1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Aquarius Doll Fairy 16 discussion

Dec 19, 2013

    1. Congrats on her arrival VeroNik@! Amazing what a change of eyelashes can do. She's absolutely adorable.
    2. amalie, shirahime, thanks so much :)

      amalie, I'm glad that you liked her outfit! ;)
    3. Hey guys I got my girl this evening and she's adorable. I took pictures and everything so I can post her box opening later...probably tomorrow...I just realized now though that I'm calmed down after the excitement and am inspecting her closer....she has the wrong faceup. :( I requested type A and got type B. I sent a message to Aquarius Doll and I guess we'll see what happens from here. I'll keep everyone posted on how this gets resolved. Little bummed right now but I guess it's not the end of the world, it's just a let down waiting so long for a custom order and thinking it through so much while it seems that they didn't. ._.

      Also does anyone else who has their girls already have a problem with the wig stopper actually going on the head or am I just doing it wrong?
    4. Amalie - Oh man I am so bummed to hear that :( I hope they fix the problem soon. Are you happy with her other than that? I really hope so...
    5. Other than the faceup I am happy, I'm still in shock by how adorably small she is and she poses way wayyy better than Mora (Mora and I are fighting all the time haha..) and she holds it and stands wonderfully. She's sitting at my desk not taking up too much space and looking cute which is definitely nice. x3 Also the Lati Yellow clothes I bought for her fit like a gem even the shoes. :)
    6. First, congrats on getting your doll amalie. I actually had to go and check out the website as I couldn't remember that they offered the two face up options. Shame they did the wrong face up. Hopefully things get resolved quickly for you and in a satisfactory manner.

      Are you talking about the silicone cap thingy? I just have to tug it down over the head slowly. It stretches out a bit. I was a bit surprised by how small it is too. I'm going to replace mine with a Luts one a bit later as theirs is bigger and seems to fit better (my Pukifee wears one).
    7. Well I got another email back from Aquarius Doll and they said their faceup artist looked at the pictures I sent them and I did get the right faceup...I dunno, I'm just bummed because I looked really hard for the difference and thought I had spotted it and was set on a certain thing but it doesn't really look like I imagined because you can't even see the faceup examples from the side of an angle...The thing that caught me off was the wing tips, I wanted my doll to be more childlike so I thought ok type A doesn't have a tip and type B it does...apparently they both do and it's just the B is even more. Overall though I guess I'm just not as impressed with the faceup as much as I was with Mora's when I got her. I'm just feeling in a sulky mood right now I guess so sorry for raining on the parade and sorry if I disappear for awhile to calm down. >>
    8. Sorry for making the thread sad. ._.
      I'm feeling better today and got some nicer pictures with the light. (wish it was the summer sun and not the cold winter taunting me with more snow and ice sun! :? How is it still January..)
      Going to be changing this little one up a lot, a friend invited me to join a semi-local group order so I'm going to pick out some stuff to get...eyes, eyelashes, wig.
      Anyways, photo spam time:
      Closeup of little miss baldy:
    9. Amalie - It is perfectly fine to be disappointed with an order, so don't apologize!
      Your girl is adorable, even without a wig and Mora looks happy toO!

      ( sorry for any typos... I'm on my phone)
    10. Thanks Animethemed! I changed a few things already and I'm already liking her more. She's got some hair coming soon and some eyes that don't belong to Mora but until then she's at least a little cuter. (I'm getting some freebie eyelashes with my eyes so I may switch them too because I totally got glue stuck in them when I turned them around...eyelashes are such a pain though, I just discovered that!) x3

    11. My friend have one. so cute
    12. Does anyone have a lati yellow to compare them too?
      I reaaaaaaally like Winnie - trying to work out if I can order before the event period ends or not!
    13. My girl is my first tiny so no lati yellows to compare to - maybe someone else here has one? But I compared measurements previously so I could buy some clothes and Aq16 and LatiY have nearly the same measurements and the clothes I got (made for LY) fit. I'd be interested to see a pair side by side as well though. ^^
    14. Jingerbell has posted some fantastic comparison pics with both Lati & Pukifee on her blog! You can find the link in her sig (check back on pg 2)
    15. and now i got suckered in... that's what i get for checking the "new posts" section.... i see tiny doll... i go look.... cute pics... go to site and the dolls are on sale and no extra cost for tan. there goes my money ._____.
    16. I've been very impressed with Aquarius Doll's communication so far. I paid off my light brown Nicky today and within 20min of making the payment I had a response to advise me the payment had been received, she was on her way to get a face-up and that she will ship on the 17th. Fantastic!
    17. Thanks Em! :) I am a bit overwhelmed by all my tinies atm and poor Winnie isn't getting quite as much attention. I do love the change of eyelashes VeroNik@ ​- might need to try that myself ^.^
    18. I must admit I have taken to stalking your blog and I'm enjoying seeing all your new arrivals! (Though I haven't commented yet :sweat)

      It can be pretty overwhelming when a few dolls arrive within a short period of time! I've got 4 new tinies due in the next few weeks, eep!
    19. Thank you! I'm glad you are enjoying my ramblings :lol: There is a lull of new arrives currently is kind of good - I will have to pull Winnie out for some more photos this week. I really hope AQ release more 16cm sculpts :)

      Who are you expecting to arrive? That is exciting!
    20. My tinies were all ordered within quick succession of each other due to my unbelievable lack of willpower ;)

      I've had an Atelier Momoni Melo on order since December who should be shipping shortly.
      Darak Tiny Remy was ordered a few weeks later and should ship this week.

      I was also lucky enough to get one of the in-stock Tan Bonnie's through DDE. She arrived a few weeks ago and I'm madly in love! She cemented my love for the size so I placed my order with Aquarius for Nicky.

      Then on a random browse of the MP I picked up a Tan PKF Luna as well...woops!