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Asleep Eidolon (AE Int'l) minis discussion part 2

May 31, 2007

    1. @snow072291: Hmmm...that's a good question...give me a sec...*holds the Doctor and Spock* Well, I don't actually notice much difference in their weight. The Doctor feels a bit heavier, but he's also wearing more layers of heavy clothing than Spock is. Even though AE boys are bigger, weight wise there doesn't appear to be much of a difference with the RS minis...at least not handling wise.

      For clothing, yeah most of what the Doctor wears is commissioned, mostly cause there was no way I was gonna find his brown and blue suits through companies. I'm also planning on commissioning the PJs he wears in the Christmas Invasion ep as well as the Tux he sometimes wears. But his dress shirts are from TATA's and I have put the Dollmore clothes on him before to see the fit and they weren't bad.

      @nu123: Most of my dolls are based on characters from TV shows, movies or books, so I always know exactly what I plan on getting for them before I've even ordered the doll. So far all of my dolls have come home to at least one outfit, hair and eyes. The Doctor came home to everything but his face :sweat And the two dolls I'm currently waiting on are the same. I have mostly everything ready for them, except that they'll need faces when they get here.

      And thanks :) Always nice to know someone besides me likes my dolls :)
    2. @snow072291 - I've got AE Lemon girl and RS Mei on slim (single-joined body). My Lemon is heavy - like 1,5 Mei , I guess :lol: Both girls are nude ... Lemon is bigger - only few outfits from my RS girl fit her (stretchy tops or dresses, but not pants :( ). Hope this helps ^.^
      And now, it's time for some Lemon spam !

    3. Thanks for the answers. And the doll spam really cheered me up (end of finals week and rain). The only other male mini that I've handled is a resinsoul. I can't wait to be able to order him :). Also, as I was packinng up my stuff today I realised that I might already have a wig and a pair of eyes that will work for him (though the wig is a bit long)
    4. Hello, i was wondering if anyone knew if this wig --> http://mayeota.deviantart.com/#/d4yt809
      would fit the AE Cherry, I was wondering cuz i was going to save up for my own cherry to fill in for one of my characters ^w^ any info would be great~
    5. Hello guys. Recently I found an English site http://asleep-eidolon.com/. Anyone know is this official site AE?
      I ask this because the information has found that AE dolls are available only through dealers.
    6. is that really official? i only know www.aedoll.cn . I guess, only Mint on Card has the 'right' to answer this.
      The format really really looks like ae china (company website)...

    7. Love the AE sculpt alot , want one or two in my collection in the future :)
    8. That does look like the official Chinese site... but nichan is right. It is probably better to check with Mint on Card to make sure it's legitimate.
    9. I got MOC answer today:
    10. Just dropping by to spam some of my Blueberry- I haven't put up photos of her yet. This is Kethry.

    11. Oh, she's so cute!! Love her outfit :-D
    12. Thank you~. I love her so much. Forgot I had her in the front seat one day when I went through a drive-through to get a quick bite to eat. Took me a little while to work out why the girl at McDonald's gave me a funny look. :sweat

      Yeah the outfit is cute, I feel a bit bad about it though because I don't really have any winter clothes for her since we assumed she'd be here in summer :(.

      EDIT: Evelien I was just wondering what size and shape eyes your Anne has? My sister and I had some issues with the size of the purple acrylics that were supposed to be Kethry's due to the shape of her eyewells, which is why she currently has the blue eyes that came with her.
    13. Took Galene out to a cemetery with a friend, and though i'd share her:)

    14. Chay Aderyn, my Blueberry wears 14mm eyes. :-)
      Amisi, what a beautiful photo!
    15. Dude, I don't know what was up with the Doctor today, but he was the embodiment of the song 'I'm sexy and I know it'. I was drooling...no joke.


      I think this was to make up for the pics I took at the beach the other day. He wasn't co-operating then. Now I've changed his clothes a bit and the boy is happy :| Posted some more of him here if you guys are interested: http://www.denofangels.com/forums/s...he-Bridge-(LTF-Shiwoo-AE-Shine-RS-Mai-MNF-El)
    16. Elruesta maybe he didn't like the memories the beach brought to mind? But that is a pretty awesome picture

      Evelien hmmm thanks I might have to save up and get her a new pair of eyes then. Oh well she'll get a pair that suits her better than the blue ones eventually

      Amisi that is a beautifully taken photo. Galene is quite pretty
    17. Wow, that is a nice picture of The Doctor, Elruesta. I'm digging it!

      AmiSi such a lovely picture - such a cute outfit too. Chay you're Blueberry is adorable.
    18. Thank you so much, Evelien, coloredimage (her dress is a rose dress from The Franklin Mint:)) and Chay Aderyn. I'm hoping to take more pics of her soon:)


      Here, she's being cuddly with a sweet OT girl, Luxx. Although I don't think Galene realizes that Luxx may be having more than just cuddly thoughts on her mind, lol.
    19. AmiSi, the more I see your Pear, the more I love the sculpt. She's trying to sneak her way onto my wishlist!

      I don't currently have an Asleep Eidolon darling, but I'm torn between two as my next order at the end of summer--Lemon and Cordelia Jr. The problem is that I have no idea what Cordelia looks like other than her official pictures, so it's hard to make a decision. Based on the promotional images, I love Cordelia more, but user images of Lemon make it so hard to choose!

      Does anyone have any spam of Cordelia to help make my choice easier?