1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Any interesting bjd stories?

Jul 14, 2016

    1. Forgive me if there's already a thread like this... But I was curious. Are there any weird/surprising/funny/scary stories that anyone has had in the bjd community/with their doll? Nothing interesting has really happened to me yet, so I was wondering if anyone else has some crazy things to share. :3nodding:
    2. Nothing too special or over the top, but I still enjoy it as it was a positive experience! I brought an MSD with me to school once since college exams were really taking a toll on my anxiety levels. While I was studying in the library someone walked by and didn't stop to engage but said "Ohhhh that's so pretty, she's so pretty oh man so pretty." I thought it was nice :3nodding:
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    3. I've got one that happened today.

      I traditionally take my doll with me to work. Not for any other reason other than to keep me company on my desk usually. It's always funny to see who's going to start staring at him in perplexity or awe when they walk down the aisle of cubicles. Well today, someone decided to sit across from me as I had Zenith posed in a cute and casual sitting position, just in perfect line of sight from the other desk. The girl who sat there working couldn't keep her eyes on her computer. She kept staring at him. So I turned his head over to make it look like he was staring back.

      The stares went on and on for a good half hour or so before my honey convinced me in a chat that Zenith should point his finger at her for fun. So once he had his arm outstretched toward her, it was only a few minutes before she caught on and then started to sneakily take peeks at him without me knowing. Every time I looked over I caught her staring, and she pretended to be inspecting strands of her hair instead. :XD: After another couple minutes, apparently she was so unnerved by Zenith's staring that she unhooked all her gear and tore out of the cubicle to go find another. She couldn't have been working for longer than 45 minutes. I half expected her to stomp over to me and tell me that my doll's possessed.

      Zenith is now currently covering his mouth to hush his giggles.

      Work's fun sometimes.
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    4. I don't know how interesting this story is going to be, but it was a satisfying experience for me so I'm sharing. I recently ordered a custom-made wig for my second boy, Alistair. Alistair has fangs and pointed elf-style ears, so I requested a Mohawk wig in an unusual spotted fabric. The wig came after a reasonable wait and looked great with Alistair's default eyes. I was satisfied with the work, so I left the maker a good review and went on with my life. End of story, or so I thought.

      Two nights ago the proprietor of the wig shop popped up on a FB group, asking for opinions on her work. I told her that I loved the work she'd done on Alistair's wig, and she asked for a picture. I happily complied, and she responded "Ah, I remember this one! It was a fun fabric to work with for this style." That made me happy to learn that we both enjoy that wig. The wig is a little more special to me because of that.
    5. Well, I have a cute little story :3
      Many years ago, back in 2007 or so, I used to browse Japanese BJD auction pages for fun. One day I came across an auction for an ooak one-eyed modded CP Chiwoo- and I fell so in love with that doll! I didn't have an account for the auction page but I knew I had to find a way to place a bid, I wanted that doll sooooo badly! >< I desperately tried to create an account and transfer money onto the account in order to place a bid- but unfortunately the auction for my Chiwoo ended by the time I had my account created and ready to go -___- I was awfully sad I missed out on the doll but I saved the auction photos of the doll on my computer because then at least I had those to look at.

      A few years later, in 2010, I was browsing the DOA marketplace... and I click on a thread that says FS: modded Chiwoo Y!J (or something like that!) and *ta taaaaa*!! It's the ooak modded one-eyed Chiwoo from the Japanese auction that I missed out on back then!!! I couldn't believe it! I PM the seller right away and tells her I want to buy- and at last I get the doll that got away from me years earlier on! I seriously think this doll was meant to be with me (oh and he's still with me of course, I don't plan on ever letting him go!) ^___^
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    6. Oh man, that's great. I kind of like when my doll freaks people out sometimes haha :whee: (I also love the name Zenith!! Give him a hug from me! :))
    7. This gave me so much hope for some reason! I've wanted a Venitu forever and hopefully the same thing that happened to you could happen to me :XD: anyways, that really is a great story! I hope you love him for years and years to come. :3nodding:
    8. Oh you will definitely find your Venitu sooner or later- no doubt! Just keep looking and the dolly will pop up for sale somewhere!! Good luck^^
    9. Danke! Will do. XD
    10. The first doll I ever wanted was a limited that was produced in 2003. Sounds hopeless, right? One night after I gained marketplace access I was just messing around looking stuff up, I plugged his name in and lo and behold. not only in great condition but owned by someone who was willing to work out a partial trade and generous layaway -- and I also didn't have to pay shipping because it turned out that they lived one town over from me and they were kind enough to meet up with me to trade the items. Like what are the chances that this particular rare doll would be like two miles from me and that the seller would be so nice? :XD: Win.
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    11. Oh man, that's so cool!! It must have been meant to be:XD:
    12. I have a membership to a maker-space- which is kind of like a gym, except instead of work-out equipment its full of awesome tools and machines! Most of the people there are carpenter-type guys who mainly use the wood shop or the welding room, or the electronics space. (I mostly use the laser cutters, but they have an awesome embroidery machine I want to learn!) Anyway, I've taken my doll with me a few times now to make sure the thing I'm making for her is the right size and will fit her. It's really fun to see the other members trying to figure out what I'm making and then see the dolls :) I'm always surprised these guys seem interested in doll furniture!
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    13. I still can't believe it, can't wait until I can get down to work on that guy :D

      @Lotte Rotten has even this one beat though, what are the chances of being able to get the exact same OOAK doll? This must be our version of winning the lottery except it results in LESS money :XD:
    14. I just got back from vacation. I had taken Justin with me, since there would be so much lovely scenery and great photo ops (which unfortunately I got really sick the first day and didn't get to do, yay).

      On the way in, we stopped at a rest stop and I was putting him in a bag before going in. An older man who worked maintenance happened to be passing by our car and noticed him! He stopped and jokingly asked if he could have him. I told him no way! But he was nice and curious and asked what he was and where he could get one, and was really impressed that I had painted him myself and made his clothes. My mom was with me and mentioned 'you don't even want to guess what those things cost', thinking it would deter him, and the guy replied 'ohhh. Probably around $1000?' It was so cool and unexpected that this old man out in the mountains was so interested in my doll, knew Justin was a boy AND was aware of the value!
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