1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Aquarius Doll Fairy 16 discussion

Dec 19, 2013

    1. These little ones are extremely cute. Can anyone tell me what their layaway terms are? I looked in the FAQ and it just mentions payment via PayPal and the address.

      Thank you!
    2. Yay I knew someone else would know the answer! x3 I always pay in full once I have enough saved up otherwise my layaway would take me an entire year hehe.. x3

      Also on topic..I just threw Lina's crocheted blanket over her head while she's standing on my desk just cus. Took a peek at her face under it and she looked SO mad at me! :o :lol: (she did not fall over though! AQ tinies are strong! xD) I will not be taunting her again though. x3 She may need a new outfit soon..not quite sure what to make her yet. :)
    3. Thanks very much!
    4. amalie, your Lina is adorable!

      We haven't been here for a long time ;)
    5. I love that wig on your Winnie VeroNik@! She is so cute in that outfit too :D
    6. Thank you very much! :) This wig really very good for these kids, happy that I bought it. Special thanks for outfit!
      And another photo
    7. [​IMG]

      My Jessie got here yesterday, did a quick face up... It's more a WIP, but I love their bodies and the tan!

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    8. These kids are so cute! I just found them today. Adorable. I think Winnie is going on my wishlist! Not that I need any more dolls...I've got so so many...
    9. VeroNik@ Girl dress urgently needed! Pink Castle and flowers there, and there is no dress Princesa. :lol:
    10. Hello!
      This is my doll Varya (Varvara):

      This is not her shoes, I'm waiting for another pair))
    11. Eeep! My Winnie has been shipped! Yay!
    12. little.fox - Yay! Congrats! I can't wait to see her when she arrives!
    13. Bayle - I love that wig on Varya! She also looks adorable in those sneakers, even if they are not hers!

      little.fox - congrats! Can't wait to see your Winnie :)

      My Winnie tried a new look today:

      Winifred by CasseminaPie, on Flickr

      I also noticed she has some sealant lifting off the tip of her nose :( although you can only really see it with a macro lense. She must have taken one too many tumbles!
    14. Very beautiful! I love long hair!
    15. Hey guys, do you know if all PKF clothing fits the AQ16s? I'd like to get a PKF fullset for Winnie, do you think it will work?

      PS: Winnie looks adorable like that, Jingerbell, I'm always envious of your gorgeous wigs!
    16. I don't know about the FL clothes, but I bought some clothes advertised for lati yellow and pukifee, and it was too short bc Jessie's boostie sticks out a bit more. She needs leggings to wear the dress

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    17. Agatha with her friends:)
    18. Thank you! :)

      My AQ doll fits into all the dresses and outfits I have for my Pukifees and lati yellows - maybe they are a bit on the longer side?

      She also got a new look - maybe one that will stick this time!

      Winifred (AQ16 Winnie)
      by CasseminaPie, on Flickr

      VeroNik@ - I just love the entire look of Agatha - she fits in perfectly with her pukifee friends!
    19. Jingerbell, Winifred is sooooo cute! :fangirl: She looks very beautiful with those green eyes and red hair!
      Thank you very much! :)