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Aquarius Doll Fairy 16 discussion

Dec 19, 2013

    1. Congrats Jingerbell! Can't wait to see photos.

      So, my Jessie arrived today. I am super happy with her and really pretty impressed with her posing abilities. That light brown colour is gorgeous. I'm really glad I went with that colour. I'll have to keep an eye on Aquarius Doll and see what else they release this year.

      As promised, a quick photo of her with the red wig I ordered with her. Not sure if I'll keep this wig for her character or not though... and I think I might order some jeans and hoodies from TTYA at some stage for her. I get the feeling she's not much for pretty dresses. Hey eyes were the ones that came with her from the company, actually a nice acrylic brown. I'll most likely change them out to another colour.
      #21 shirahime, Jan 14, 2014
      Last edited: Apr 30, 2018
    2. Jessie is so cute shirahime! I love her in that dress although she doesn't look too impressed by it :lol:

      Here's a quick photo of Winnie, also light brown skin:


      I'm also totally impressed by her quality and posing ability! I got some tan pukifees today as well and quality wise, she beats them hands down!

      If anyone is interested I did a quick post about her on my blog (link in sig) :)
      • x 1
    3. Shirahime, Jingerbell, congratulations!! Both of them are absolutely adorable!
      Shirahime - Your Jessie looks great with red hair! I think she would like great in a hoodie, even though she looks adorable in that dress.

      Jingerbell - Your Winnie is suuuch a cutie! I love her big eyes. So cute! I can't wait to look at your blog post after work!

      Congratulations again guys!!
    4. More congrats to you both shirahime and Jingerbell! :D They are so cute and always good to hear good comments on AQdoll's quality. ^^ So exciting seeing people get their new dollies. :D
    5. Oh she's gorgeous Jingerbell! What's her tan colour like compared to your pukifee tan dolls?

      Thanks Animethemed and amalie! She definitely feels more solid to me and is easier to pose than my pukifee to be honest. I did a comparison between the two and discovered just how easy she was to pose. Stands and sits like a trooper too. I do have to say, I have two other tan dolls here and AQ's tan is my favourite in colour and depth so far. And it photographs so nicely too. I can't wait to see everyone else's dolls and I am super curious to see owner photos of Nicky.
    6. That is great to hear! I am glad to hear that their small dolls hold up so well. I would love to see comparison pics with pukifees!
    7. shirahime
      Congratulations guys I'm so happy for you ! they are charming and adorable I can not stop looking at them ( whispers I want ,I want :fangirl:)
      Only in the group missing Nicky( Aquarius wrote that will send it to me on January 24 )
    8. Thanks guys :) I will do some pukifee comparisons tonight!

      Off the top of my head i think I also much prefer the AQ light brown to the pukifee tan, it's warmer and more natural.

      Can't wait to see your Nicky rendez-vous :)
    9. I'd love to see a comparison next to a tan pukifee if/when you have a chance!
    10. Here you go! Winnie with my tan pukifee Zoe who also arrived yesterday:


      The photo was taken outdoors in overcast weather but it doesn't give a very true indiction of their resin colours! I find Winnie a little bit lighter in real life and the difference between them a bit greater!


      This one shows it a little bit better :)
    11. Thanks so much for the pic, they look super cute together :) they match well aesthetically!
    12. Jingerbell omg they are really cute together! congrats once more times!:lol:
    13. Thanks for that comparison Jingerbell! Looks like FL tan is more on the chocolate side then compared to Aquarius doll. The two girls do look great together!
    14. I just placed my order for a light brown Nicky with face up! That makes one of each in Australia (at least!) ;)
      I ordered her on layaway so it will be at least a month before she arrives.
    15. Em - Yay! I can't wait to see your Nicky, even if it might be a bit before she arrives!
    16. Keep the cute pics coming! :) I should be able to contribute soon too! Just checked my tracking and my girl is officially in Canada yay! :) (On the other side of Canada than me but she'll be here soon I'm sure!)
    17. Congrats Em! I can't wait to see your Nicky. And you're right, there are three in Australia now (that we know of anyway!)

      Congrats on the shipping amalie! Fingers crossed she'll be in your hands soon!
    18. Amalie - That is awesome news! I am so excited to see her.
    19. Сongrats too with shipping amalie!
      My Winnie arrived 23 January) She is very cute :D
      Today changed her eyes and eyelashes, she now looks like this)
    20. Congrats Veronic@! She is adorable I love her cute little outfit! :)