1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Batchix Mini Machina 29cm Discussion Part 1

Feb 4, 2013

    1. That is a really nice dress! Did you make it?
    2. No, I got it in the MP. The seller said it was a Tata's.
    3. Yay Tara Byte has a faceup AND eyes!

      Tara's faceup by Skyealloway, on Flickr

      I think her wig will be here Tuesday *fingers crossed*.
      Gah the eyelashes were SO ANNOYING and I'm still irritated that they aren't super symetrical. I'm very happy with my color scheme though - yellow, green, & purple on blue ^_^ Plus, those are like, the nicest lower lashes I've done to date! *tiny celebration*
    4. I grabbed a closeup shot of my Delta, SA55-3 (pronounces "Sassy") while I was taking some pics of my robo dolls the other day:

      DSC01985 by Kitty Fields, on Flickr

      I also have an Eta faceplate for her but I'm not sure what I'll be doing with her quite yet.
    5. Well, guess I may as well post a pic of the whole crew to the thread then so people don't have to follow the link. :D

      DSC01978 by Kitty Fields, on Flickr

      I'll take any excuse to spam my robos! Now if only I had more Mini-Machinas to spam (I want a delta in white someday so I can do Glados, mwuhaha)
    6. Oh yes, the red one (I named her Starchaser) IS a custom job. I bought her off the girl who did her, La Tarte au Citron/Lime. She's completely OOAK and I am EXTREMELY lucky to have her. I could not believe it when I saw she'd been put up for sale; I loved that doll but never EVER thought she'd be rehomed. I almost died with happiness when I got her home. I love her so much. <3

      Speaking of the new Mini-Machina sculpt, someone said Batchix has a WIP photo of the new sculpt on her Tumblr, but I couldn't find it. Anyone have a link?
    7. Oh, kittyfields, now it all makes sense. That's so awesome that you were able to get her.

      Thanks for the link mlefever. The new sculpt, thou rough, looks a lot like Delta, but more humanly-shaped lips? Its the only difference I really see, so far.
    8. Babs got a dress. ^_^

    9. so for reference sake here's Mac wearing a YO-SD sized dress:

      I got a few random doll bits by kittywolf13, on Flickr

      as you can see its baggy on her. length is good, but it would need a belt or to be modified to fit her properly. :)
    10. Here's my new girl - just picked her up this afternoon. No name yet and quite a bit to do. She borrowed some eyes and a wig for some quick photos. I'm in love.

    11. This is Blip. She's a white-skin Eta from the first pre-order. Since I got a hand-cast helmet from Batchix for my Epsilon, I gave Blip his original gray helmet instead. I fits her personality a bit better. Also, this is my first faceup; thankfully I had a good friend who did her eyelashes (bought red eyelashes and the gold eyes from the Utsunomiya Volks).

      I'm going to do her lines in orange once I figure out how to do it. ;D


    12. Lady Ravenswood She's actually not keeping the purple wig, that was just so she wouldn't be bald for photos ^_^ I like the color combo, but that wig already belongs to one of my other dolls, so no sharing! She has a pink wig now, which was always my plan :)

    13. I started working on faceup last night and am quite pleased so far. But I am terrified to work on her body. I know I should take her apart to do this properly, but I've never completely taken apart and restrung a doll so I'm apprehensive. Does this doll have any particular quirks I should know about?
    14. I did mind while strung due to lazy. If you are willing to work slowly you don't necessarily have to unstring her.
      I also have a system where I hang my dolls up from planter hooks on my screened in porch, that way I can spray them with MSC or airbrush them without having to lay them down
    15. Hm, that could work. I've been contemplating doing it as-is, since the blushing wont be everywhere, but who knows. Thanks for the tip :) I have to wait to get MSC anyway.
    16. I think the stringing and unstringing is quite easy I only had problems with getting the hands back on. They are strung very tight and very short strings so you can't even loosen them.