1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Bjd frustrations

Aug 17, 2018

    1. Finding shoes I like.

      Clothes, I can handle. I have very particular things that each of my dolls should have to wear, and I can make them myself (if I find the motivation, anyway...), so I'm not worried about not finding what I want ready to buy. But I can't do shoes in the styles I want, and I can't find the right ones, either. Most of my poor dolls are barefoot or in "close enough" shoes because I just can't find the right ones.
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    2. Trying to find an open eye faceplate for my puki's. They sell so fast on the second hand market I miss them. Or I'd have to buy a full doll, but I don't need another full doll.
      I wish fairyland would either announce they canceled the line(so I'd know just to mod) or find a way to to at least make faceplate and magic parts.
    3. I just can't seem to find any modern weapons in 1/4 size. No, I don't need fantasy-style swords or Steampunk pistols. Give me guns, give me rifles, give me army knives and baseball bats - whatever you'd be using during the zombie apocalypse!
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    4. Finding stockings or pantyhoses for FID girls, where the shipping doesn´t cost more than the stockings ...
      Very cool also are etsy sellers who advertise FID size among others, and after you have bought the stockings tell you "oups, sorry, we don´t make FID items anymore"
    5. I have a couple of frustrations but they mostly come from my own aesthetics like trying to find a head sculpt that perfectly balances between realism and stylized.
      the wait times of dolls and how long it takes ( for me anyway) to get a doll "completed"
    6. Making sacrifices to the integrity of fingers [and thumbs] for the sake of customisation on non-BJD props to make them more appropriate for BJDs or in line with the image you have for them...
    7. LOL same

      I adore some fairyland heads but the body aesthetic and joints are not my preference. It would be so perfect if they could sell heads separeletly. :(
    8. Trying to find company websites, finding out some arent available anymore, and figuring out how to buy from the current ones...
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    9. YES. It is SO easy to find this stuff in tiny scales! I have a whole arsenal for my 1/12 dolls, but absolutely nothing for 1/4. I think even 1/3 at least gets a decent amount of stuff just because there's a huge market for Dollfie Dream props. I think I'll commission someone once things calm down.
    10. MSD and smaller sized dolls being too cutesy. Now having an SD sized doll along side an MSD, I found I prefer MSD. The problem is there's an overwhelming majority of sculpts MSD and smaller that look too childish for my characters, especially the male dolls.
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    11. Why is finding glasses for a 70cm so hard? Like. I know they're out there, but where. ;; I grabbed a pretty workable pair off Etsy, but I genuinely can't find them for the life of me.
    12. Oh yes, I just found two nice guns (one short shotgun, one "army rifle") for my two Smart Doll ladies. Regarding 1/4, Facets Boutique got some guns for 1/6 size that work for 1/4, too (the Desert Eagles are large enough they can pass as "normal" guns for 1/4 size). And that's about it. I'll have to commission someone, too. I mean, there's plenty of (free) weapon 3D print files available for all kinds of cosplays. It should be possible to downscale those, right? Or modify them?
    13. Mine is a combination of the clothes and baby faced MSD problems. I want the doll to look fourteen, not nine. On the other hand, I tend to like the outfits for the SD size better than the ones for MSD's.
    14. Finding a Centaur that has realistic proportions that aren't discontinued....

      I'm looking at you, Soom Centauroid Gem...
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    15. Super long wait times and shipping costs. It kills me having to spend like $50+ on shipping. :...(
    16. Smaller (<61cm) SD girl bodies drive me nuts! It seems to be the size that a lot of sculptors simply cannot fathom making with both a "beautiful body line" AND good posing. Gorgeous curves and a sexy figure? Sure! Great articulation and posing? No problem! Both on one doll? Absolutely . . . hope you like BIG girls or minis! :(

      Speaking of minis, they also drive me a little nuts. So many of them fall in this weird area where they look too mature to work as little kids with bigger dolls due to their mature body shape and proportions, but are hard pressed to look older than young teens due to their baby faces. Give me my child minis and mature minis separately, enough with always trying to cram both styles into a single doll!
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    17. Oh, wow. I've got a few.

      For starters, I agree with everyone here. SHOES!! It's such a mixed bag. Either the style I like doesn't come in a 1/3rd size or they end up looking oversized. UGH.

      Second, photography. This is really more a learning curve, honestly, but I wish there were more 1/3 props in the world like there are 1/4 or 1/6. 1/4 at least matches height with American Girl dolls/My Generation and 1/6 matches with fashion doll scale, but nothing mass-manufactured quiiite matches 1/3.

      My biggest one though is restringing. I haaaaate restringing. It drives me up a wall and I dread it every time. It makes me want to get into the dolls with the skeletons like Dollfie Dreams, but those have their own problems, and naturally, I'd have to mod the neck to hybrid with a resin BJD head.
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    18. Scalping. It is irritating to find a doll for sale. Wait for my budget to open up only to find the doll sold. Then a month later find pieces of it for more than the original doll.
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    19. Wig shopping! I've spent way more money than I care to admit trying to find the perfect shade of brunette for one of my dolls. I've resorted to trying to make the wig myself but now I can't get the right color for the fibers! :vein
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    20. That the perfect doll just doesn’t exist for me. I just had to buy two dolls to make even close to my dream because it doesn’t exist outside of hybrids. Then I worried about resin matching and modifications(thank goodness it doesn’t require that). I couldn’t just outright buy this, couldn’t even just buy the head and body, had to buy two separate limited dolls because both the head and the body were limited. :doh