1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Asleep Eidolon (AE Int'l) minis discussion part 2

May 31, 2007

    1. Well I have a blueberry and a pear... And I'm selling my blueberry right now... Lol so yeah... I choose pear. :P
    2. I have neither, I have one of their much older sculpts (and I hopehopehope to get more pictures of her tomorrow if this rain has passed) but I think Blueberry is adorable. My best friend has one planned in the nearish future once her life settles and she finishes a giant layaway and I can't wait to see one in person lol. But I'm kind of in love with all the AE sculpts. I completely agree with Evelien. Look at owner pictures and see which appeals to you the most!

      AmiSi your Pear is so lovely. I love her look!
    3. Thank you, coloredimage:) I tried to make her as sireny as I could since she's my little goddess of calm seas.

    4. She fits that image perfectly, AmiSi :)

      Here's my Polly. I love that her character is supposed to change her hair color frequently because I haven't been able to find the perfect look for her yet. I think tonight's hunt is going to be for a semi-permanent wig.
    5. Thanks, coloredimage, and did you do her face-up, it's cute! I love how her lips look in the picture:)
    6. I wish I could take the credit for her faceup but she came to me like that :)
    7. Coral spam anyone??
    8. now that think pink has asleep eidolon i just purchased a AE Cherry ;w; i´m super excited!
    9. Congratulations!! Did they have her in stock?
    10. Congrats! Cherry is my favourite AE sculpt :fangirl:.
    11. yes they had her in stock but with faceup Dx but i wanted her blank so i´m waiting now D,:
    12. That's happened to me a couple of times. MoC has had dolls in stock that I want, but with a faceup and so it prevents me from by it. Bright side, I find the waiting is a great time to get your ideas together and start getting what you need for your little one when they get home. I find it's always nice when you can have a box opening end with your doll clothed with hair and eyes :lol:

      Anyways, I went out a took pics on the Beach yesterday...although I think the Doctor was either annoyed with me for not putting him in the blue suit or he just didn't wanna be out cause none of my photos of him were spectacular...nor was he co-operating very well...kept falling over...actually did a very bad face-plant into a pile of rocks. About gave me a heart attack. But luckily both he and his faceup are alright.

      Anyways, here's one of the better ones:


      The rest I took of him and the rest of my crew can be found here: http://www.denofangels.com/forums/s...ai-MNF-El-LTF-Shiwoo-MNF-Shushu-and-AE-Shine)
    13. Hello, I am thinking of getting either a ws cherry (she will be the older version of my little ws Peppermint, Anri, who is still waiting to ne payed off) or a ns male lemon. I was wondering if the male bodies have been updated like the female ones, how good the company face ups are and about how long it takes for Asleep Eidolon preorders to come in. Also, at the moment I only have female msd clothes and I was wondering what some good places to buy clothes for the boys would be. I'm leaning more towards Lemon right now but if all goes well with this order I will eventually get both. Thank you :)
    14. Actually, I came here to ask stuff, too. I'm super interested in a Lemon girl. She was almost my first doll, but I was so bad at research and it seems as if AE minis aren't nearly as easy to get info on than JIDs.

      Do any of you happen to have Lemon pictures to spam?
      And, since I'm bad with measurements, do clothes made for minifee fit? ^^;
      And, last one, I promise! Wig size? ><
    15. with ae mini new body, JID jeans fit very well. (well, you have JID so i thought I could give this as alternative in case minifee doesn't fit)...
      wig size is 7-8 inches.

      I don't have minifee but seems like they're pretty skinny except the bust part...
    16. Well I only have the one AE boy so I'm not sure if it's been upgraded or anything, but my friend has the older body for the AE girl and I do know that the joints are different. My boy doesn't have that useless chest piece the older AE girls had, so I guess I have him on the new body, or at least the newest that's currently out.

      Wait times vary, but I placed my order for my Shine the day before MoC sent the orders in to Asleep Eidolon. That was Jan 4 of last year and he arrived May 11. So about four months of waiting, give or take.

      Clothing is a bit more difficult as I find the AE boys are a bit bigger than Minifees or other slim MSDs. I've bought some clothes from TATA's that fit him fine, as well as some things from Dollmore.

      Hope that helps!
    17. That works great! Looks like I will have to put him on a separate order than my Peppermint (I don't want to have to wait that long for her). I won't be able to have any of my dolls with me this summer as I will be living on site at my job at a local theme park. This means that I will have less distractions when looking at things to buy him. It also should make the waiting a little bit easier as his wife won't be glaring at me the entire time. And I'm used to the odd sizes with clothes as my current Mini girl has a slim mini sized top but her legs are too athletic for slim mini pants. I will probably end up commissioning a good deal of his clothing anyways.

      Just out of curiosity, how heavy are they compared to the resinsoul mini's.
    18. @Elruesta yeah the time is good for preparing but i already have everything for her :) *super excited btw i love your doctor <3
    19. I kinda wish AE would release some new minis that look like their SDs... I love so many of their faces... But I am not getting another big doll... :(