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Are the BJDs rather for 'Old Children' (teenagers and adults) ???

Jan 15, 2006

    1. Totally agree with you!
    2. Totally and utterly OT:
      XD Yes, I remember him. Upon recieving him I, for whatever reason, saw fit to pull the little sponge off his plastic razor. O_o
    3. I don't think the sexual parts are an issue It depends what kinda doll it is..BJD dolls are made perfect..with the thought creating something perfect. There are dolls of porn stars with detailed parts..but those dollss were especially made for people who enjoy such..dolls..but I can assure most of them are men not galls..

      Bjd is more appreciated among girls than boys...girls are more attracted by a beautifull doll..and the fact he or she also has special parts makes it more interested..but most boys/men associate dolls that look a lot like humens having something sexual.

      I've had several people reacting to my dolls..till now..I've noticed the men..thinking more about the sexual side of the doll..but not just apprciating the dolls beauty..girls on the other hand don't care and immediatlly notice the beauty of the doll.

      It's the same as art..a lot of women like art..they like to draw..lov to draw nudes..but they won't draw comics..only a few..

      I teach at a privateschool..for comic/cartoon artists..sadely there are more boys than girls..doesn't mean that girls don't draw..it's just that american comics..is basiclly ruled by men..which also reflects in the stories and subjecst..japanese manga has a lot of female artist and alot more diverse and girlish story..what happens now..alot of girls wanna draw manga or read manga..

      popular manga genre yaoi(this is all about boylove sexual or non sexual content)

      In France there are more female manga readers than men..and after japan France is the biggest reading manga country of the world next come america and germany on the same spot.

      so what I'm trying to say..actually is that alot of men when they see dolls like ours..lovedolls(silicone sexdolls) instantly pop in their mind..

      And girls are just amazed by the realistic vibe..I think it's also because the world is filled with women advertises with sexy pictures or even nudes more of women than men..
      Women are more free in their mind about sexuality they luv the female body but they also luv men..Men on the other hand..when they hear the words gay or menlove..they go screaming and kicking things..

      Althoug I must say..I'm a very coservative person...I don't approve magazines like playboy or penthouse...not because it's about sex or nudes...It just bothers me..that men find men nudes or gay magazines disgusting but they do buy women sex magazine and expect women to accept it. I don't mean that women should mind..I just think men underestimate a womans sexuality!!(besides I was born with this attitude even as a kid I was like this..my mom was affraid I'de become a womens activist or something..)

      But I think these aspects in reall lif reflect on peoples view of *reallistic* dolls
      So I think dolls in particullar are for people with freeminds and who just respect the hard work of the sculp.
    4. I don't really agree. I remember looking at my Ken's teeny weeny and laughing-- I was probably four or five, and it did absolutely nothing to awaken my sexuality too early.

      I would hesitate to buy a Bjd for a small child because they're so delicate and aren't as cheaply fixed, like Barbies. I'm thinking about a head cracking down the middle if child dropped it... $125 for a new one.... *shudders*
    5. boy, I really don't think that ken doesn't have privates because it was "cheaper". Almost no "play dolls" I can think of that are marketed to children have private parts. I say this because, when new people see my dolls and they find out that they are anatomically correct, they are always shocked "so scandalous!". I think that this is because, basically people would think it was "too sexy" to have private parts on dolls like barbies that are sold to children.

      I'm not going to comment on whether I think dolls for young children should have private parts or not. *L* because I'm not sure what my answer would be,,,...

      but it's obvious that these play dolls for children are designed without defined privates BECAUSE they think that people don't want them to have them for dolls for kids, not because it's an economic issue. Sure, it's a little bit more expensive to have a molded part down there, but not really.

      I think certain children are able to take really good care of fragile things. I remember when I was young, I had a collection of glass cats. I played with them alot, and I think only one of them broke an ear at one point by accident. I think often, kids, when they know something is precious, and they are one of those kinds of careful children, that they could take care of a ABJD. I mean some young kids have glass or porcelain dolls, and ABJD are more sturdy than them!

      Obviously you wouldnt want to give an ABJD to a child who was rough, or one that was too young to have a fragile doll... but I think some younger kids can be trusted. ^_^.
    6. The first thing I thought was that I wouldn't give my a BJD to a child because RESIN IS TOXIC.

