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Anna-Queen Discussion Thread

Dec 14, 2014

    1. Wow, even sooner than expected! I feel like I've been waiting forever, but now it's finally time! :whee:

      Does anyone have any tips for ordering a faceup? Is it best to look through some of the samples in her Flickr albums and ask for something similar, or just try to describe what I want as clearly as possible? I'm enchanted by the idea of having the head sculpt AND faceup done by the same artist, but I want to make sure I'm... "doing it right", I guess. Sometimes artists prefer to work from a form, or just have a rundown of the doll's personality or preferred colors (wig, eyes), or an example from their own work, or they don't want to ever copy a faceup (even their own), or... ^^;;
    2. I think it depends on how specific you want your doll to look. I've commissioned Anna for five faceups, but I haven't been really particular about my dolls' looks/style. I was mindful of how she said she's comfortable with a natural style, so I asked for natural faceups for my dolls. I did link to one of her previous faceups for the eyebrow shape for one of my heads, asked for light eyebrows for another head, and then pretty much just left everything up to her. Overall I'm very happy with her work, she's always a pleasure to work with and to me she can do no wrong ^_^ (and yeah that's a very biased opinion haha).
    3. @Valentine I've also commissioned Anna for my Club. The skin texturing was beautiful in my opinion. I wouldnt change a thing. Initially when I asked what she needed from me, she said maybe if I had a particular movie star I liked. I sent one photo of Rain. But I also rarely have a specific look in mind. I prefer that artist just paint as they feel. Plus her painting style is exactly what I like. I honestly don't think you'll regret working with her.
    4. Thanks, everyone!

      I'm definitely looking for a natural style and have browsed through her faceup albums before, so I know that she'll be able to do something I'm happy with. I was just curious as to what has worked best for others -- trying to describe exact details down to the color of the lip crease and the precise angle of the eyebrows (I've had faceup forms that wanted things like that!) or giving a little more free rein by "something like X and Y samples" or "this head will be a boy that has A and B personality traits". Commissioning faceups always makes me a little anxious anyway, and that's when I have an English form or page to give me some guidance on how the artist prefers to work. ^^;;

      I'll probably try to narrow down some samples from her Flickr that I think will work best, and go from there. *^^*

      Thanks again~
    5. Does anyone know if the skin tones would match Luts (normal or white, but preferably normal) ?
    6. @rytearik - Anna's skin tone matches Volks.
    7. @Valentine Wow...forms that asked for the eyebrow angle!!!:shudder Lol...I wouldn't know how to deal with that kind of detail. I am very loosely goosey as a client. So I just answer whatever info is on the form (when I worked with Anna, it was all email and no form). She just asked if there was a movie star I liked and so I sent a pic. But almost always I include notes about the hair colour, eye color, style and tiny concept backstory with all of my commissions. Honestly it helps me form my image of the finished doll and helps me arrange my thoughts.

      Which sculpt are you getting?
    8. Wow eyebrow angles. I don't think I even draw my characters with consistent eyebrow angles hahaha.

      I can't decide if I want to get silent paradise eyes or not. I'm mainly tempted by the small iris options since I have so many dolls that need smaller irises. Has anyone ordered those eyes with the doll before?
    9. I have a couple pairs of Silent Paradise eyes and they are beautiful. If you can believe it, they look even more amazing in person in my opinion. I love them and the artist was was really sweet too.
    10. Ooohhhh That's great. They already photograph so vibrant! Now to decide on a color.
    11. Hah, yeah, trying to describe eyebrow angles is nerve racking! If I don't have to go into that level of detail (and usually, I don't even know where to begin with questions like that... there's a very good reason I'm not a faceup artist myself XD), I'll be much better off.

      I'm going to be ordering a Heart, hopefully to work as a new version of this guy. He's gone through a lot of changes over the years! A faceup somewhere between his Dive Seimei iteration and his Volks School C one will probably be what I'll shoot for. *^^*
    12. Did anyone else get in on the latest preorder? (Is anyone else already counting down the days until the estimated shipping date?) XD?
    13. I had every intention to. I was waiting for it because I wanted another chance for Bau and Cozo. I still couldn't decide between them and I have to admit that I personally have too many dolls. I'll probably crumble soon enough and get another one of her sculpts.
    14. I ordered Laya 2 since I have wanted Laya since I saw it. Wanted to buy silent paradise eyes but was feeling guilty over a string of large purchases, so just the head.
    15. Laya/2 is such an adorable sculpt. Nice choice! :XD:Do you have ideas on the body? Will do make Laya a boy or a girl?
      Silent Paradise eyes are gorgeous...but I totally hear you on the "too many big purchases" thing.:|
    16. I currently have a Senior Delf type 3 boy body on layaway for my other floating head and hopefully Laya will look good on that proportionally. I don't mind painting heads to match. As long as I don't gotta paint bodies.... joint chipping is the bane of my existence! I'm so mad, I freckled up and blushed up my Dollshe David Kuncci and scratched it 5 minutes later! :doh

      My Laya will be male, but fluid on gender presentation. I plan to have him in both 1920s flapper dresses and the newsboy look.
    17. Aww! Well, you could always get both next time? (Which wouldn't help the "too many dolls" situation, but...! XD)

      That sounds fantastic! Laya is such a cute sculpt. I'm looking forward to seeing yours!

      Also, Anna-Queen has posted photos of her finished 55cm girl body. (Doll nudity warning, of course.) It looks amazing! Volks bodies have always been my favorites, but Anna-Queen's is seriously making me rethink that. Naturally, her Naya looks beautiful modelling it, too. :D
    18. :sweat :| I don't need any encouragement in this department...lol. In fact I was sooooo close to doing just THAT. But considering I have 4 heads that need their own bodies/different bodies; truly it was guilt that stopped me.

      And :D I love the girl body! It's the perfect size that I want (if total size comes in at 55cm) for a pair of twins that I've also been dragging my feet on getting a bodies for. I'll be interested to see if she sells her body separately or if she'll only release full dolls. Given that she's a small operation, I'm guessing that it's probably the later - but we'll see. :eusa_prayI'm hoping to see boy bodies too. I would love to put my Club on a body she sculpted instead of his current (AprilStory - it works totally fine though).

      @zekarmisama I think Laya will be a great sculpt for your concept. Looking forward to how you'll put it all together. :)
    19. Yeah I'm excited! I've been shopping around for mohair for a wig. Been flipping between a fantasy color and a natural color.

      But a bob doesn't take that much mohair so maybe both haha.