1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Anyone not into anime, but into BJDs?

Aug 19, 2009

    1. I respect anime as an art genre and for the animation work (I'm an animation student, and knowing how much work goes into all of it, you've got to at least respect it!) but, no, I'm not really into it.​
    2. I used to really be into Anime but not so much anymore. There are certain things I still enjoy like Miyazaki becaue of his backgrounds ('m going into animation) and stuff like that. And I'll occasionally read a manga online if close friends who know my eclectic tastes recommend it.

      But beyond that, I've really grown out of it. It was a huge part of what got me started drawing and creating characters but in the end, it's actually impeded my ability I think - getting proportions and the human form correct now is really difficult unless I'm using a refrence, otherwise I just revert back to the anime proportions which really bugs me.

      Blah blah. I'm rambling now. In any case I still enjoy a lot of what asian culture is about and I really love these dolls! I can't wait to get my first!
    3. When people start chattering anime at me, my eyes cross and I start zoning out. Strange, because I really enjoyed it back in the 1980s, when there were no English dubs, no fan dubs, and the only time you saw it was at science fiction conventions, many-times-duplicated video tapes gotten from people taping the shows off the TV in Japan.

      I find BJDs much more fun to talk about, probably because it is an active, rather than a passive hobby.
    4. I do like anime, but I think the reason there's so many anime/Japanese/Yadda fans is because I know I -personaly- found BJDs through Lolita, which I found from anime and such...So its how I was introduced to it, and I think alot of people are the same there.

      But theres nothing wrong or reason to feel "outside" because of it! :D Everyone loves so many things, it would be impossible to not find one thing!
    5. i used to really be into anime. but a couple of years ago i really grew out of it. so now when i meet other bjd fans who talk about anime i feel pretty uncomfortable and out of the loop a little. i'm really not surprised that a lot of bjd owners/fans like anime/manga. i think the whole goth/loli craze created a bridge between the two. but i'm glad to see not all bjd fans are into anime. it makes it more diverse that way :)
    6. I like anime, but there's only been a few I've really watched... I'm rather picky about what series I'll watch, which so far, has only been two or three. So, I'm not like... obsessed with it. Half the time when people talk about it, I haven't even heard of the series they talk about. BJDs are definitely more important to me. I think silautumn has a good point about the fashion trends. BJDs and anime do seem to be related, and I think it's especially because a lot of the dolls are sculpted in similar styles as characters seen in anime and manga.
    7. Anime led me to collecting BJD's so don't plan to give up either.
    8. I'm not into anime , don't realy know a single thing about it but I surely love bjd a lot.
    9. I'm not into anime at all either. I happen to be Asian, but all my love for dollies only. xD
    10. not into Anime, love bjds though
    11. I still enjoy the occasional anime but my love of BJD is a separate hobby for me. Much like the EGL community there's a good chunk who enjoy both and a good chunk who dislike or don't care for anime.
    12. I love BJD's and I'm not really into anime at all. I've seen some anime movies and episodes of shows that I've liked, but as a whole I'm not really a fan.
    13. Most anime bores me, there's only a handful I really like and of those, the majority my bff has kind of coerced me into liking, because she writes such good fanfics of them I grow to love the characters beforehand.

      The only exception is Totoro. ::luvs Totoro:: It reminds me of when I was a little kid living on my grandparents' farm.
    14. I found BJDs through yaoi and without anime, I would have never been a yaoi fan, I'm a huge fan of all those 3 hobbies! I love BJDs, I watch anime series and I read only yaoi manga :) my wallet is always crying *sniffs*
    15. I'm used to be really into anime - specific serieses like Fullmetal Alchemist but then the interest died. I still watch some anime on occasion. But my love for BJDs stems from the fact that they are so full of potential for creativity.
    16. I've never been into anime... honestly, it kinda annoys me. I had never heard about BJDs until a couple months ago, when my cousin told me about them. Now, I enjoy how versatile they are, and how each one turns into a wonderful work of art.
    17. I enjoy the music, the culture and the language, as I do with Korean and Chinese. I have a few manga books, but they're not something I obsess over, nor have I ever. I can't say I'm a fan of anime but there are a few I enjoyed, however I only watched them once to see the series through and that was the end.

