1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Batchix Mini Machina 29cm Discussion Part 1

Feb 4, 2013

    1. Aaah, thank you both! I'm going to try experimenting with attaching the dreads to a fur wig later tonight. I'm not the best at sewing and I'm still very new to making dolly things, but for some reason I feel very comfortable with experimenting on Juz compared to my other BJDs, I've bonded with her so well e-e

      And yeah, I'm looking forward to the next mini order as well! I'm hoping to get another three sisters for Juz (because all of a sudden her concept just evolved so now she demands sisters) when Batchix opens up orders again, and my housemate really wants an Eta as well!
    2. OMG!!!! I never thought I would post in this thread! But guess what I won at the San Diego BJD mini con? A teal green Machina Eta!!! I'm so excited! She's adorable! I'm naming my girl Priss after Bubblegum Crisis. I'm not if I'll blush her yet or not. I also don't have the helmet either. So I might try a wig out on her. Ill take pictures when I get home!
    3. Woohoo congrats on your win!
    4. Congratulations!! They are so much fun ^_^
    5. Wow, congrats! They're so adorable and I love the name you've given her. Can't wait to see photos! :)
    6. Wow, that's awesome! :D Man, I really have to watch Bubblegum Crisis. The characters look so cool...
    7. What an awesome way to get to know to an awesome doll! :D Congratulations!

      I got my girl her real wig the other day, size 5-6 from Luts. Now I need to get around to airbrushing her body :p

    8. Yes Congrats to you! You are going to love her.
    9. Damasquerade: eeeee, nice to see another Aussie Mini <3 the wig is lovely on her
    10. Thanks! I think I bough fully half the raffle tickets that sold! I just HAD to have her! Especially when I saw how amazing Machinas are in person!
    11. My girl got back from the spa today - and I just had to share her.
      This is Omega, finally finished!
      Omega by TeaPartyRevolution, on Flickr
      • x 1
    12. OMFG I LOVE THAT. Holy snap! Her painting is amazing! Like, all of it! Who painted your girl?
    13. Wow she is awesome!
    14. Ooh, she really is awesome! I actually saw some WIP pics of her when I searched up pics of the Mini-Machinas on Flickr the other day.

      @Damasquerade: I'd love to hear your plans for your girl's blushing! I'm still not 100% sure what to do with my green Delta, which makes me feel really guilty since I seem to have an abundance of ideas for the white Delta I want to get (not that I don't absolutely love my green girl too)
    15. So cute!!! Makes me want to do more work on my girl!!

      Question: Has anyone ever used MSC gloss on a doll? I am wondering if it would make the dolls look like they are actually made of metal if they are shiny!
    16. I didn't even know MSC made a gloss
    17. Thank you! Krowbar did my girl - I've got a couple of dolls by her and they're all fantastic.

      Thank you!

      Yes, there would have been a few - that's how Krowbar keeps people up to date with how their doll is going.

      And here is a bit more spam of Omega:
      ADAD 2013/223 - Omega by TeaPartyRevolution, on Flickr
    18. *v* so pretty!

      I took Juz and her finished wig to a meet today- I'm calling her finished for now, but I'll need to remake the wig eventually. ;v;
    19. That's a good wig for her, it reminds me of tubing and wires! The wig I got for mine didn't work out, she runs around bald >.>