothes aren't painted on, and they don't come with tiny launchable missiles. Although the missiles might be cool...
    5. yeah, one gets a lot of weird looks if they're not gay and has dolls, not here though friendliest people ever here which is nice as said before my dolls are in my room, where no one is allowed in I am probably gonna invest in a shelf as they just sit on a dresser right now (the porcelain ones) Clover will too once she arrives though I have a feeling she'll move around more-being smaller) hey I think a lot of people here can say a doll with a little gun or dressed as a ghostbuster or predator is cool
    6. Mine follow me around!
      At night they share my Ys' box, as it's the largest. During the day when I'm at college they all sit in an old radio cabinet that has a downwards sliding door, the door stays open though, they're in a magical spot that avoids sunlight.
      And when I'm at home they go wherever I go c:
      Right now we're all squished on a sofa cushion in the dark taking part in Earth Hour x3
    7. I am waiting for my first doll to arrive next month + 2 more to follow so my husband very kindly has offered to make me a glass cabinet for them to keep them dust free and out of reach of my grandchildren, the only problem, he asked me how big I wanted the cabinet, how many dolls was I intending to buy, tricky, I did not dare to say, lots ?!!.......
    8. I have a nightstand next to my bed--I've cleared out the first drawer strictly for Reika. When I'm not playing with her/don't have her on display next to me, she's in the box laying on the pillow she arrived in~ As for Kura, I think I'll have to clear another drawer for him. Keeping dolls in their company default boxes discourages me from playing with them. :sweat:
    9. I keep any of my dolls on my shelf. Clothes and stuff go into a box I keep upstairs in my sisters closet and smaller things go into this nifty mini-chest of drawers.
    10. My Kid Delf stays with me in my bedroom. She sits atop the highest shelf of my study table, which really isn't so high.:D Though my room is small and has a big window with curtains drawn for most of the day, she doesn't get hit by the sun much, so it's okay. And since I play with her, she doesn't get dusty.;)

      Remember, they'll only get dust if they're left in the same place for too long.
    11. My doll is currently on a stand on my desk. I don't have a lot of space in my awful little dorm room so I don't have a lot of choice. The natural light in my room is terrible though, and I have things hanging up all over the place so he doesn't get direct sunlight. If I'm away for extended periods of time (overnight or longer) he goes back into his box until I get back for safety.
    12. Mine are precariously balanced on my bookshelf. :lol:
      I don't think the cats have noticed yet ^_^ You would think I'd have learned from the time that my Leo fell down on his own (black) wings and got himself a nasty looking bruise. :sweat Its still there the poor thing. I think I'll have to re do his face to get rid of it. How his wings ended up under him breaking his fall I'll never know.
      They just look so pretty on the book case. Pride of place in our living room. :)
    13. @Xanadu - I am pretty sure that everyone will love a tiny little doll with a gun. Or ghostbuster costume. My boyfriend is making a sawed-off shotgun for my doll. THIS IS PRETTY COOL, to heck with people who are too closed minded to think so, right?

      And honestly, it doesn't seem that weird to me for a straight guy to have a girl doll. I guess growing up with nerds who have tons of little anime girl statuettes all over their desks/dressers kind of made it okay. But to the non-awesome world, I see how it would earn you funny looks. Lame.
    14. at first my one doll lived on my computer desk, then my couple of dolls slept in their boxes in our spare room, then our few dolls had a set of shelves in the lounge, now our many many dolls take up the tops of both dressingtables, and a loooong shelf in the bedroom

    15. The Littles and tinies are either in the dollhouse or 1 of 5 over the door doll holders, or storage tubs in the closet...

      The resins have a chair they've spilled out of so the Obitsu 60 gets to stand around.

      Floating heads are either on the torture wrack, an old thread spool wrack missing a few tines, or a shoe box. I'd love for them to have their own room.
    16. Well lets see...my least played with dolls stay in their boxes. I've transformed one of my drawer into a doll bed so that my more played with dolls are in there sleeping. Then some seem to have just made residence in their carriers because I take them where-ever I go...so I never remember to put them back in "bed". I am wayyyyyyyyyy too paranoid of yellowing and stuff to put them on display. When we move I am looking for a place with a big walk in closet or a third bed room thats the darkest which will become my crafts room and where I will put my dolls in so they can stop being in said box and bed drawer.
    17. I have a special room for my dolls. Formally only for Barbiedolls. Now I have build a display, inspired by the TV Series "The Beauty and the Beast" including the window from Vincent's room. Now it's Golfin's room. He shares it with Ena, his girlfriend, Conall, his best friend and Bella, Ena's neece and Conall's girlfriend. And I build a little forrest cabin for Fred, Lola and Fester.
    18. Mine stay in my bedroom but sometimes will migrate into the living room. I have a couple doll couches and chairs set up on a cabinet and they all pile on. I am actually to the point I am going to have to find a better place to put them, now out of room. So I may have to leave some on the cabinet and move the rest back to the top of my tv cabinet. I do have a doll sized bed for them as well but just haven't found the right place to put it. Sadly right now one of my boys is still sitting in the doll carrier since I have been lazy and haven't gotten him out since the last meet he went to. I would love to one day have enough room that I can display them all out properly.
    19. yeah, that is cool! see why I am going it :P sawed off shotgun? nice! funny looks, rude comments, I just insult something they love-and it makes them far madder then them insulting dolls ever makes me I don't care what they think, I like the dolls-no one here is mean to me hell I am even going to one of those doll met ups in May (kinda nervous) but in a good way. It's an interesting hobby with really nice people
    20. Mine usually stay in the bedroom, since it's the only smoke-free room of the house. And I make sure it stays that way. This isn't to say I never take them out. With 7 acres of land, you sort of have enough privacy to go around.