1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Aquarius Doll 1/4 Doll Discussion part 3

Oct 5, 2014

    1. It would be nice to have twin girls! :) Resin your girl is GORGEOUS!!!
      I've had my girl TWO years now! Can you believe that? @_@ Seems like just yesterday though!
    2. [MENTION=2634]Miyu[/MENTION]: Yes, it would be cool, even though we wouldn't get to take pictures together but once a year (she lives far away.) Is the yellowing really that big of a deal? I have seen yellow ns and white dolls and that never bothered me, but the thought of green instead of tan sounds weird.
      [MENTION=52679]Animethemed[/MENTION]: Thank you! I am falling in love with her for sure! Two years sure do fly!
    3. Nah it's really not that big of a deal. I haven't gone out of my way to make sure she's in the dark all the time (in fact, she hasn't been back in her box once since I got her), and she's definitely not a green color. I guess we'll see as she gets older, but I'm not concerned. :D

      Anime - WOW it really has been two years LOL omg
    4. Well, that's good. I keep her in the box anyway, but that's mostly to make sure she doesn't catch the eyes of my curious cat and nearly two year old. xD

      I can't seem to get a good picture of her but at least she's coming together!

      We need more AQ dolls in here. ;p
    5. Yes, my girl has been out since I got her too, even with the cats! I like seeing her face and it helps since I work fulltime and can just come home and take her off the shelf if I want.

      We definitely need more AQ dolls!
    6. I finally have a new picture to share. ^_^ Got a new wig from Hasel Aesthetics, so I tried it on Nashira.

      [​IMG]Wig Trials
      by beansproutmomo, on Flickr
    7. That wig is AWESOME!!! And it's so wonderful seeing Nashira again!
    8. ResinToBe She is SOOO pretty! I love her face up and her hair and everything! I think that's a very nice picture ;D

      Momo UGH I love that wig so much!! The color is so pretty, and so are the curls and stuff <3
    9. Resin, I love all the new photos you posted on tumblr. (of Julia and PK) <3

      Animethemed, thank you! Sorry she's been absent lately while I was busy with other things. ^_^

      Miyu, thank youuuu hehehe
      I am glad I asked about this wig color in particular, because it's so pretty. gosh~
      The curls are naturally there, but I was thinking about curling some of it even more to accentuate it.
    10. Thanks guys! And it's always nice to see Nashira!

      So, I, uh... bought AQ Ruby on a whim.:wiggleNormal skin. She is going to be my little punk rock girl. :XD:
    11. Ahhh omg congrats, and good choice!! Yaaaay!
    12. Yeah, I originally wanted a Ruby, but Ava fit my character better so I got her first. >//< But I like my Ava so much I need another. We really need more of these girls floating around. :D
    13. Totally agreed, more AQ girls please! :D
      Well that's so cool you could get Ruby and Ava then~ <3
    14. Yeah, it was a surprise to me! I didn't think I'd get her so soon. :wiggle

      Anyone else own a Ruby? I know there are a few Mias and Avas.
    15. @ResinToBe Tan Ruby is on my wish list. I can't wait to see yours! I saw a couple pictures of her on Flickr, but hope someone has more pictures to share. :cheer
    16. No Ruby here, but have some Mia spam! haha
      I made some crowns for myself finally, so here is Nashira modelling a spiky green one:

      Personal Collection by beansproutmomo, on Flickr
    17. That looks so good! And I love her outfit :D. Her little choker is the best, did you make that too?
    18. Thank you! [emoji8]
      Hehe that choker is one of the leg pieces from my cyclops' outfit. XD
    19. I really want to get a tan Sia. But I worry that she won't be to scale to her sister. Could I see a comparison between a 1/4 Aquarius girl and a Asleep Eidolon 1/4 girl. If no one has an AE girl a Dollzone will work too.
    20. Cosmos, hi there!! ♥
      This is the best I can do with that~
      AQ Mia next to a Resinsoul Ju, and a Luts head on Souldoll body (sitting)
      Finished Room Box by beansproutmomo, on Flickr