      I mean, children stick things in their mouthes (younger children, obviously), and break things off and...gah, leave them lying around so animals can eat it. NOT A GOOD IDEA.

      And when you talk about little kids with dolls, I always see a kid about the age of 4 lugging around an American Girl doll thats about half her size, and the doll is flopping int oeverything - walls, people, floors. It surprising their legs dont just snap in half. Children just like to toss stuff around and have a good time. I think if a BJD was treated like that, it would probably break in seconds *_*
    7. I agree with you. I'm very different from my peers because i'm freeminded and respects everyone and everything. I pratice drawing naked people so i can better at human anatomy but my peers see it as porn. Many people disagree with my artistic hobbies because they don't see why it's so expensive and they think they're adult stuff. I still don't have a BJD yet for that reason.

    8. Lots of people react this way on nudes and dolls..I feel the same about respecting everyone and everything!

      Men buy expensive modelkits or cars or buy expensive tickets for sports..modelkits an cars can be just as expensive hobbies and sport is also an expensive hobby..And some women are addicted to shopping, the hairdresser and shoes..which also can be very expensive!!

      I think iff your luv is with art/drawing..you will be falling head over heels for the first BJD you'll be holding in your hand! I know..cause I've been there..after that...my money flew out of my pockets like crazy..

      I do think you should think reall hard which dollsculp is really made for you..and iff you enviorment reacts like that it is best to keep your boy or girl private to yourself..^_^..or just for awhile..
    9. Shnooks > those American Girl dolls can take anything. I was a right little terror when it came to those girls, but they're all still in one peice.

      I think that the dolls are geared towards artists and art appreciators more than a certain age group. Sure, yeah, Volks says not for people under sixteen, but I know some little kids I would let play with Ichiiro before I'd let some sixteen year olds even get near him.
      BJD-as-fandom, like here, however, is really geared towards the older children/younger adults crowed, I think.
    10. i respectfully dissagree. how can this "wake up a child's sexuality" too early? the human body is a perfectly natural thing, and i believe realism can be good. the fake bodies of barbie always creeped me out when i was younger, she looked too rediculously fake. my mother had some male dolls that were more anatomically correct and i found those to be more relistic and in turn, less frightening. children are not as naieve as we make them to be, i believe they can understand more about reality and fantasy than we give them credit for. i know when i was younger there wasnt any question in my mind as to what was real or not, and dolls no matter how we cut it are toys (or collectors toys as many of us treat them)
    11. I don't honestly see a problem with the genitalia in the dolls.. i mean, when I have kids I will definetly want them to know that girls have boobies and boys have peepees.. :P It's not like these dolls have erections or anything like that.. (although I do believe there is one specific doll that has that optional part??-correct me if i'm wrong)
      i dont believe that bjds are overly sexual, but i do however feel that they aren't for children because of how much they cost and how much care they need.
    12. Another story that it brings to mind... I was at a diner with my friends and a mother chastised me for saying "Boobies" too loudly in the table next to her because her children (ages 4-8 ) were there.

    13. Wow, I am in complete disagreement with your belief that genitalia in dolls awakens sexuality too early. The human body is beautiful and I certainly would want any children that I might possibly have to be comfortable with their bodies. Which includes not being ashamed of their private parts. It's a boob and/or a penis, people need to get over it. Everyone has at least one of them. And I won't even go into all of the psychological debate on children and sexuality.

      I do think these dolls are too expensive to be playthings for most children, but I do not doubt that there are children who would love and appreciate them just as much as an adult. My niece loves playing with my doll and I am perfectly comfortable letting her push him around in her stroller and change his clothes. She giggles whenever his wig comes off and likes to make him dance. She's fascinated by the range of movement Kurenai possesses. My niece is three.
    14. I also don't think it's dangerous for childeren...but I can imagine childeren who are not that lets say *wise*...and they go tell their friends that mommy has dolls with girlparts and boyparts that can be really weird.
      But I can understand nowadays..childeren have become more sexually active than ever...Like here in the Netherlands..compared to other countries we have less crimes...but In the Netherlands..Groupraping has become popular among kids it's a small amount of kids but still there are only 16 million people in the Netherlands >_<!!!

