1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Alchemic Labo Unoa Discussion Part 8

Jan 28, 2019

    1. You'd possibly be best off putting up a WTB in the Marketplace as it is still a resin part like the others, and plenty of people don't use it.
    2. Ok thanks.
    3. I snagged my first unoa, and my first bjd in general! He is the L-bi sculpt and was second hand, but completely new. He is a blank, since i want to paint and sand him myself. I’ve gotten him some clothes from volks and ttya, a digital face up draft, and undyed alpaca wefts ready to make a trial wig and eventually a proper dyed wig for him. Sadly no shoes yet, but i will figure that one out.

      I did not expect to fall back into dolls, especially not after selling my dollfie dreams, but its pretty exciting! Especially since its my first time handling resin. Gentaro Araki has made beautiful resin kits that are not bjds, and since i paint kits as a hobby, it was only a matter of time before i saw his dolls. :XD:
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    4. Sorry for the double post, but my l-bi is quite kicky after stringing him (i attempted it 3 times before it finally felt good orz) I assume hot glue sueding could help? Any ideas? :abow:
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    5. I'm guessing the elastic may be too tight if they kick. Part of the problem is their very basic articulation. Have you tried using silicone discs? You could get a 2mm silicone sheet and cut discs from it, instead of smearing the joints with hot glue.

      I have never been able to get mine to pose properly. It would be great to have the same faces with better articulated bodies but unfortunately Araki never moved on from his original idea. Still, I love mine, even though they live in their boxes and rarely come out to play. I may get them out over the weekend. Every time I get them out I fall in love with them all over again.

      Hope you can get him to hold poses.
    6. My Ange was SUPER kicky after I strung her according to the Unoa instructions. I ended up switching out the elastic and using a lil longer of length to loosen her a bit. She's no longer stuck staring at the ceiling but is a lil loose in spots. I find Unoas are a bit more finicky than other dolls I own and once they're suitably loose, sueding definitely helps.
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    7. This is so bizarre to me, my Unoas were both secondhand and came to me very loosely strung, but they both stand unassisted amazingly (even though i haven't restrung either one yet)! Neither one can pose, of course, but that's just because they're floppy. I had no idea they got kicky when they were properly strung! The engineering seems amazing from the other end of the spectrum.
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    8. Thanks everyone! After another restringing and some sueding, my lbi poses a lot better. Im gonna replace the glue with silicone in the future. One of the ankles are still loose but at this point, I give up lol.

      I ended up modding my lbi faceplate. The eyes have been lifted, the lips made bigger and his whole plate was sanded down to remove the yellowing.

      That being said, I gave him a temporary face up! :chibi Even if it is not permanent, it is still cute. Im making him new eyes when my materials arrive. Gonna try and finish up a wig for him. Maybe in white or black?

      I’d like to mod him even further in the future, when i redo his faceup. He needs dimples and more pronounced lips :wiggle

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    9. You've done a great job. He looks beautiful. I'm gonna get mine out of their boxes today.
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    10. [​IMG] [​IMG]
      Thank you so much :whee:

      My l-bi has actually turned into a sist now, making him a sist boy. I was thinking of using l-bi on a girl body instead!

      My face up skills have improved a little, and i feel like i got in some nicer lines with my brush instead of a pen. The eyes are home made with poly resin and uv resin, some mica and paint. The black dot in the eye is made out of enamel dots that i made at home.

      His clothes and wig are still on the way, but he should be all dressed up within two weeks, so for now hes sitting naked with a sock on his head and the default wig :lol:

      I’d like to take some proper photos when he is done, so excuse these mobile ones.
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    11. Heads up (if you'll excuse the pun): if anyone has been waiting for a boy/girl headback in normal/fresh skin, they're back in stock! Conversely, it seems like headbacks in tan are now sold out... Just something I noticed while browsing the web shop today :)
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    12. Thanks for the heads up @babezoid !

      You asked a while ago so I hope you've already found a solution, but the eye mechs are on sale separately on Alchemic Labo:【ユノア少女/少年12mmアイ用】アイレバー|錬金術工房WEBSHOP
      I stumbled upon them the other day, maybe someone finds this useful :)
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