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Batchix Mini Machina 29cm Discussion Part 1

Feb 4, 2013

    1. Yeah, she does seen to be quite tight. But she also seems to be, like.... perfect @_@ Her tension is just right right now. I don't want to mess it up XD
    2. You could just unstringing her lower half and leaver her arms the way they are. If I had know that when I worked on my girl that's what I would have done that rather then fight trying to get her hands back on.
    3. If I'm mostly just filling in her lines, I might be okay to leave her whole, right?
    4. I would think so, that's pretty straight foward.
    5. NoDivision; Both of those wigs look cute on her.
      I kind of like the purple one more, but mostly because the style is more unique.
      She's really cute either way though. :D


      I'm just sitting here in the corner secretly hoping I win the Tableau Vivant contest so I can finally own a Deltaaaaaa. :D
      Well, I guess it's not really secretly now. Haha

      /Goes back to the corner
    6. I love these dolls so much- they are so anime-like...
    7. [​IMG]

      I just adopted a Blue Delta!! Her name is Hadaly after the first "android" in literature and she belongs to my MinoruDoll, Bernadette! They look so cute together! The size is perfect :)
    8. Hadaly is sweet! Love her pink hairs. Don't you love her?
    9. Here is more Hadaly!


      Click the picture for more in the gallery!
    10. What color scheme do you plan on doing for her?
    11. I'm thinking metallic purple for the pinstripes and silver for body blushing.
    12. I've been slowly working on getting Miri's body blushing done, but I think I have her faceup just about sorted. It's fairly subtle, but I like it. I just have to decide if I want to gloss her lips and if I want to give her lashes. I also made custom eyes for her - the gear eye is staying for sure, the blank eye is just a stand in while I figure out what to do for that side.

    13. Cool! I'm interested to see how that comes out on the blue resin

      Wow you made the eyes? Neat! I put gloss on my gal's lips...Gah I need to take more pictures of Tara! I just got a new camera, so I know its time for some new pics...

      In the meantime, here's a photo I took last week. Lol Tara looks like she's "powered down" for the night.
      Powered down by Skyealloway, on Flickr
    14. @Nodivision:The gear eye is awesome! It's really fitting to her, even if she looks very high tech, like all the Machina, and probably doesn't have gears inside!
    15. I like to think maybe she's an older model that was being upgraded but something went wrong, which is why her eyes will be mismatched.
    16. Aaaah, I haven't been in this thread in forever!

      Since then, Justice has gotten a bit of a makeover! She went from this:
      to this:

      I'm super happy with how she's come out, especially considering she's the first BJD I've attempted a proper Faceup on!
      Now I'm working on her wig, which'll have a looooot of super thin dreadlocks, like this:

      I haven't posted her in the database thread yet because she's not quite done, but the more I get her completed, the more I love her ;v;
    17. Ah, she's so adorable! I think that wig looks really good on her! Can't wait to see her all finished up. :)

      As for me, I can't wait for the new Mini-Machina pre-order next year! I came up with another great idea for the white Mini-Machina I want to order who I'm painting as GlaDOS. I want to mod her arm spheres to be GLaDOS's "cores." She has 4 cores. I haven't decided if I'll do one on each side (front + back), or if I'll just do two... but then I'd have to pick between Morality, Curiosity, Cake, and Anger cores. Okay, so Cake would definitely be in. XD The cores have eyes on them too, so I wonder if it'd be possible to mod the shoulder pieces to hold BJD eyes. Eheheheheh, ideas~
    18. Kashizzle the paint is much more vibrant now, it really gives her a very dramatic look!
      Holy Snap KittyFields! A GlaDOS version is a totally awesome idea!