      I don't consider myself into anime and all that jazz.
    18. Most of the anime I watch is weird and dark---and unpopular:sweat---and doesn't have the 'typical' stylized look so much---Speedgrapher, Gilgamesh, etc. I read all kinds of "books with pictures" besides just Japanese manga [also usually pretty dark and grim stores xD;;;], including American super hero comics, Korean mahwa, graphic novels, children's books, classic art books, etc. For me, all of these things are about the art----not the characters. I love looking at art in all forms. While someone watches anime for characters or whatnot, I'll be like, "OMG!! Look at the detail in that mansion in the background! It must have taken so long to draw!! Look at that color!!!" xD

      My dolls are my dolls, and for me personally, a whole seperate hobby. I got in BJDs because I love dolls and have always been a collector---when I stumbled upon BJDs, I was searching for "my perfect doll" and a friend showed them to me. But again, I view them as another fabulous work of art for me to muse over and enjoy.:):aheartbea
    19. Oh my goodness I am so glad I'm not the only one!!!

      Ok here's my big confession.......I have no attachment to anime (though I will gladly admit to being forever haunted by each of Miyazaki's films I have ever seen and I'm a huge fan of his work) and have never read a manga. The whole Otaku (i think that's the right term) sub-culture turns me off. I dont care for goth or punk. For me, Lolita is only a book by Nabokov and a fabulous Kubrick film. I don't roleplay or cosplay or ren-play (i think that's the term?). I'm not interested in fantasy or SciFi as hobbies, nor am I into the "furry" subculture or anthromorphism at all. I could care less about vampires. I don't collect barbies, and a lot of modern dolls creep me out. I love fashion but I strongly dislike modern fashion dolls with their unnatural proportions, collegan enhanced-looking lips, and dragqueen makeup. I have never seen sailor moon, never liked pokemon, and could care less about Hello Kitty and most of the "Kawaii" obsession.*Whew* Ok, so a lot of that stuff isn't "anime" related, but I think it proves safe to say I didn't come across BJD from a lot of the more common tie-ins.

      I found BJD through re-ment, which I found while looking for miniature items for my Madame Alexander dolls. I discovered MA dolls at the giftshop at Louisa May Alcott's house/museum in Concord, MA. My BF knows I love pretty little things and pointed them out to me (little 8" hard plastic strung and jointed dolls dressed as characters in Little Women). I was intrigued by their rosy cheeks and lips, the movement of their tiny chubby bodies, the way their fair, smooth plascic complexions held so much life and caught the light like porcelain, and most of all their vintage appeal.

      I love vintage. I love fashion. I love vintage fashion most of all and am obsessed with fashion from the turn of the century through the early 1970s. I also love vintage furniture, curios, culture, and glamour, and so seeing the little dolls piqued an interest in vintage dolls. Unfortunately, most vintage dolls are either extremely expensive, rather creepy-looking (to me), or both, so my interest didn't extend much past my affinity for Madame Alexander dolls. Then, while browsing Flickr's re-ment group I saw my first BJD, a Lati, and couldn't take my eyes away.

      Coming at the BJD hobby from such a different angle does make me feel like an outsider a lot of times. I just don't feel like I belong to any of the other sub-cultures that tend to be common for BJD lovers.

      Additionally, I am not at all drawn to the dolls with an "anime-esque" aesthetic. For me this isn't just the overtly cartoonish dolls, but most dolls with the fine, pointey features and oversized eyes, and tiny mouths. I find the vast majority of adult-bodied BJDs share this aesthetic as well as many of the child-type dolls. I am drawn to dolls with softer, rounder features. I like cute little tiny childlike dolls, and soft, feminine female adult dolls with voluptuous bodies (though I don't care for overly large chests).

      Ok there you have it I've come clean *runs to corner to hide*
    20. I do watch anime BUT I like animation in general. I also read manga but, I read comic from all around the world. To me a comic’s a comic no matter where it’s from, and comics take a lot less time to read then books. I an not an otaku. I got into BJDs through other dolls. I come from a dolly loving family, so dolls were always part of my life. What really dragged me into BJDs was the ability to change their eyes and wigs. I didn’t even know people associated these dolls with anime until recently. To me BJDs are girly, dolly fun time. I’ve given up on BJD meets because they seem to just be amine clubs. I feel much more comfortable at a local doll shop that has like a mini doll party every Sunday. All the people there are 30 to 40 years my senior, but they mostly just talk about dolls. And dolly talk is all I want.