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Acrylic, Glass Or Silicone Eyes?

Dec 11, 2009

  1. Glass

  2. Acrylic

  3. Silicone

  4. Other..?

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    1. I voted glass, because they have depth (especially the better quality ones). They are for the most part inexpensive, which is an important factor for me. I recently bought two pairs of beautiful glass eyes for each of my dolls and they look realistic and beautiful! I just bought a doll from a friend that came with ED eyes. They are quite beautiful as well. But glass won't yellow with time, and if well cared for will last a lifetime (probably longer than the doll, LOL!)
    2. often!! >.< the true colors are hard to capture in photos i guess

      i prefer glass eyes, they just look better imo. the patterns look more realistic and the colors are more vivid. i've had some nice acrylics, but all-in-all they look like paper behind plastic to me.

      i have one pair of silicone eyes that ended up being the only pair that was the perfect match for what i wanted after many other tries. but the dust-gathering quality makes them a no-go in general
    3. I prefer acrylic eyes! I just think they look give a more realistic looking eye than glass eyes do, and they are a lot less expensive. But then again, I don't think I have ever had a really good pair of glass eyes in any of my dolls before. I'm sure glass eyes are nice though. But I'll stick with my acrylics. :P
    4. I've never had experience with silicone eyes, and 'm avoiding it, since I use silicone earplugs as putty, and the putty will deteriorate the eyes. SO I'm okay with avoiding it! xD

      Glass eyes tend to be my favorite, but good quality acrylics can also hold their own in my opinion. I'm dying to get my hands on urethane eyes though. Makoeyes has them for $25 a pair, and I'm debating which one to get. ^_^;;
    5. I am new to this, but so far, I am liking the glass eyes to much more than the acrylic eyes. They look so much more real and glossy. I have seen some acrylic that look pretty nice though.
    6. I love acrylic. I think the glass eyes make them look like taxiderme people instead of dolls.
    7. I like the silicone eyes but they get dusty so easy D:
      I never had a urethane eyes, but I see the other owners, and I think is so beautiful *O*
    8. I put 'other' because I think it depends on your experience with each type of eye. I'm kind of biased towards acrylics because Dollmore has some really nice acrylics, and I wouldn't hesitate to buy more from there. However, I've also experienced not-so-great acrylics - which were pretty much 'placeholders' - and I got my doll glass eyes. I liked the color of the acrylics (definitely a color I'd buy elsewhere), but I wasn't crazy about the overall make of the eye.

      I'm actually not crazy about the glass pair one of my dolls has, though I think it's because the color I chose seems too dark for my liking, and there are swirls I'm not too crazy about.

      I keep thinking I'll switch out my other doll's acrylics for glass one day... but I'm in no rush. Doing things with their eyes, for the most part, are on the very bottom of my list.
    9. Right now, my doll has a pair of glass eyes and they are stunning! So much better than the acrylics she came with. They catch the light so well and they look so deep and emotive. They almost glow in sunlight!

      I HAVE ordered some Urethane eyes, though, and if they are better than these glass eyes I have in her now, I don't think I'll be able to stop taking pictures of her. :D The urethane eyes are actually the very first thing I bought for her after I bought her a kimono at Katsucon. I bought them even before I got her, back in march... but they're custom made and the group order hasn't come in yet. I think eyes are one of the most important parts of the doll. They can really make or break a photoshoot from what I've seen.

      (Why isn't Urethane on that list??)
    10. I definitely prefer urethane eyes, but not all of them. Several companies make outstanding eyes, unbelievable realistic and vivid. My favourites are Mystic, Dollshe, Ethereal Angel/Gumdrop, DollBakery. Others are not so impressive IMHO. But I also like glass eyes and silicones too. Silicone eyes are perfect for dolls with uneven or hard-to-fit eye-sockets. And acrilics are the worst in my rating, they are plastic-look, lustreless, dull and lifeless. My dolls don't have these eyes.
    11. Glass eyes are my favorite by far. Acrylics are certainly cheaper, and I've come across some that are very nice, but I like how glossy glass looks. I only have one pair of silicone. I like them quite a bit, but they're rather expensive, and I find them hard to position in the eyewells.
    12. My faves are glass and urethane, but urethanes are expensive so it may be a while before I actually have any in hand. Acrylics seem to be a bit foggy and jagged looking, and I prefer a clear, smooth looking eye with depth.
    13. Urethane or glass? Hmmm.

      I personally would love to try urethane but I have heard they get messy and gathers every freaking microsmall dust thing in them...

      Glass eyes has the same glow but not so... strong but still they look good to my eye . . . So I prefer glass. Also the price of urethane's freaking me out hahah...
    14. I have many urethane eyes and none of them gather dust. Perhaps you are referring to silicone eyes (soft glass)? Those definitely do gather dust like nothing else! But, urethanes behave very much like glass in respect to dust and dirt.
    15. I prefer glass eyes I find that more shiny !
    16. I prefer urethane. I don't have any, but in pictures they appear to show more depth than glass and they catch the light better. I just wish they were easier to buy. Some waiting times can take months! My next choice would definitely be glass eyes. Right now I have glass, silicone, and acrylic. The glass eyes offer a depth and reality that the other two haven't been able to match for me. My next choice would be the silicone. I love that they come in a variety of colors and they fit so well in the eye socket. My last choice would be the acrylics. I have some because they are the only eyes that will work with my Unoa's eye mechanism. I've seen some owner pictures where acrylics outperform glass eyes, but whenever I see them in person they don't have the shine and life of glass or urethane.
    17. Searched but I couldn't find a thread to help me. Please delete and sorry if there's already a thread covering this.

      I actually wanted to ask what's the difference and post in Newbieland but aparrently DoA doesn't think I'm a newbie anymore eventhough I still feel like one :sweatSo yeah, I want to buy some more eyes for my doll but I'm not 100% sure what's the difference between acrylic, glass and silicone etc. Can someone enlighten me :? So far I only know that there's a price difference and I -think- I prefer glass over acrylic. What do you guys prefer?? Please share your thoughts :)
    18. Now that I finally have a pair of glass eyes,I prefer them to acrylic. I avoided them in the past because I didn't think they looked very realistic going by sellers' pictures. After seeing them in person I understand why everyone loves them so much.
    19. It all depends on the doll & the eye-- I don't assume one material will automatically be better than the other. Some sculpts look best in acrylics, some look best in glass or urethane, some look best in silicones, some dolls change eyes regularly & go through all the materials in the house.

      But the eyeballs whose look I love best are Gumdrops urethane, I think. I love the intensity of their jewel-tones, the concave iris effect, the 3-D ball pupil and the fabulous clarity. :chocoheart And they generally fit most sculpts pretty well, in my house. Still, the gaze they give is not for everybody... each doll has his own 'gaze', and it takes some trial-and-error to find just the right one for each doll.
    20. I usually prefer glass eyes and I like it.