1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Bardo Research 40cm girls

Apr 29, 2015

    1. Yes, for now, master will sending to us our basic dolls without face-up and wigs. Now I need to think about the finished look of doll :) O, this is Remi )))
    2. Since the thread is so quiet - I'll just add that I just got my shipping notice for Sadhana. I have no idea how long she'll take to arrive from Russia but I'm expecting it to take at least 10 days to arrive to US.

      I've also commissioned an outfit for her from someone who makes things for Popovy girls. I think it will work since most of the measurements look similar and it will be a loser style. Also have shoes shipping that should fit but may be on the large size. We shall see.

      For those of you in the U.S., how long did it take to recieve your dolll once you got the shipping notice?
    3. Amber, my Sadhana has arrived a while ago. I just love her.
      She is borrowing a wig and doesn't have proper clothes yet, but I plan on making her a wig and I have commissionned a white dress for her.

      Here she is with a Shelma doll Audrey, an Apodoll Melia and a MNF Risse on a DC K1 body.
      [​IMG]Bjd msd slim and slimmer comparison by ❄Skimo❄, sur Flickr
      • x 1
    4. ah great to see more girls, love the comparison ...she is so perfect skinny:)....mine will take longer, I didn't hear anything yet, but then I orderd her with the pretty body paint and face-up......just thinking about getting her a pair of smaller eyes, on the pictures her eyes are 8mm but I like it a little more realistic so need to get her a pair of 6mm I think will see when she is here...

      not sure how long the shipping will take to us....
    5. I think it can take around 20 days to arrive to USA - I live on the border with China, very far from Moscow, where the package should go first for customs.
    6. 20 days....:...(

      Thank you so much for giving me an idea. I'm just too impatient to see her. :D But at least I live in a major city so it should be fast once she leaves Russia.

      EDIT: Just checked the USPS tracking site and my girl is now in Moscow…slowly she's coming.:dance
    7. Oksana, thanks for the beauty!
    8. ah victoria great modern girl your remy....love her outfit and shoes, she is so different then my sadhana will be :)......I hope my girl will be finished soon
    9. Thank you! I hope to see your girl :)
      And boots we have wonderful - from 16" fashion dolls
      There is also an iPhone

    10. So nice to see these girls start to show up! I like the contemporary look of your girl Victoria Sam.

      Sigh…my girl is still hanging out in Moscow - it's been almost 10 days. :pout: But the wait will be over soon. So far I've ordered an outfit and shoes for her. Shoes are here, outfit will probably take another 20-30 days. Then off to the dolly spa for her face up. It will be a good 2-3 months before she's all together. I'd like to make her jewelry to pass the time but want to wait until I get her so I can judge the proper scale.
    11. Oh, these days EMS works really bad here :doh I'm waiting for my package from China for a two weeks and still not get it...

      Your girl in process :)

    12. aaaahhhh that's great thank you:)...the body paint is so magical....I do have some things for her(like a corsetdress...don't want anything that covers the painting...shoes...and I did buy some extra wigs and turned them into some sort of headdress/crowns...not sure how to call it...it was fun to do, but I am not even sure if she will like them ( she is a sort of goddess ).her raven black hair is going to be her basic one...and the others are specials for taking pictures.
    13. :pout: Oh I'm sorry for you too! Even though both countries are so big, they are next door to each other!

      I think my girl is taking a final tour of her country before she leaves. I hope she's taking pictures! :XD:

      Wilkies - you got the tattoo…:aheartbea can't wait to see photos. I'm regretting not getting that done.

      EDIT: Just checked shipping status and my girl is finally in the US. :dance Now she just has to make it across the country to SF. This final week of waiting is going to be painful. Hoping to have her by next weekend!
    14. mdonline03
      I think you can get she so soon, as you want. Mail service - this is the world Evil and methods of dealing with it is still not developed. :lol:
      The doll is very nice and thin - when you receive yours, you will be pleasantly surprised

      boxforox , wilkies
      She will be beautiful!

    15. Victoria Sam…you were right on so many things!:dance My girl showed up today. Took 1 day to get to me once she arrived in US.

      And while I "knew" she was a delicate girl - I really was blown away by how delicate she was. Her hands and fingers, so slim and all arrived in perfect condition. She was packed so well. I cannot wait to get her painted.

      Anyway some notes that made be VERY excited. She can fit some 1/6 scale action figure clothes and shoes:D Of course shirt sleeves and pants are too short but with a little creative styling - it can work. At the moment I have her wearing some items from DiD but also tried some Phicen & Very Cool pieces. DiD shoes fit and look in scale. I also tried some shoes made to fit FR16 which worked as well.

      I ordered the handmade wig from Oxana which is beautiful but I'm afraid I'm going to mess it up. So I plan to use a Monique wig as a back up. I have a 4/5 mohair wig and it fit her perfectly. I'm so excited that she isn't as difficult to dress as I was anticipating. But I'm really looking forward to her custom outfit. Below she's wearing various things from DiD & Ken.
    16. Congratulations on getting the doll!
      Yes - she is thin and clear, just like a fairy, and just awesome! And in the things from DiD & Ken looks very cool!
      And I made a denim bag, to carry the iPhone

    17. Thanks Victoria Sam!
      Your girl is very stylish also - the bag you made looks great too!

      Can't wait to see more of these ladies show up on the board.
    18. Thanks)) I am too))
    19. yeah I've got my shipping notice today!!....she is on her way!!
    20. ok she is almost home:) btw who is DiD ?....I know ken he is the male barbie....love both your girls they are real ladies:)

      Handed to customs 05.08.2015 13:09 Netherlands NLAMSA