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A place to keep your dolls......?

Mar 26, 2010

    1. I also live in a smoking household :( so mine either stay in our glassed-in back porch or my bedroom (both smoke-free). But they have to stay in a display case and away from our three cats. o.O
    2. Luckilly my BF has accepted the dolls as part of our joint hoard of 'plastic crap' so when we get our own place they'll have their own display/storage area of some sort but they'll probably follow me around the house a lot. Right now I'm living in a tiny tiny (I can reach everything in the room from the bed!) rented house and I've just got a corner shelf above my bed with a doll and her chair on it. She's never decided to leap off but if she did she' d just fall onto my bedding. I'm planning on getting another cheapo shelf for when my next doll arrives. I like to have them on hand and its amazing what an acceptable set for photoshoots you can make on a shelf.
    3. I have cats, so all my boys are in thier boxes in the closet. I don't get to see them enough but I think it makes it more special when I do take them out!!! :)
    4. I want to build sort of shadow-boxes, like mini-dollhouse rooms for my dolls. Right now, they "live" all over the house. There's one on a chair on my bedstand, a couple on the dresser, and one that sits over my computer.

      I had a friend who made/collected porceline dolls, and she had the most interesting way to display them. She bought chairs and screwed them up onto the wall, and had her dolls seated up there suspended in space. It looked really neat. Certainly more interesting than having them in display boxes!
    5. My boy is often around the house for me to admire, sometimes reclining on our bed or sitting on the sofa.
      But at night he goes in the spare bedroom and sleeps on his pillow in his box for now.
    6. I keep mine in my bedroom, they sit or stand on top of 2 pieces of furniture that are in areas where the sun won't hit them. I spend most of my time in my room, so this way they are with me all the time ^-^ As for the dust, I just dust them off every so often. They will get dusty no matter where you put them, even cabinets are not air tight. So I would say keep them where you will enjoy them the most, and where they will be safe :D
      • x 1
    7. I have wall mounted shelves for my dolls. They seem to like looking down on me, a mere mortal. *lol*
    8. I keep Ophelia on a bed of two square pillows in the corner of my own bed. (my bed is huge). She has her own large pillow, along with the body pillow she came in, and a small, cuddly fleece blanket that my mom made for her. She also has a zombie plush that she "sleeps" with. <3
    9. My doll is sitting on my night stand right now. I'm in the process of getting furniture and making a room for him in a display cabinet.
    10. I am literaly having my house extended and a large part of that is to house my collectables including my BJDs.
      Just don't tell my husband!
    11. I cleared out all the useless shelves in my closet and rearranged all the shelves to create a kind of "apartment" for my boy, complete with bedroom and sitting area. He'll get more space once I clear out the top two shelves, as well ^__^
    12. I'm in a studio apartment and space is at a premium, so they are basically all over the place. The rules of thumb are: I want to be able to see them, and they must be out of the sun. Beyond that, any available place where they can sit or stand works. I have a cat but he just isn't interested.
    13. When I'm not around, I keep Sonata in her box. Especially since usually when I'm not around it means it's daytime and I'm at college, and sunlight is a big problem during the day. There isn't a lot of places that aren't in direct sunlight in my apartment. So in the box she goes! When I'm there, I keep her on my computer desk since that's where I spend 95% of the time I'm home at. And at night she has a spot on my bookshelf. Then in the morning back in the box she goes if it's a weekday. It's really all a cycle lol
    14. Our dolls just kind of live all over the house. XD Kraneia's on my computer tower playing with a mermaid, Miyuki's on the monitor playing patty-cake with the Zoid, Thalatta's keeping Daphne-the-head company, Yánzi is talking to a hell hound, and Dawn is on the couch with her Pokemon. Anya is sitting on my lap right now, because I'm nervous about sending her off for a new faceup. XD;
    15. I have this glass cabinet for my dolls, since I have cats and children ;) But, as there nowadays are so many, part of my dolls are often sitting on an open shelf on the wall above my computer :)
    16. My dolls are currently living on the "shelf" of my desk. My desk is actually the kind of desk that's used for computers with a separate shelf for the monitor. Though they're just sitting there since there's no place to set up anything for them. They're sharing the shelf with my film scanner - those things are huge -, a photo frame and my mini ship models.m

      My dolls started out living in the box my first doll came in, on my bed. Then they moved to my old table, which was huge. And they had an area to themselves there.

      Then they shifted to my book/storage shelf and were living with my Lomography cameras/stuff.

      And now, the shelf above my desk.
    17. At one side of my room I have a fireplace sitting on this raised platform and that's where my dollies lounge around. Some of them are sitting on the platform and some I have standing propped against it. I would love to install some wall-mounted shelves someday though.
    18. Mine are split 50/50. Have in my home office and the other group at my work office. :-)
    19. This is kind of a neat thread topic! As for me all my dolls are in my bedroom.
      Actually they've pretty much taken over my room... My Lati yellows & my
      pukis + a head are in their Rement room/house & my 7 & a half other dolls
      (2 SG's 3 1/2 yo-sd's my Soso & my Lilah) sit pretty comfortably on their $$
      Laurel Crown sofa. They totally watch me while I sleep (among other things :sweat)
      and it's still creeeepy sometimes :lol: but gosh it's fun having dolls!!!!