1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Aquarius Doll 1/4 Doll Discussion part 3

Oct 5, 2014

    1. Well Kera I thought I'd try and help you out so I went on the site and looked at Sia- yes I thought you should definitely get her. But I'd better take a look at Ella, no wait maybe get her. In conclusion I was no bl**dy help at all both are gorgeous, its an impossible choice lol Good luck !!
    2. Ahh sorry I've been so quiet! This month has been crazy. :/

      Glad to see there may be new dolls incoming!! ♥ I plan to work on Nashira pretty soon.
      (Was working on getting a new body and faceup for another of my dolls. )

      Hope all is well with everyone!
    3. So I failed at getting either Ella or Sia... found different girl from a different company that I want more..
    4. Kera - Well sometimes that happens! I have done that a lot... But I am sure Sia and Ella will be around when you ARE able to get them!
    5. Hello again everyone! Still no doll for me :pout: but hopefully I'll be able to buy one this spring though. I was going to request some info though if no one minds. I was wondering how close the AQ ladies can get to their knees, like hugging their knees, how close can they actually get without having to hold them in the position in any way? I've seen some pictures that show they can somewhat hug their knees but I really wanna know exactly how close they can get while still holding the pose. So thankful for all pictures anyone wishes to share :3

      Oh, and some profile pictures of Chloe would be a great help as well. There doesn't seem to be many about.
    6. I will work on getting some posing pictures soon! I agrre , more profile pics would be good for all of the sculpts, and thankfully you chose the most popular one so I am sure someone will be able to help you there :)
    7. Animethemed: Thank you :dance

      And yes! Anyone who wants to share a profile pic of their doll, no matter which one, feel free! Always nice to see some profile pics.
    8. Enquiry! I still can't make the decision between big or small bust. I would be really grateful if people could list their pros and cons for their dolls bust size. And people with the big version, is it hard to find/sew clothes that fit?
    9. I have small bust and shirts have a lot of room. I got the small bust just to have something different from my other dolls (all large bust) and its nice but I think if I did it again I'd order large bust. I think slim mini clothes would fit large bust perfectly! If my Souldoll N.L body can fit them...anything could (so much boob!)!
      Small bust:
      Pros - very realistic, petite looking even
      Cons - Many slim mini clothes seem a bit big in the chest

      If you do choose small bust I am sure that the clothes labeled for cutie bust mnfs would fit very nice though!
    10. My light brown Ava came today. T-T She is so beautiful. The body is fantastic and that tan resin is a dream.

      Unfinished look but I love her sooo much! The wig fits her head well enough it just seems too long and it needs styling more. ^-^
    11. AHHHHHHH!!! She is gorgeous!!! I can't wait to see what you do with her! I'm so excited to see her!
    12. Ugh I 'm so behind guys, I'm sorry~

      Resintobe, your Ava is so great!! ♥♥♥
      If her wig is too long, maybe get one of those razor-combs. :D They work great for thinning out fur wigs, while still keeping the nice shape.
    13. [MENTION=52679]Animethemed[/MENTION]: Thank you! :D
      [MENTION=60737]Beansproutmomo[/MENTION]: Thank you! I'm so glad you turned me on to this company! I will have to look in to a razor comb. It's not that it's too thick on the side as much as it's long. Her character has about chin length, slightly longer, hair, and that goes a little past her shoulders.
    14. I fell off the face of the planet again...
      Resin to be - yay another tan girl! She is lovely and can't wait to see her fully done
    15. Resintobe, oh yeah, then the razor comb will work great for that hairstyle. It'll help trim it all over, without giving straight-cut blunt ends anywhere. :D

      Kerantli, hello there!! I fell off too~ haha
    16. Thanks for the tips guys! The wig is starting to grow on me. I did her faceup! I'm not 100% happy with it, but it'll do for now.
      Ignore her tube-top, >.> I finished her pants but I haven't started on a top, lol.

      I've also convinced my sister that when she finally gets in to BJDs, she has to buy AQ first!
    17. Resin, she looks so cuuuuute! I love that fabric too. hehe~
      That's hilarious about your sister though. XD Does she have a favorite mold?
    18. OOOHHH Resin she's so pretty!! I love her face up!! And I think her little tube top is adorable ;D

      Yea seconding Momo's question - does she have a favorite mold?!
    19. XD The tube top is just a scrap I tied around her in the back! :XD:

      She said she liked Ava or Chloe. She can't decide between normal or tan, but I bet she is leaning toward the tan. It would be cool if she got Ava so we could have twins!
    20. That WOULD be super cute to have twins!! Their tan skin is so pretty - I don't blame people for having a hard time deciding. My girl has yellowed a bit and she's still a really nice color, and I've had her for almost a year already (wow I didn't realize it's been that long...XD)