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Aquarius Doll 1/4 Doll Discussion part 3

Oct 5, 2014

    1. Well, it's been a tough couple of months, but I may be getting three new dolls at some point - Maggie, Sia and Ella... I've started going down a different direction with the dolls I have
    2. Kera - That would be awesome for you to get those three!! They are all lovely!
      I am on the same boat as you.. I'm doing all I can to keep Ava. Argh maybe things will get easier soon..!
    3. Kera - YESSS you must get those three...and when you say different direction, do you mean you're liking different sculpts than the ones you currently have? Or are you styling them differently? What are your plans for those three?! :D SO MANY QUESTIONS!~

      Animethemed - Maybe she needs a make over?! Like a new wig...or a new outfit or something?! That might help with your decision on if you're gonna keep her or not! :D

      As for Maya...I finally got around to making a wig for her with the alpaca hair I ordered. I didn't wanna dye it and then mess up the hair (on the chance that I'd have a difficult time making the wig). Everything went smoothly though and I actually really love her in this color...never thought of her having white/platinum blonde hair but it really works well on her! @_@;

      [​IMG]Alpaca Wig by miyukisetsu, on Flickr

      Anyone take new pictures lately? I saw someone post in the Waiting Room a few weeks ago...
    4. Miyu - I like the wig, I think white looks good on most dolls, oddly. It's a great color for them, but I wouldn't say many humans can get away with it!
      I'll make my wig soon, things have been too busy on the weekends to do it.
    5. Liking different sculpts, and finding out the 1/3rd size is WAYY too big for me. So Ella and Sia are going to be MSD versions of the two SDs, and Maggie *hopefully* will be the 3rd girl my Mr is "missing" from his characters. Of course, with no set plans for Maggie, she may be far far far down the list...
    6. So I am working on the alpaca wig for Sinead (and one for my pukifee!) And realized the alpca I bought was cut short. About an inch, maybe two. Great for the pukifee but will be short on my MSDs. But in a way I am glad because it was sooo cheap that I can experiment and not feel like I wasted a lot of money. It was on $7 for three bags full after all! I think I'll make a couple with pigtails just for kicks... Even if it won't necessarily fit Sinead's personality.
    7. Miss you all! I've been so busy lately, that I haven't had time to do much at all with Nashira. :<

      Miyu, I love Maya's new blonde wig!! <3

      Kerantil, I totally am with you there. SDs are too much for me. XD hehe

      Animethemed, can't wait to see your wig!
      Yeah, experiment with it for sure! That's the best way to find out what you can do with it. :D
    8. Uhm I have a question about the tan skin. I got an tan skin ruby at home but after a day with me to a festival (in a bag with pillows and mask) she got a huge green discolouration in the middle of het face and green spots on her arms. Friends tell me it yellowing, but it's very uneven and blotchy. Before I took her with me and on the day itself she was fine. I took her out for not even half an hour...... is this normal, I keep her in her box now...
    9. Wow that's really strange, teenage-angel...I've taken my tan skin girl outside loads of times (way more than 30 minutes worth) and she has had minimal discoloration, if any...I can't tell to be honest. That's crazy that there's some green discoloration. How long have you had her? Have you taken a few pictures?
    10. 20 dec is her birthday , so not even a year. I have tried to take pictures but it's not visible on them :( I'm really sad, I actually cried about it.
    11. That's so weird...especially since you said she was in a bag most of the time. @_@; I don't see how that could happen that quickly!! I'm sorry for you :( I'd definitely have the same reaction.
    12. I already contacted the dealer who sold her, when I get the chance to visit , I will take her with me. They would check her, I so hope I can get at least a new head. She got a real big spot right in the middle of her face , I don't really mind the body but the face keeps making me cry
    13. Teenage-angel, I'm so sorry to hear about that!
      I've had my tan AQ for over a year, and she was a year old when I got her secondhand. She's never changed color from what I can tell, and I take her out to meets every month.
      Hope everything works out for you!

      I'll try an get some pics of Nashira this week. Traded for some new wigs, so I've been plopping them on her for fun.
    14. hello
      found your discussion here. Since some time i think about getting an aquarius doll. Torn between Chloe and Sia
      saw so many nice pics of Chloe but less of Sia- this is why I wish to ask here, if somebody has Sia and can show me some pics with a face up. I wonder if she is too young for what I am looking for

      Thank you
    15. greeneyed-soul, welcome!
      Not sure if there are very many Sia sculpts in this thread. D:
      All I know of is a blank photo on Flickr: link

      I would totally love to see more Sias though!
    16. Hello all! Gonna pop in here. I'm half way to buying my first AQ girl! I'm torn between Ava or Ruby in the light brown. >//< They are both so lovely. Are 12mm eyes too large for them? I found the perfect color but I'm afraid they will be too large. :(
    17. Welcome, ResinToBe! I'd have to say from my experience that 12mm would definitely be too big...I find 10mm to be too big, but that's just my personal preference. My girl is wearing 8mm in her eyes! XD Ruby is GORGEOUS...I can't think of anyone off the top of my head who owns her!

      Welcome to you too, greeneyed-soul! Unfortunately it's almost impossible to find some Sia owner pictures...x_x; I'd love for someone to take a chance and snatch her up so we can be showered with owner pics!!!
    18. Doh, that's what I thought. :dohThanks @Miyukisetsu. I guess I have to re-search for eyes now. Oh well, shopping is half the fun! And yes, I just love Ruby. I'm torn. I love the open mouth look on dolls but I do my own face-ups and I'm afraid to paint teeth. :XD:Do many people own Ava?
    19. Miyukietsetu- you are one reason that I like Chloe, too. She rocks!

      a friend of mine does a mock of on sia of the face up i plan for her will look good. I love smokey eyes on bjds (this is why yours catched my eye) so hope she will look good and not be too young for this.
      Think I order her. The body is beautiful. Thought about a JID girl. Cordelia from Iple but to be honest- too much money as I got to pay 20% custom on top.

      The aquarius-doll-body looks great. Love those long legs. Iple got short ones. The JID I mean. So time for something new :-)

      Santa can you hear me? Wish to order my girl..... come on *G
    20. Ohh what I miss when I go into hibernation (not literally of course).

      My Mia has different coloured legs to her high heeled feet, but I think that is my own fault for having her sat on my book case next to a light...
      Sia is on my list of dolls to get (if I manage to get rid of the bigger dolls I have) along with Maggie and Ella. But at this rate, it'll be next year before I manage it!