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Aquarius Doll 1/4 Doll Discussion part 3

Oct 5, 2014

    1. My Ava wears 7mm eyes! She is such an awesome doll too! <3 She was one of the first Aquarius dolls ordered, and the first here on DoA, but I haven't seen any discoloration (since someone mentioned their Ruby greening). She's handled everything really well! Here is an older picture of her! (I swear I'll start taking new pictures soon...It's just so hard when it gets dark before I get off of work!). This picture was before she had the smaller eyes in. The ones in are 8mm. [[PS - This is NOT an Aquariusdoll body! It makes her neck look long, but I prefer this look for her. It's a Souldoll N.L. body]]

      I will try and grab a new picture tomorrow, and update this thread if I do!

      [​IMG]Illumination by Animethemed, on Flickr

      I saw someone on Flickr who just got a Sia! I will check to see if I can find her, but she was GORGEOUS!!!!
      EDIT: Found one here : https://www.flickr.com/photos/ksenon68/
    2. Thanks Animethemed! Your girl is beautiful. (So is that Sia.) More picture spam is always desired!

      Do you guys ever have a hard time finding eyes that small? *_* If those are 8mm they look perfect. I just can't find any in the color I need. :doh Not that it matters since I'm still on the shelf between Ava and Ruby. :XD: Why do all of their girls have to look so pretty?
    3. ResinToBe My Chloe wears 8mm too. I bought Hand glass eyes from Safrin doll.
    4. Resintobe, I found Azami's grey eyes on etsy, here they are in a picture

      They're 8mm, but I had her in 10mm before that (they were a little too big for my liking though.
    5. Hmm, so 8 is the way to go. Thanks guys. <3 Does anyone have a Ruby here?
    6. No, I only have an Ava! I don't know if I've seen any Ruby's!
      All their dolls are gorgeous, and even more so in person. So whatever you decide I'm confident you will be happy!
    7. ResinToBe, WELCOME!!! :aheartbea So good to see you here finally! hehe
      I use 8mm eyes in Nashira, and they are ones I made myself from those DeyeY eyes. They are pretty cheap at $2 a pair, so if you want to get a bunch of them, and paint them differently you can. :D
      (I got mine from Pupa Paradise)
      I just used a metallic green acrylic paint on the backs of the lenses, then popped them back together.

    8. Thanks for The info About The 8mm eyes. Just checked ebay :-)

      Sent from my iPhone
    9. Etsy also has a great selection of eyes! That's where I got Ava's! They are a tad more expensive but the quality is wonderful!
    10. Thanks guys, and thank you Beansprout! Your girl so pretty. I really like that bright green. :)

      And I did it! I bought an Ava in light brown last night! So excited!!! Took me forever to order though; I'm shipping it to my mom's house because my apartment sucks (if it doesn't fit in the mail box they don't deliver) and the last time I got a doll it went straight back to the post office and I had to wait three days to pick it up. :doh So I double and triple checked the address before I bought. :lol: So pumped!
    11. Welcome!

      Resintobe, EEE SUPER CONGRATS! <3
      She's going to be so lovely! Have any wig or eye color plans yet?

      Sorry I've been so quiet lately. It's been a busy month. :/
      Hoping to get back to more work next month!

      I recently received some new eyes from a friend, and they were all handmade. These were a pair of 9mm green eyes, with flowers inside~
    12. I saw your eye post, they all looked amazing! She really rocks 'em! And I feel ya, this month has been super busy. Darn holidays! *_*

      I have a wig already (size 7-8 wigs fit right?), but I'm not sure on the eyes. I want a certain shade of red and I found the PERFECT pair,but they only go down to 12mm, so I have to keep looking. :lol:
    13. ResinToBe - Yay!! I am so glad someone else is joining our group!! And another Ava! YAYY!!
      Ava has SMALL eyes! I would recommend 8mm or a bit less! [Depending on the company] but I say just look around until you find the color you want! Etsy is the greatest place for smaller eyes!
      We know how hard it is to find eyes for these girls...but when you do it is so worth it!
    14. I think 6/7 fits better ,7/8 are too big really :( Aquariusdolls have quite small noggins ( well in my tiny experience, I only have the one AQ doll)
    15. Thank you Animethemed! I found some awesome eyes on Etsy. This one seller has a huge selection of handmade eyes. They are pretty high though so I'll prob get them closer to her arrival. :dance

      @samson: I noticed that. U_U I looked up the head size to compare with my JID--quiet a difference! I have an extra fur wig I bought for my JID that I was going to use. It fits her snugly (I can't even get a wig cap under it,) so I am hoping that with a wig cap it will fit well enough to last me till I find a mohair/alpaca one I like in the same style. :XD:
    16. Well here's hoping it fits ;) luckily Aquariusdoll don't take too long to ship so hopefully you can check it out for yourself real soon ! Its great having new blood on the thread, livens things up a bit lol
    17. Yayyy a new addition to our happy home of a thread (from which we all seem to be taking a mini-vacation XDXD)

      What's everyone been up do? Have a nice Holiday?!? While I love it, I'm very much looking forward to things getting back to normal... :D

      Anything new doll wise? I'm gonna be working on a new wig for poor Maya since my MNF Chloe has basically stolen the white one from her. XD I was playing around with the leftover locks I had from (now) Viv's wig and dyed them using food dye, which actually took pretty well! Gonna keep experimenting with it and see how it turns out. I've always wanted Maya to have purple-ish hair, and I'm thinking of making it a shorter wig? I dunno, I feel like I want to experiment with the style, too!! @_@ We'll see I guess.

      Miss you guys <3
    18. I *think* I may be ordering either Ella or Sia later this week. Not sure yet though
    19. Holiday time is too busy. >//< I'm glad that's all over with.
      [MENTION=27564]samson[/MENTION]: Thanks. If it does fit, YAY, if not no big deal. XD I'm glad they don't take so long. I felt like I was going to die waiting for my last doll.
      [MENTION=9566]Miyukisetsu[/MENTION]: New wig sounds like fun! You make your own? short purple would look great. I see too few short wigs!
      [MENTION=65068]Kerantli[/MENTION]: Yay I hope you do! Both are lovely.
    20. Okay, so I have the money for either Ella or Sia, and now I can't even choose between them!