      Boys in the age of 11 to 17 did grouprape on girls of the age 11-14...childeren who rape childeren????? I was disgusted!

      WE don't really know what's going on in a childs mind..but I do think..childeren are at a too young age busy with sex. Here in holland they sell thongs for childeren...=_+..I don't have a daughter but I'd kill her iff she'd be walking around like a Ho at age 11!!

      So I can understand both sides of the *coin* so the question really is: Are realistic dolls adult dolls or does the concept behind the doll make it an adult doll?

      so----->I wouldn't let my childeren playaround with a sexdoll...iff i had wanted one..because the concept behind the doll is a adult concept.
      I would let my childeren play with my BJD iff they respected an cared for it..cause that is the concept behind BJD..(although I must say I don't trust kids with my bJD they end up breaking it or lay it somewhere in the sun..besides that my bF's daughter treats her clothes and toys like Sh*t so she ain't touching my babies..=_=...)
    15. Yes, but Barbie was one of the first "adult aged" play dolls--the decision was Mattel's to set the stage for other play dolls, in a lot of ways.

      The battle over Ken's private parts is documented in the very wonderful (and exhaustively researched) Barbie's Queer Accessories by Erica Rand. I don't have my copy here at home, but if you're interested, I can look up the page number to the reference when I get back to work. :)
    16. I don't think genitals on dolls would scare children nearly as much as they would scare their parents. Especially if the children are under the age where they've been socialized to think that body parts = teh ebil!

      I mean, think about how many times you probably ran around nakey as a little kid. :P
    17. i think that most likely children and raping children and other problems such as this are more society problems (and televison) ...and the music they are listening to...i already sound like an old lady! and less of their toys. (although, the bratz dolls thing recently was a bit of a problem...) it is a very hard area because of alot of peoples different upbringings and such, and no, if i had children i wouldnt let them play with something too....er, such as the sexdoll. but bjd? depends on the kid, depends on their maturity, it would be on a case-case basis.

      but i do agree, perhaps children are too worried about sex...and should be more intrested in toys! at their ages i was always a large toy fan, and i still am. i think toys are wonderful. (im a big fan of old tin winduptoys as well) but i blame this mostly on society telling our children to grow up too fast. I could agree that even in our society, we dont cherish childhood enough, and for me bjd even with their anatomicalness still represent that to me, and i enjoy it.
    18. i've gotta raise a hand here and say no, just no. kids aren't as stuck in the "must be like real" or "that's too unrealistic" mode that we set in as adults. they adore the wildest things and fantasy is off the hook with them.

      they love Barney, the Fraggles, the Muppets & Teletubbies - so... their creepy factor is far and away more tolerant than a grown-up's.

      also giving kids anotomically correct dolls isn't a bad thing, but teaching them to be afraid of anatomy is. you could make a case that because you can hit with fists or stick fingers places they shouldn't be shown. i agree with earlier poster that knowledge is what changes innocence, so it's uptight adults prone to do more damage than self-knowledge; like a kid is never supposed to look down there where they pee from and know what's there? they should have shame for a factory stock bit of equipment? nah...

      :moo - i think BJD's are for older kids because of the delicacy & expense...
    19. I think it's mainly because of the structure of the dolls, the quality and the price. So far I've found I'm the youngest person to have bought a bjd. People below my age - seventeen - just can't seem to afford them.
      Though, I think they're not that expensive when you consider the quality of what you're buying.

    20. Reminded me ... When I got my anatomically correct newborn twin dolls, my mother was more 'weird' over them than I was. I personally didn't care all that much, but my mother was very surprised that my grandfather would give a 7 or 8 year old a doll with all the correct moldings, even if it was a toy.

      I think people forget the curiosity of children. Most kids will not think of the parts as sexual at a young age. A lot of kids play 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours' so they've already seen it under 10, and if they haven't they don't particularly think about it.

      All in all it depends on the child and the way they were brought up as to whether or not anatomically correct dolls are appropriate for them. It's up to you as a parent (those of you who are or will be) to decide what is the 'correct' age for your child to own a BJD if the interest strikes them. So while the dolls are marketed for older teens and adults, it's not necessarily the iron-clad age ^^

      In other areas, the age and apparent fragility of the doll definitely makes them for an older crowd with the money to support the interest.