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Batchix Mini Machina 29cm Discussion Part 1

Feb 4, 2013

    1. I've never had a doll that takes a size 5-6 wig before, and I'm suddenly realizing that size 5-6 is kind of hard to find! Where are ya'll looking for wigs at? I'd really like my girl to have a pony tail hairstyle, but I'm unsure about the color just yet.
    2. Look for wigs which fit Pukifee or Lati Yellow - there are stacks around. A lot of the mohair wig makers will make a wig of the right size.

      RubyRedGalleria and Luts both do 5-6 wigs.
    3. Ah! I'd be so excited for a grey or lavender Mini Machina release~! :D :aheartbea
      Formydoll has lots of really nice, fun coloured, 5-6inch wigs, and they have a custom/preorder option too! :whee:
    4. Today i was expecting my Cerise Doll Eugene... instead i got my Elna!!! She's super cute and the blue is pretty! <3 im so glad i got her. here she is with Mac her sister from the first preorder!

      Got a package today... by kittywolf13, on Flickr
    5. *flails for more robots to land*

      The magnets holding my gal's faceplate on popped out like, immediately, so I'm about to carefully glue them back in.

      I feel like the 14mm eyes might be a tad on the large side. Can anyone put try 10mm eyes vs 12mm and tell me how they fit/look?
    6. the magnets in mine popped out too... i havent glued them in though. im a little worried about glueing them in wrong. i dont know what size are in my delta... but i think 14's or 16's are in my eta. i like the big eyed look though. their mnf eyes though.
    7. Yeahhhh magnets are scary. One time the magnet I was gluing got too close to a loose magnet, annnndddd they kind of flew at each other and got permanently glued together :doh

      I pulled the receipt for the extra eyes I have...turns out they are 14mm. So I'm pretty sure 10mm will be too small, but I'm very curious about how 12mm would look.
    8. Yeah since its the magnet in her chin, ive kind of left it like that for now, it just means her face plate shifts a little and isnt super firm in place. I received another doll this week and her magnet in the same place fell out too. its totally the weather. the resin expands or something, breaks the glues bond and of course their such strong magnets that now their stuck together. I kind of wish folks would put a thin bit of resin (like volks does) between the magnets... but i bet thats tricky to cast so i understand why they dont. Either way i love her and its not a complaint at all. its no ones fault after all. :P I had a pair of eyes that looked really pretty in her face, but they were too big!! *sad face*
    9. Here's my Hot Magnet Tip, so you don't accidentally put it back in with the wrong polarity, after you ascertain the right side to go in the hole, mark that side with a sharpie dot.
    10. My girl arrived today, her name is Omega. Still deciding on what her body paint is going to be, but so far happy with her look.
      Omega by TeaPartyRevolution, on Flickr
    11. got some wigs yesterday! im planning on chopping this one up similar to batchix's promo eta... i just love the short punky bob look

      Wig fun!! by kittywolf13, on Flickr
    12. I'm still working on my blue Delta, she still needs a lot of work.... but i'm almost done with the Eta I bought from the MP. She's inspired by Quantic Dream's Kara

    13. Ooh kittywolf love the blue wig and skin tone! And can't wait to see your girl all finished mlefever I really like the pink lines on her body. She looks like she's going to be a very sweet girl.

      And I just wanted to show off my new girl, Marx. (She just looks Iike a Queen "B" shes really a girly girl at heart, but Shh you never heard that from me :lol:)

      [​IMG][/url] 20130608_233803 by snaily5044, on Flickr[/IMG]
    14. so glad to see more of these cuties hitting home!!! The weather has been total crap for me... so i havent had a moment to work on Elna... maybe another day.

      So in the mean time have a pic of Elna in the wig i butchered for her. im not too happy with it... but its cute. :)

      Spent a few hours by kittywolf13, on Flickr
    15. My Eta arrived yesterday evening :D she is just perfect! I've named her Sev (Short for Seven, Eta = Seven) I've decided to send her to Tanu-Chan for face up and body blushing. I'll see if I can drop her off this weekend~

      by LilPandaAgent, on Flickr

      I am super thrilled by her quality and I cant wait to snag some pictures of her with my friends WS Delta.
    16. to all the new arrived bots owners: congrats they are all so cute, i really love the pic spam.

      DSCF2642 by mystearika, on Flickr

      here is a pic of my delta before my camera decided to go to sleep
    17. i am also considering soom silicones or maybe mako eyes.

      DSCF2668 by mystearika, on Flickr
      here she is with her wig and faceup :) i call her Mion
    18. Congrats everyone who got there dolls!! It's so nice to all the new arrivals!! My Delta go a new dress and couldn't wait to show off. It always amazes me how versatile these little girls are!!
