1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Asleep Eidolon (AE Int'l) minis discussion part 2

May 31, 2007

    1. Haven't taken pictures of my Blueberry in forever, but it was so nice out today that I had to get out. Here's Himawari. ^_^

    2. My pear hasn't been getting much attention lately. :( I'm go. A have to take her on a shoot soon.

    3. aaaaw...lovely girls...
      ah, want to see more pear spam *______*...
    4. She is lovely--and I love that outfit. Beautiful colors.
    5. All the Pear spam really is making me reevaluate my stance on sleepy eyes. I've been determined to avoid them because they strike me as being limiting as to what expressions they can take, but Pear is so gorgeous! She seems to have a wealth of her own expressions.
    6. Thank you!:)
    7. Wow everyone's girls and boys are so cute. I've got to take poor Kethry out and take some nicer pictures of her. Depending on the weatherr tomorrow I might do that. Hmm...
    8. [​IMG]

      My sister second_banshee took my girl and her girl out in the sun for some photos today. She loaned Keth some new clothes, and Keth liked them so much that she convinced Banshee to let her keep them.

      Photo from second_banshee, used with permission.
    9. Very pretty pictures everyone!

      Polly is getting a new wig, it'll be bought by the end of this week. I have her in what will be her wig but in different colors right now and it really looks great on her. Can't wait to get some pictures to show you all!
    10. Jiao had a big photoshoot today!


      More pics on my flickr.<3
    11. Jiao looks great, Kimchi&#8203;! I love her outfit!
    12. Polly finally got the right wig! Her head finally no longer looks ridiculously big next to the rest of her tiny body.

    13. That is one very long wig, coloredimage.

      I was out yesterday morning and thought I'd take Kethry with me and take some pictures of her myself. This was the result.

    14. Yay! my girl has new eyes. I figured I should give her red eyes since I think of her as being avampire. :3

      It'd be awesome to customize her with some fangs...

      The full mini shoot is here ^__^
    15. It is long, but it's great to work with so I'm none-too-worried, Chay Aderyn. Your girl looks lovely, by the way!

      Chiisaichi your girl looks great with the red eyes.
    16. Lol fair enough, coloredimage. Changing her eyes to oval glass instead of the round acrylics has definitely made a big difference. I must admit having the glass makes me not mind so much that her eyes are blue instead of the plum colour they were going to be originally. Now I've just got to get her some eyelashes and she'll be set. :lol:

      chiisachi, I've never really taken much notice of Pear before but you girl with her new eyes and that dress is really quite beautiful. I also think it would be quite interesting to see a fang cutsomisation on her.
    17. Thanks guys. ^__^ I'm going to see if there's a good way to add fangs that's not too hard... I'm not great at customizing, lol...
      This picture was in my gallery, but for some reason I really like that it's focused on her hem and her face is looking at you from the background.

    18. I've been lurking around looking at everyone's pictures... all your dolls are so pretty. &#9829;

      I re-did my Coral's face last week... she looks totally different now. :XD

      New face! by ChronicallySpaced, on Flickr
    19. My gosh, ChronicallySpaced, she is so cute! I really like her odd coloured eyes.