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Aquarius Doll Fairy 16 discussion

Dec 19, 2013

    1. Oooo new tinies! I love the Darak Tiny Remy - I've seen her before in passing but now I want one! (haha I realised it's all in your sig /facepalm)

      The AQ16 girls do look great with all the other tinies which is a big bonus ^.^ Grats on all your new girls!

      *edit* I got inspired to spend some time with Winnie tonight :)


      I gave her some new eyelashes although they are a little long...and she's wearing a luts fur wig which I think really suits her!
    2. Jingerbell - Your girl is so adorable! I actually like her with the longer eyelashes <3

      Amalie - I can't wait to see your your girl with her new wig!
    3. Ohhh I forgot to post this last night but when I was fixing Winnie's lashes I noticed that one of her acrylic eyes had cracked. Not sure if it has anything to do with what they use to hold the eyes in but just a warning!

      animethemed&#8203;- thanks you ^.^
    4. Your Winnie is so cute, love the new eyelashes! Did she come with any originally?

      I commented on your blog last night but I didn't realise that the wig was from Luts. I think it's the same one I ordered for my Nicky ;)
    5. Great minds :D

      she did come with some eyelashes originally but they were brown and very very short, I had to check a few times to make sure she did actually have some!
    6. Yep, I definitely think I'll be getting a Winnie before the end of the month!! Jingerbell, yours is just absolutely gorgeous! I love the styling of white hair and tan it's one of my absolute favourite doll combinations!!
    7. Jingerbell your winnie is too cute! :D

      I just got news that the group order I got my wig with came in so it'll be shipped to me tomorrow and hopefully get here this week or next week. :)
    8. rain_cloud - thank you and yay ^.^! it's always great to see more Winnie's around :D she is just so adorable and the AQ tan is easily my favourite so far of all my tinies.

      amalie - thanks :D I can't wait to see Jessie with her new wig!
    9. I had a dream that the AQ16 dolls all sold out before the end of the event, that was my genuine dream last night. I can't order till the very last day of the event because of when my money comes in so I'm holding out till then!

      Jingerbell I'll be getting a Winnie in tan too! The Aquarius tan is just soooo lovely compared to some other companies. Do you have a company face-up on yours??
    10. Haha oh no - I have those dreams as well. Just before Lati and Fairyland announced their new year events I kept dreaming about what they would be!

      Great choice on the tan Winnie :D yes mine does have the default faceup - style B ^.^
    11. Made a new outfit for Lina this week - also Happy Valentines Day everyone! :)
    12. Amalie That is a super cute outfit! She looks so adorable :aheartbea
    13. Amalie - She is absolutley adorable! That outfit so cute <3
      Rain_Cloud - Winnie is adorable! I think it would be great to see another one on the forum!
    14. amalie - Lina is adorable, I love that wig on her! Amazing work on her outfit, it looks great :)
    15. Thanks everyone! I dislike that wig so much ...it's so difficult to manage! xD (it is SUPER frizzy and just stray hairs all over..but it's so soft at the same time. T.T) I am happy with the outfit though, hopefully it will match with the new wig - should be coming this week sometime. :) Monday is a holiday so you never know I guess. x3 Also my new eyes I ordered a bit ago shipped today! :D (can finally have Lina not wearing Mora's eyes like a weirdo. xD)
    16. Jingerbell Your doll looks so serious but still cute cute cutie pie !!:)
      amalie &#1072;&#1072;&#1072;&#1072;&#1072;&#1072;&#1072;&#1072;&#1072;&#1072;&#1072;&#1072;&#1072;&#1072; I have the same wig for my doll :fangirl:
      scold me, please, I'm lazy, I can not take a picture of my gir :))))))
    17. amelie, your girl is very cute, I love the pout!

      I just got my shipping notice for my Nicky. So, she's on her way home and exactly when they said she would be! That has to be a first ;)
    18. @Em Thanks and congrats on your shipping notice! :) Looking forward to seeing her!

      @rendez-vous Take some pics! :D

      Just got the new blue wig in the mail today for Lina and it's awesome! :)
    19. Ok, so I was sorely tempted by all the gorgeousness in this thread, and ended up ordering my own tan Winnie last night! I hope she'll make a great friend for my PKF Luna, and I can't wait to see more sculpts in this line!
    20. Welcome little fox and I'm sure you will not be disappointed! These little ones are are adorable - looking forward to seeing your winnie! :)