1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Bjtales Tiny discussion part 1

Aug 4, 2013

    1. I know what you mean: mouse boy rocks. So I contacted Jpopdolls and 9 days ago this was their reply: "At this time we do not have any plans to sell more Mouse, we have sold her in white, fair and violet skin tones. We currently do not have plans to sell the Mouse boy, you can contact the artist directly for ordering information." Ofcourse I immediately contacted Lidiya. This was her short reply on the 14th of March: "I have plans to make it with jpop 8-)" It's a little puzzling, but it seems like we just have to be patient (don't know about you, but I'm not very good at that:).
    2. Thank you for doing this research & sharing the information Taysikuu How confusing! I am not patient either, especially when I see s doll I really, really, really want!
    3. I want that boy mouse too. Are they not the cutest things ever?!! Grace, the owner of JPop is coming to the Austin doll convention in August and if we haven't heard anything about the boys by then, I'll beg and plead for her to sell them.
    4. That's wonderful linakauno...I would come and beg & plead right along with you if I could!!!! It's been a long time since I have found a doll that I want sooooooo badly & it is so frustrating not to be able to get any definate answers.
    5. I know what you mean. Two years ago, Grace had one lavender girl mouse for sale at her booth at the convention. I walked right past and didn't see it until someone else had bought her, but the new owner let me hold her in my hand. I was completely smitten and had to have one. I was able to get in on the normal skin preorder (last year?) to get my girl mouse, but I like dolls to have friends. More fun that way!
    6. lol, comforting to hear I'm not the only mouse-addict Jonlyn and linakauno (and I'm sure there are many more out there). Hopefully Lidiya & Grace will have mercy on us soon:)
    7. GREAT news! I just heard from Lydia & white Mouse Boy will be coming out at JPop!!!!! She didn't say when but at least we know he will be available sooner or later. Time to start seriously feeding my piggy bank!
    8. Now that's good news to start a brand new day with. Thanks for sharing.
    9. That is great news, but now the big question has to be answered: do I want a white mouse boy (my mouse girl is normal skin) or do I want to wait in agony for years until (or even if) another color gets released? *sigh* The only possible answer is that my mouse girl may have several mouse men admirers if more boys appear later. Fortunately, there is a long enough time between releases of Jpop dolls to save mouse money.

      Weirdly, I am content with having only one mouse girl but somehow want a boy mouse in each color. I think it's that they are all so adorable and look so cute all hanging around together, like juvenile delinquents on a street corner. Those boy mice all look like perfect rascals to me. :)
    10. Lidiya made at least 12 mouseboys. Did you also wonder where they all had gone? Flickr shows only some of them. So I was happy to find more pictures on http://forum.dollplanet.ru. There is also a white one there...

      To ease the waiting;)
    11. Yikes! It's in Russian (which I cannot read, sadly). Where are those mice?
    12. Aaaarrrggghhh! I'm dying from the cuteness! Those little faces are so wonderful.
    13. Lidiya did it again: beautiful Nifer (a doll collaboration with Lightpainted doll) is on her way. Check out facebook/flickr.
    14. yes nifer is pretty, not sure who is going to sell her? lidia or lightpainted doll......love the boy mouse too, but I will have to wait for one on second market because it is to expensive to buy from jpops ....have to pay a lot of shipping and a lot of customs, so only when I can't resist like the first version of mouse I buy..but if the face-ups are as pretty as the ones she already made..........aahh then I will be doomed!!
    15. Eep settles in: just arrived and well.. er... I think I'm still in control.

      [​IMG]pyro eep by Taysikuu, on Flickr
    16. Oh Eep is so darling.....want to see more of her please!
    17. Adorable!! I'm so crazy about these little creatures.
    18. Thanks Jonlyn & linakauno. Eep is also in the Gallery...
    19. oh eep is sweet, lovely pictures on your flickr :)